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Posts posted by cosninocanines
If you know the coordinates or at least one cache in the park you can run a Pocket Query from your Account page.
BINGO that did the trick the United States was there but the State was blank.
Thank You! to all who worked on this and made suggestions I really appreciate it.
This is what I see:
Search Options
Search for nearest caches from your home coordinates (filter out finds)
List newest in United States
View nearby benchmarks
Update home coordinates
If I click on the United States I get this:
Searching for...
All Geocaches
By State/Country
Country United States
State/Province Arizona (AZ)
I hit the seek button
And get the results for Alabama very frustrating
On the PQ I kept it to a minimum checking only active in the last 7 days, picking Arizona from the drop down list of States and placed in the last week. There may not be any new ones so the fact that the PQ was empty does not mean it did not work I just don't know. On my previous post i said nearest I meant to say Newest. Still trying to resolve this.
Checked and the home coordinates are set and correct, the zip code on the set up page was wrong and I changed that but it did not solve the problem. All the rest of the searches from the hide and seek page work and the Search for nearest caches on my Account page works it is just this silly find nearest link that does not work.
I tried to use a Pocket Query with Arizona and all placed within the last week and it comes up with none found so I don't know if that is the case or it's not working either. Anyway all help on this is appreciated.
It just isn't working I tried California and still got Alabama. I access this link from My Account Details page right side under Search Options and the link "List newest in" United States. This takes me to another page which has a drop down list of the States. This is where it gets squirley no matter which State I enter I get Alabama. My goal is to find the newest cache locations in Arizona.
Thanks briansnat for getting this in the correct spot.
GSAK is a super program that you can download from the geocaching.com web site. Go to Resources, Geocaching software and click on Geocaching Swiss Army Knife. We keep several data bases (local areas) on ours so we can quickly download the data to our GPS'r when ever we are headed to that area.
You can build Pocket Queries from your Account Details page and download the gpx files directly into your GSAK data base. An example, we have a pocket query for the city our in-laws live in, whenever we plan to visit we run the query for that city download it to GSAK then download to our GPS'r and walla we have the cache's in that city.
From the My Account Details page and under Search Options is a link for list newest in US. I'm having trouble with the link after it takes me to the next page. I change the State to Arizona but the results that come back are for Alabama. Any thoughts on what's going on?
We did not receive the level of responses that we would need to either staff the booth at the Phoenix Summit Challenge or to hold an AZGCA organizational meeting. We have canceled our booth space for the weekend, and we are canceling the meeting scheduled for Saturday afternoon.
I received ths in an email today so the event I mentioned earlier is off. We do have a Yahoo group for Nothern AZ chek it out.
That said get your GPS'r and jump in, this is a great way to see things you might never see. It may go a little slow at first but experience will help you gain confidence.
On topic! Wear the orange and if possible avoid the opening days or weekends of rifle hunts. In Arizona I notice that opening day and weekends are heavily hunted then most folks return to work. I have been out caching over the last month when our hunting season is in full swing as a hunter myself I tend to be aware of all the surroundings not just the arrow on the gps'r. If I see a hunter enroute I simply retreat and come back another time. As mentioned before avoid the early and late hours of the day. Last but not least check the web for the agency in your state responsible for hunting it will have a ton of information.
Hello all,I have been pondering this hobby for about a year now and I think I am ready.I was wondering if there are any groups in Arizona (or individuals) that I could go to to get aquainted with this sport.I have never used a GPS or compass and map before and I would like to be able to see how it`s done and get some pointers.Thanks
Here is a little info I will get back to you in a little while with more.
The Arizona Geocachers Association has two key events the weekend of
November 18 and 19.
That weekend is the Phoenix Summit Challenge
(http://www.phoenixsummitchallenge.com/). This is a series of events, the
main one of which is an opportunity to climb seven of the most significant
peaks in the Phoenix area. (Hey, you up in Flagstaff! Stop laughing!) In
conjunction with these events, AZGCA has been invited by Phoenix Parks and
Recreation to staff a booth at "Adventures Phoenix", which will be held
throughout both days at the REI at Paradise Valley Mall:
12634 N Paradise Village Pkwy W
Phoenix, AZ 85032
2 blocks west of Tatum Blvd, just north of Cactus Rd
N 33 36.109 W 111 59.350
BUT WAIT, THERE'S MORE! Just to make it even more interesting, we had also
decided to hold the next in-person AZGCA organizational meeting on Saturday,
November 18. So in order to enable us to "be in two places at once", we have
rented a meeting room at the Mesquite Library, 4525 E Paradise Village Pkwy
N, about .35 miles from REI (N 33 36.243 W 111 59.038). The meeting will be
from 1-4 PM.
Short note: make sure the North Rim is still open many things close for the winter and the road itself is closed for the snow season. But that said we believe the North Rim far surpasses the South Rim for beauty.
Come out and take a look, Arizona is a state that has just about everything. You can choose any climate from low desert to alpine, though there is no ocean we do have some very nice lakes and even a few rivers. Caching is abundant but beware rattle snakes are still active and more so in the daylight now that the weather has cooled off. Don't fret just beware and if you do encounter one just give it some space and it won't bother you. Have a nice trip and Welcome to the home of the Grand Canyon.
Can you give me some specs of your system, like screen size and browser being used?
I hope this is the info you are looking for I'm not overly computer savy THANKS!
Provider = AOL 9.0 SE
Dell 17 inch flat screen set at 1024 x 768 pixels
OS Windows XP version 2002 Service pack 2
Well the Firefox worked and I get the whole map however it continues to cut off the lower half of the map when I'm using AOL or Microsoft Internet Explorer.
Can you give me some specs of your system, like screen size and browser being used?
I hope this is the info you are looking for I'm not overly computer savy THANKS!
Provider = AOL 9.0 SE
Dell 17 inch flat screen set at 1024 x 768 pixels
OS Windows XP version 2002 Service pack 2
What URL are you accessing to view the maps?
This an example, the map shows the top half of the map with the bottom covered by the
Identify-Shows... etc text.
Zoom in/out ...
Can anybody help me with this?
What URL are you accessing to view the maps?
This an example, the map shows the top half of the map with the bottom covered by the
Identify-Shows... etc text.
Zoom in/out ...
Virtual caches were (and continue to be) one of our favorite types and we would love to see them back. However that said I would agree that it was historic sites and National Parks monuments etc, that we enjoy the most. So please count us in as viva la virtual!
When I access the maps I am only getting 1/2 of the map. I'm on a plain old modem and google earth maps take forever to download so I prefer to use the old map page. Does anybody know what is causing this or how to fix it?
Thank You Lil Devil that did the trick!!
I am trying to place a link to a web site on one of my cache pages. I have done this on some of my TB's but the code I am using there does not seem to work on the cache description. this is what I'm using
<a href="http:// www.fs.fed.us/r3/coconino/recreation/peaks/kendrick-watchable.shtml">click here</a>
Can someone please help me resolve this?
Launched one in Arizona yesterday, placed it in a new cache. My Question is How can you find caches where these have been placed? I know I can go through the find a cache page but do I really have to look at every cache in the state until I find the GJ icon?
Looks great when will they be available? Days or months
New & Learning
in How do I...?
I would strongly recommend becoming a Premium Member $30 a year but well worth it. Scrol down to the create upgrade box on the geocaching.com home page and check it out. Premium membership will allow you to download free software for use with your new GPS'r. Click on the resources button then Geocaching Software link to see all that is available, I prefer GSAK. Have fun this is a great sport, hobby, or maybe an addiction.