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Posts posted by Rebore
The caching app I use talks to me. In 300 meters turn right. (Does your caching app do this?) I leave the phone in the console, or in the in the shirt pocket.
Oh, I must get an app that talks to me! Other hikers will be in awe of me!
My GPSr does turn by turn navigation even on hiking trails, but it's just a "BEEP" when I should take a turn
Are you allowing your "6th sense" to atrophy?? Will the device turn into a hyperactive geiger counter if a bear is stalking you??
Also, why the industrial age "BEEP"? Why not a new age "OMMM"?!
The trouble is, while finding an urban cache, just as I'm being stealthy crawling under a bench, everyone nearby will hear, "BEEP," which I guess is better than "You have arrived at your destination."
I've just tried it once and it worked well, but I quickly found out that I always have to take the hard way/steep path. A bear or wolf detector would be awesome though, they are very rarely seen around here.
I mostly ignore urban caches and just look at the maps/aerial images before I head out for one. I'm afraid that someone will call the bomb squad if I'm beeping under a bench. "You have arrived at your destination" will just make you look like a homeless person.
The caching app I use talks to me. In 300 meters turn right. (Does your caching app do this?) I leave the phone in the console, or in the in the shirt pocket.
Oh, I must get an app that talks to me! Other hikers will be in awe of me!
My GPSr does turn by turn navigation even on hiking trails, but it's just a "BEEP" when I should take a turn
Just do a search for Dave Ulmer, Mike Teague and Jeremy Irish, and you will find more information, not only coming from
I think it depends on the difficulty of the climb. I have a cache about 15 ft up in a pine tree that is as easy as climbing a ladder. I have it rated at 3 stars. A more difficult climb will be rated higher. I've seen a few that are in trees that pretty much require the use of climbing gear. Those are appropriately rated 5 stars.
I agree, but the logs indicate that you don't only need special equipment, it has to be the right equipment. So difficulty may be to discuss, but terrain is not, even if the CO could hide it withouut using any special gear.
And then there's this cache, the rating for which has been debated since publication.
IIRC, it started as 1.5/5, then was changed to 5/1.5, and is now back to 1.5/5.
That's clearly a T5 no matter how D is rated. I think the binary choice between 1.5/5 and 5/1.5 is quite strange, but I guess it's all about the D/T grid.
edit: T/D changed to D/T
To translate from any language to any language go to Google Translate. You can copy and paste the text in and it will translate it from/into any language
Please translate the following log using any online service:
Bel percorso! Molti scalini, qualcuno scivoloso o cedevole, comunque una gita adatta anche a ragazzini. Il sentiero è ben tenuto, fino all'ultimo metro.I'm quite sure using a translation service is exactly what OP did, but was aware of the issues the result might have.
I think it would have been way more honest to say we do not allow new challenge caches any longer and probably be more satisfactory as it would have avoided a lot of frustration.
I fully agree.
@AnnaMoritz: At least I'm not surprised it doesn't surprise you, because you are something like the Almanach of Geocaching. Thank you very much for your input.
It's gotten to the point where I'm reluctant to point to any fresh challenge cache ideas because the most likely result is the cache being retroactively prohibited by a new rule or a new interpretation of an old rule.
Well heck, apparently you can indirectly mention that a challenge idea exists and somehow it'll get tracked down (as noted in this thread) .
In my opinion the Bi-Polar challenge doesn't meet the standard for criteria "A challenge cache needs to appeal to and be attainable by a reasonable number of cachers. Your reviewer may ask for a list of cachers from your area who qualify."
I think there are plenty of cachers travelling between Europe, America and Asia, but very little visiting the polar circles. It's quite strange that TPTB argued with user defined polygons.
I hear you, but, at the same time, because of GS's desire to make such restrictions concrete, all the CO had to do was show that a few local cachers had already achieved it -- which for some reason wasn't hard to do in that area, apparently -- and it no longer mattered that it was, by any reasonable standard, completely impossible. (Again, note that I'm entirely against appeal as a requirement to begin with, I'm just pointing out the inconsistency between the goals, the rules, and the results.)
It wasn't up for long and 5 people passed the checker.
That is more than I thought. Don't get me wrong, even a Three Poles Challenge (including Mt. Everest) would be much more appealing to me than what is permitted now, even if I would never be able to do it. It seems GS is taking the same road as with events some time ago - kill the interesting ones (for me). AnnaMoritz showed a way how it could be rephrased to fulfill the current guidelines, but I guess quite a few owners will simply stop hiding challenges at all.
I too had problems with the rejection of the Bi-Polar challenge. Guideline 10 (user-defined polygons) was the cited reason.
In my opinion the Bi-Polar challenge doesn't meet the standard for criteria "A challenge cache needs to appeal to and be attainable by a reasonable number of cachers. Your reviewer may ask for a list of cachers from your area who qualify."
I think there are plenty of cachers travelling between Europe, America and Asia, but very little visiting the polar circles. It's quite strange that TPTB argued with user defined polygons.
If you signed up for Pokémon Go with your Google account, you might not know it but the game now has "full account access."
According to the latest update from Adam Reeve they are already working on it:
"So Niantic have come out with a statement which you can read over at Polygon. The summary is that they acknowledge the issue and are working on a fix for the app. Google are also working to change the privileges given to existing users so hopefully it should be resolved for everyone soon."
ETA: There seems to be another issue which endangers your phone:
Bei wiederholter Löschung den Owner bei GS melden.
Ich denke, dass sich GS höchstens um ungerechtfertig gelöschte "Found it" Logs kümmert. Es wäre natürlich schön, wenn ich mich irre.
Die Option hatte ich auch gesehen, aber es war nicht so ganz klar, ob man sich selbst beschenken kann, oder ob man einen anderen Cacher finden muss, um sich gegenseitig zu beschenken. Das muss ich mir mal noch genauer anschauen.
Ja, ich musste mich immer selbst beschenken, da der normale Bezahlvorgang aus irgendeinem Grund nie geklappt hatte. Die Version mit den Geschenkgutscheinen ist seit der VAT-Diskussion populärer geworden.
I hope the statement "Reviewers do not blacklist cachers." is true so that all cachers have the chance of getting their cache published, provided that they meet the guidelines.
I think that statement is true, but some dogs have an astonishing memory.
Here are some preliminary results of my wading into the brave new world of The Smartphone.
Thank you very much for your review, I really appreciate it since this is the only way I consider using a smartphone (Orwell's Telescreens). You saved me a lot of hassle.
Actually, I do not think that the OP has not experienced such situations.
You are wrong and I wish I had photos to prove you wrong. I don't normally stop to photograph narrow public roads while I am riding.
Cheezits! He is supporting you and you still have to be contrary?
Double negation seems to be hard to understand for some people, especially if they're already up in arms.
Just looked at the map and they are still there. Almost all of them have over 5000 finds.
On a side note: How many of those finds have been logged from Germany (or in German)? Just curious, maybe someone knows a rough number.
Ich sehe hier null Problem. Als Base Member hat man ohnehin drei volle Gpx-Dateien (und 10.000 in der Light-Version) pro Tag zum Download per Api zur Verfügung.
Pyro1 hat lediglich vergessen rechtzeitig anzufangen.
Das hilft bei PMO caches als Basic Member genau nichts, ausser das man nach dem Versuch nur noch 2 downloads zur Verfügung hat.
Really. You are playing the seniority card and berating the 'youth' for their irreverence?
How well does 'Get off my lawn' translate in your language?
Pretty well, I guess. The Autrians are well known for their Weisenheimer attitude.
If you feel the need to insult a whole nation, you could at least try to spell it correctly.
How does it feel like to know the solution to every mystery and multi cache you've ever reviewed?
You don't need a reviewer to answer that question, just ask one of the many geocachers participating in final coordinate sharing lists/databases.
My comments here are colored by the fact that we enjoy caching as a family with young kids. That said, I don't get micros. There's nothing fun or rewarding in finding a tube hanging from a tree branch. Along those's a pet peeve when a CO classifies a cache as "Regular" size and it turns out to be a cigar tube/film canister/pill bottle w/ a wet log and no room for anything else. "Phantom" TBs are annoying too...
What's a "Phantom" TB?
I guess it's a TB or GC which is listed in the cache inventory, but it's not really there.
Need this for my grid, none show active in PQ's, any archived and still available out there, some where ??
I'll take an obvious ammo can under a pile of sticks over a devious nano any day.
Where is the fun in "finding" something you can see from a mile away?
I like caches that are hidden from the view of muggles, not from the view of cachers. The fun lies in every other aspect of the hunt. YMMV.
Agreed. I don't think requiring a checker on every challenge will really work towards any resolution (except maybe reducing challenge cache submissions) unless GS really wants to dig deep for funds for R&D and development, either for hardware or web development for the new system.
Now that's funny. 19 pages of discussion about what might be the problems and how to solve these, although the only information we've got is "this cache type causes more workload for GS and the reviewers than any other". GS doesn't even provide a puzzle checker, which is trivial compared to a CC checker. But sure, they are going to throw lots of money on "research and development and development" to reduce the workload.
Temporarily Disable Listing
13 Sep 15
I am temporarily disabling this cache listing because virtual (photo) finds of the cache location have been allowed.
This cache listing will be archived if any further virtual logs are not deleted.
Na toll. Wenn die Betreffenden in den Logs einfach nur Found geloggt hätten und den Owner unmittelbar eine Mail geschickt hätten wäre nichts passiert. So kann man auch den Betrug fördern.
Ich bin perplex. Die Owner haben einen Urlaubscache gelegt, den sie selbst nicht warten können. Nach dem NM bot ein Cacher an, eine neue Dose etwas abseits zu platzieren, erhielt aber keine Antwort. Nachdem die Owner der Aufforderung des Reviewers nicht nachkamen und weiter Fotologs duldeten, wurde er vom Reviewer archiviert. Wie fördert das einen wie auch immer gearteten Betrug?
Why isn't geocaching organised by a non profit organisation?
in General geocaching topics
Because caches are placed by individuals who don't see any monetary profit. Reviewers also don't get paid, so it sounds like an open source project to me. Openstreetmap is non profit, and the maps are sometimes far better than google maps, especially for hiking.