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Everything posted by turtlemcclure

  1. I believe. Awaiting orders for Phase V.
  2. Don't have many traders and I was told by someone on this forum that my traders were worthless so if anyone has a Whale Trail AE gold, I am offering $150 for one. Also looking for Silverdragon/Hammerjane if anyone would be willing to sell or trade. If someone would be interested in trading these coins for any of these, here are my traders. 10 10 10 North Carolina Cacher Prospect coin/patch/pathtag MIGO 2006 summer GOD Jul 2009
  3. Anyone got any extra of the Red otter? Just saw the thread. Awesome coin!
  4. Those alien clouds, tornados and storms this past week remind me of War of the Worlds. I was waiting for the aliens to come out of the ground. They must have come during the night and be in hiding during the day. Trees down, roofs off and cars thrown around like Tonka toys. Hope they aren't still mad. I DEFINITELY BELIEVE!!!!!!
  5. Love the poem. Great words about a great coin designer and person.
  6. Send Cache_Kitty an email. She may still have one or two. email sent. Fingers crossed.
  7. If anyone has an extra of the Indiana version, I'd be interested in purchasing it. Don't have a whole lot to trade. My best friend is from there and it's for her.
  8. Still looking for this one I will pay cash plus these coins for an AE Tsun Whale Trail Geocoin. Name your price! Got Coords Fire Cacheper Michigan MIGO 2006 Summer U.F.O's 2006 nickel
  9. Got one more I'd like to have. I will pay cash plus these coins for an AE Tsun Whale Trail Geocoin. Name your price! Got Coords Fire Cacheper Michigan MIGO 2006 Summer 101010 Pretty In Pink U.F.O's 2006 nickel
  10. I am a little late but I Believe!!!!! Hope Mr. Gray makes it to Tennessee!
  11. Love to see new designs of mystery coins!! Cool Very Cool! Congrats to the recipients of this mystery coin! May the force be with you all! May I one day see one in person!
  12. Me too!!! Me Too!!!
  13. Any pictures? What does it look like? I might be interested.
  14. I like the Silvermist and the purple. I would like one of each.
  15. Congrats to all the latest recipients of this awesome coin. Glad to see Mickey Diver is alive and well. Nice to see the new designs. They are truly AWESOME!
  16. Congrats to all who have received this coin. I hope to be a recipient of my second mystery coin one day. I love seeing the generosity of those mystery coin givers. Thanks for giving hope to us all. Mystery coins seem to arrive when we happen to need some joy when we are down, hope when we feel all is lost. Once again thanks.
  17. Got one more I'd like to have. If anyone has a Sweetlife (gold or nickel/silver)geocoin they'd like to trade, I have Austria Nano (Ernies) Project FRED round Cacheper Blue Fire Back Brake Billy Geoscooter Pink Goscooter Blue Got Coords Fire Courage Lion Black Nickel Geoparrot Team Thorny Geotoids purple/gold Sunriver ALL of these for ONE Sweetlife (gold or nickel/silver)
  18. Would love to be on the reserve list for this one. Colors are awesome.
  19. Please change mine from one coin to a set if at all possible. Thanks! I like all 3.
  20. Count me in for one like the sample. I love it!
  21. Got one more I'd like to have. If anyone has a Mr. Gray mystery coin they'd like to trade, I have Austria Nano (Ernies) Project FRED round Cacheper Blue Fire Back Brake Billy Geoscooter Pink Goscooter Blue Got Coords Fire Courage Lion Black Nickel Geoparrot Team Thorny Geotoids purple/gold Sunriver ALL of these for ONE Mr. Gray!
  22. LMAO! Did you mean as close as it gets to a Scottish coin or as close as he gets to going to Scotland? Wish I had one to send you. Do you have the Scotland 2006? Well, he is Scottish and would love to see his homeland. I know this is a very expensive trip and we probably will never have the funds to go there. I showed him this coin in a picture and he liked it alot and when I told him where it was from he liked it even more. And no I do not have the Scotland 2006 nor have I seen it. Trade made. Thanks!
  23. LMAO! Did you mean as close as it gets to a Scottish coin or as close as he gets to going to Scotland? Wish I had one to send you. Do you have the Scotland 2006? Well, he is Scottish and would love to see his homeland. I know this is a very expensive trip and we probably will never have the funds to go there. I showed him this coin in a picture and he liked it alot and when I told him where it was from he liked it even more. And no I do not have the Scotland 2006 nor have I seen it.
  24. I have only received one mystery coin the Mickey Diver. The rest have been trades. Carpe Diem, Dragonfly Dreams, Mystery Heart antique silver T/O, Cache Reaper, Geo Honu (Mystery Turtle), Creepy Crawly Cachers, Mystical Greenman, Dark Knight black nickel and shiny nickel and The Wishing Coin. I think I treasure the Mickey Diver and Mystery Turtle the most as they were my most wanted. I only have two more mystery coins I would love to have. One is the Highland Geofairy (this is for my husband who hails from the Highlands of Scotland) and the other is Mr. Gray (this one is for me as I DO Believe)
  25. I finally got my wish. I received in trade a Mystery Turtle black nickel and white. I wanted to do cartwheels outside but there was too much snow so I just jumped around the house like a crazy woman. I am so thankful to have received this awesome coin. Thanks for the trade!
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