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Everything posted by CharlieZulu

  1. OK, I'm a complete Luddite... I went out and bought a little MP3 player, but have NO clue how to download the podcache podcasts.... HELP?? Chris 1 - Just go here: http://www.podcacher.com/?cat=2 2 - Select the show you want and click on the title 3 - Right click on "Listen To The Show" and download (save link) the episode 4 - Then install teh MP3 file on your MP3 Player, each player is different so read your manual on how to install an MP3 on the player. Right click..... DOH! I was looking for something more complex. Thanks, works like a charm Chris
  2. OK, I'm a complete Luddite... I went out and bought a little MP3 player, but have NO clue how to download the podcache podcasts.... HELP?? Chris
  4. Too bad, really. I kinda like keeping quiet about it.
  5. How about one of them really cool Microwave blasters??
  6. He he, not bad... So, who's got the coveted "FTF" plate? How better to rub it in to everyone else when they see that sitting in the parking lot! TOMTEC There are kiosks here and there that you can use to see if the name you want has been taken or not. I couldn't believe mine was not taken, so I went for it. Took 10 weeks to get, though. I might look into those special screws, I think.
  7. Cripes, am I asking for it, or what??
  8. Here's my '04 TJ:
  9. RFID tags. Well developed, quite common, and within a few years of becoming ubiquitous. Yes RFID tags are going to be everywhere, but 99.99% of them are passive and must be scanned (or placed thru a scanner) to be read. These coins alledgedly have a transmitter built into them and are pumping position data, to what system I don't know. Conspiracy theory? Uh-oh (clickie). Poppycock, I say!
  10. Some of us here are involved with electronics, satellites, etc and I have to go along with the April Fool thing. We all know that electronics is shrinking all the time... look at your cell phone, iPod, etc etc and MEMS technology is coming along just fine.. and for that matter so is Nanotech but what do you suppose is the technology used here to do the "tracking"? Chris
  11. OK, I'll go...... 2000km?
  12. What new bird has recently gone up that has the WAAS payload?
  13. .... and there's NOTHING like the first find. It's a one-time deal, and although all finds are good fun, the very first one will always have a special feeling attached to it. When I was getting my pilot's licence, that very first solo gave me the same feeling. The first time you're allowed to go up there on your very own without the instructor.... priceless. The 2nd time was fun, the there's nothing like the first time. Congrats! Chris
  14. I've sent several emails, but to no avail. And no, it wasn't a real $10 bill, just a one-sided photocopy, although it's been pointed out to me that I probably broke the law by photocopying money. I drive over 100 km/hr on the freeway as well.
  15. There are three right close by to you, which actually ARE ATV trails, starting with GCMYFR
  16. 10C ? (isn't it sort of time-dependent, though ?)
  17. Based on the logs, I'd say it looks like the cache has been muggled. I wouldn't hold my breath. Odd that the log date is later than the date the cache went missing though. Probably just a bad date on the log though. My one and only (TB clickie) has been missing for 2 years now. I'm pretty sure what happens is that a cacher picks it up and then quits caching.... doesn't respond to emails, etc. Kinda frustrating.
  18. Also...... join the OGA, they have some tips right on the main page.
  19. Dunno the dates, but where I live (western GTA) I have been seeing the pickup trucks parked at various forest areas for a week or so now, early in the morning. Maybe some info here. Kinda weird that part of the URL is "pubmenu", eh?
  20. One of my caches is locked (with a padlock) and the key is inside the cache. Most people really like it, others get frustrated. Check it out
  21. My Jeep with her plates at a cache
  22. It's important to understand the frequencies in question.... the GPS signal is roughly 1/10th the frequency of your Satellite TV signal, and is less affected by rain, etc.
  23. 12 6 (more intelligent guess this time)
  24. Up Yours Down Town Top Heavy Bottom Dweller
  25. I would like to change my username from charliezulu to CharlieZulu i.e. no spelling changes, just capitalization. Is this possible??
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