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Posts posted by Rebore
I reported them to Groundspeak as well. This is a bot logging. Their account should be shut down immediately. It is abusive behavior and I really shame that it came from my country.
I really enjoy caching in your country, although I have only found a handful of caches in a small area.
There are black sheep everywhere, no need to feel ashamed.
Die Bombe würde ich gerne mal persönlich entschärfen.
Wenn du den von mir verlinkten Artikel liest, verstehst du meinen Standpunkt wahrscheinlich besser.
„Das Einzige, was wir zu fürchten haben, ist die Furcht selbst.“
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Das ist jetzt Sarkasmus, oder?
Nein das heißt neudeutsch "besorgter Bürger" ....
Ich stimme Mausbiber aber zu man muss extrem vorsichtig sein. Irgendjemand hat bei
N 46° 45.779 E 012° 48.057 einen "komischen" Gegenstand versteckt. Dort sind auch Personen unterwegs die sich auffällig verhalten. Der mutmaßliche Versteckter kommuniziert auch in sozialen Foren über islamistischen Terror. Sehr interessant dazu ist auch die Seite auf der noch weitere geheime Informationen in indischer Zahlenschrift (in einschlägigen Kreisen auch "Arabische Ziffern genannt") versteckt sind. Da ist alles sehr verdächtig! Bitte benachrichtigt jemand sofort die Polizei, ich kann das nicht mehr denn ich tauche nun ab. Ich habe Angst um meine Sicherheit und meinen Aluhut…
“Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.”
*Dieser Beitrag kann leichte Spuren von Sarkasmus enthalten
Ich finde es ja schön, dass ich mit meiner Meinung nicht alleine dastehe.
Eine so scharfe Klinge wäre aber nicht nötig gewesen, hoffe ich.
Die Instrumentalisierung des Volkes
Angst wirke destabilisierend auf eine Gesellschaft, erzählt Gerd Gigerenzer, Direktor des Max-Planck-Instituts für Bildungsforschung, in einem Focus-Artikel, damit arbeite der Terrorismus beispielsweise. Doch auch die Politik kann Nutznießer sein: In vielen Fällen wird dieses Gefühl der Menschen gezielt gesteuert und ausgenutzt. Wie gestaltet sich dieses Wechselspiel von Angst und Politik? Wie wurde und wird Angst instrumentalisiert? -
Ich sehe da nur 4 Tote seit 2004
Daran kannst du doch deutlich erkennen wie gut es ist, dass Leute undefinierbare Gegenstände melden.
Das ist jetzt Sarkasmus, oder?
Spoiler: Ich sehe da nur 4 Tote seit 2004 in D, 2 davon waren die Attentäter selbst.
Ich mein, es gab 2015 in Deutschland 3.475 Verkehrstote - was gemessen an der Gesamtzahl der Bevölkerung bedeutet, dass meine Chance, in einem Unfall zu sterben, recht gering ist.
Wie viele Tote gab es durch Bomben?
I would probably say leave it as it is, and don't cut back the branches. Mention on the cache page that some of the signs are overgrown, and maybe add half a star to the D or T rating.
This. I think it adds some thoughts, your cache is 'growing'.
think I'm going to bow out until the rudeness and condescending tones turn into discussion again.
thanks for the info those of you who contributed, it was an interesting read. :-)
I don't see any overly rude responses, to be honest.
Comparing antenna, chipset and firm/software is the only way escaping the color-of-the-car discussion.
If I got into the hobby today, I can't imagine I'd waste money on a dedicated GPS. I still use my old Garmen 450 for nostalgia purposes, but I'm sure that the tech in my iPhone 6 is far superior. And if it's an urban cache, I'll only consider the phone, as it's so easy to pull up the satellite image to zoom in.
The tech is far superior, however there is still physics.
The electronics to correlate the satellite signals has gotten a lot better. But phones don't have much room for a proper GPS antenna, so their ability to detect the signals in marginal conditions tends to be worse. And new GPS units use the same tech as new phones. So comparing a new Garmin 64 to a iPhone, the Garmin will still win.
you mean like putting the iPhone in a faraday cage, and the 64 up on a flagpole? yes, it would win there.
The 6x series has a built-in flagpole, it's the antenna fizzymagic mentioned.
Maybe a leader like this?
I doubt that WTF bothers most adults here, but we're talking about a game played by families, many with young children. If that acronym were spell out using a word that includes a profanity, most of us might not be bothered, but the parents of young children would probably not want to have to explain to their children what the name of the cache means.
Why not just provide the obvious and honest reply "I do not know" as they cannot know what the cache owner had in mind. I have fpound many caches where I did not understand the title (acronyms and other types). Why bother at all? Sometimes I think that living in the Us must really be complicated
Why should the parent have to explain anything at all because the CO thinks it's cute or clever to name their caches using an acronym commonly associated with a profanity. It doesn't matter if it doesn't you, I, or someone else doesn't consider it inappropriate. If the parents of small children consider it inappropriate you, nor I, nor anyone else gets to decide how they deal with profanity with their children.
What does living in the US have to do with what I wrote. I wrote about parents and their children in general. It's not complicated. Any parent that would prefer that their children not be subjected to profanity shouldn't have to just because someone on the internet isn't bothered by it.
Yes, let's make sure, as a society, that parents never again need to be a parent and actually have to deal with things they'd rather not. Let's sanitize every single aspect of life so that little Johnny or Susie only see unicorns and rainbows when they step out the door. Not only do we have helicopter parents, we now need helicopter communities to make sure that these fragile little humans aren't traumatized for life.
I'm pretty sure that even if a child knows what WTF stands for (and they probably do), it's not going to do any damage to them whatsoever. The only ones who "suffer" are the parents and that's because they don't want to deal with the parenting aspect of being a parent.
As a father of a six and a twelve year old child I completely agree with cezanne and Crow-T-Robot.
Da wird mal nicht stundenlang der Bahnhof gesperrt und Tausende stehen im Stau, sondern der Entdecker bringt die Bomnbe direkt zur Polizei und dann ist es auch wieder nicht recht...
Aber im ernst: ich find´s ja gut, dass die Öffentlichkeit sensiblisisiert ist, bei vermeintlichen Attentatsversuchen. Gerade das muss uns Cachern aber auch abverlangen, dass wir in sensiblen Bereichen (wie hier Bahnhöfen) auch sensibel, also extrem umsichtig cachen
Ich finde es erschreckend, wie dumm und mediengesteuert ein grosser Teil der Bevölkierung bezüglich Terror ist, vor allem seit 9/11.
The detailed challenge cache guidelines have been updated relatively frequently since the end of the moratorium earlier this year. However, they are not updated in real time, and they aren't necessarily updated to reflect the details of each and every cache appeal submitted to Geocaching HQ.
In this case, the individual challenge cache appeal took place less than one month ago.
Maybe I'm missing something, but how does that answer the question...namely, why are multi-caches excluded from the 365 day challenge? Perhaps a better question is "what reason can be given for excluding them?"
Perhaps I'm reading the supporting links differently, but the OP on PGC wants a checker built for individual cache types for a 365 day streak. The Help Center article explicitly excludes streaks for individual cache types. It appears that all cache types must be included in any streak challenge submission.
From the quoted thread on project-gc:
HQ has only approved traditional and/or mystery caches for a 365-grid (non-streak). They said no to multi. -
I think you are talking about the the same service that I had in mind. There's one site for the US, one for Germany, one for Sweden, Czech Republik, Norway, Netherlands, Romania and the UK.
Is that a problem for you? Why?
Because I don't want my caching activities to be seperated on multiple sites and databases.
I'm sorry, I don't know how to make it any clearer. Groundspeak owns the database, so every alternative is doomed to fail.
That doesn't make any sense, other listing services have their own data bases of cache types that don't even exist here.
Yes, they have their own databases. However, they are not compareable to Groundspeaks database and are scattered all around the globe. Do you want to maintain a cache/listing on multiple sites? Most owners don't.
I do have exclusive listings on other geocaching services, and they are not scattered all around the globe as you say. The listing service I use is for North America.
As for cross-listing caches to multiple sites, no that don't really work for traditional geocaches, I have tried that on three different services all at the same time. Groundspeak is the only service that gets visits, but if I want to list Virtual geocaches and Web cam caches I have to use another listing service that still allows them.
I have modified and cross-listed some of my Waymarks as Virtual geocaches, but neither ever get any visits.
I think you are talking about the the same service that I had in mind. There's one site for the US, one for Germany, one for Sweden, Czech Republik, Norway, Netherlands, Romania and the UK.
I'm sorry, I don't know how to make it any clearer. Groundspeak owns the database, so every alternative is doomed to fail.
That doesn't make any sense, other listing services have their own data bases of cache types that don't even exist here.
Yes, they have their own databases. However, they are not compareable to Groundspeaks database and are scattered all around the globe. Do you want to maintain a cache/listing on multiple sites? Most owners don't.
Or you could connect the dots, and explain why you think the facts you cited support the idea that geocaching should be organised by a non-profit organization.If you don't get my point, I will not argue with you. I'll just say you are right, Groundspeak is the perfect example for a for profit organization.But ultimately, geocaching is organized by a commercial business because the founders of that business are the ones who built the site that organizes geocaching.
I'm sorry, I don't know how to make it any clearer. Groundspeak owns the database, so every alternative is doomed to fail. If you think it's perfect the way it is, that's fine. If you think that every OS project is crap, that's also fine. I just don't agree.
"Why isn't geocaching organised by a non profit organisation?"
I'll answer that question with one of my own ....
Why should it be?
Because caches are placed by individuals who don't see any monetary profit. Reviewers also don't get paid, so it sounds like an open source project to me. Openstreetmap is non profit, and the maps are sometimes far better than google maps, especially for hiking.
None of that makes a case for Geocaching to be a non profit organization.
If you don't get my point, I will not argue with you. I'll just say you are right, Groundspeak is the perfect example for a for profit organization.
I would never log a found it on an archived cache. Only exception is going out to find a cache only to discover it was archived before I could log in evening.
I would log a found it on an archived cache in a heartbeat, if the owner didn't care about removing it.
Point is, the cache wasn't found, it was long gone.
No, that is not what you said and my reply didn't touch that matter.
Rebore, I agree with you if an owner had failed to remove an archived cache and it was still there for me to find.
This one is different, as it went missing, and the owner archived it. Then two weeks after the archival, two cachers came along later, threw down a new cache, and logged finds on it.
I agree, that is very poor style and maybe the archived listing should be locked in this case. I was just objecting to the general "Never log a find on an archived cache" statement, I think there is a reason why archived listings are not automatically locked.
multiple posts, sorry
I would never log a found it on an archived cache. Only exception is going out to find a cache only to discover it was archived before I could log in evening.
I would log a found it on an archived cache in a heartbeat, if the owner didn't care about removing it.
Point is, the cache wasn't found, it was long gone.
No, that is not what you said and my reply didn't touch that matter.
I would never log a found it on an archived cache. Only exception is going out to find a cache only to discover it was archived before I could log in evening.
I would log a found it on an archived cache in a heartbeat, if the owner didn't care about removing it.
Mit welcher Rechtfertigung !
in Geocaching
Posted · Edited by Rebore
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