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Shinook & White Juan

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Posts posted by Shinook & White Juan

  1. I agree, I tried the app but went back to a handheld gps. Battery was dead within a couple hours. Little bit more clunky to use a hand held when it comes to downloading gpx files but I've been doing that all along anyways. I may miss on "what's in the area" now feature a smart phone has but if I already know where I'm going then I will just download it to my gps ahead of time.

  2. I have been using my Dakota 20 for about 5 years and today the button and the inner button fell out. So I am looking for a new gps that has similar features but not expensive. Any suggestions. I do not want to buy used. Thanks in advance.

  3. The caches in question are GC564WB, GC564WT and GC1PX3A. The last visit on these 3 caches were dnf's. One within the last few months and one in 2012. I was curious as to how this automated email was initiated. Was it because the last log was a dnf? Did a certain amount of time pass since that dnf the reason for the email?

  4. It is pointless to put out anymore tb's or coins. All you do is finance someone elses collection. We have 12 and the last time we heard from any of them was 2014 and it was an armchair discover. Never again will anybody get money from me to finance their collection.

  5. We released a few and all went missing south of the border except for one, which went MIA in New Brunswick. We don't bother with TB's or coins anymore as far as releasing them. We don't want to help fund others Coin/TB collection.

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