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Everything posted by goosefraba1

  1. Oh... I see. I just figured that you were way better at the firing process than I am Still.... it is a very pretty coin and I am very impressed!
  2. I really like that stand... was it made by somebody that you know? My grandpa taught me how to use a lathe when I was around 14.... you can really make some neat stuff with one of those. The coin has a very close resemblance to the glass angel. Nice one!
  3. I'm still wishIng for the NWO an the Mystical Greenman
  4. Hmmmm.... I'm going to release a few of my coins soon... does anybody have any new methods of drilling... or any idea as to how to keep the coins out there longer?
  5. I was just wondering if anybody had identified the markings next to the # at the bottom of the reverse side?
  6. I would have to say that my favorite part of all of this is just the ability to communicate with other people that enjoy my hobby. The best gift of all is being able to forget about life, schoolwork, work work, and everything else.... even if it's just for a couple of minutes a day.It is like vegging out, but still participating in something bigger. But, there are times when I have to bring things that I notice or get from these forums and speak to my friend/Philosophy professor about. He is always delighted to hear about new subjects. A couple of months ago I received Carpe Diem (my favorite coin that I have ever received). Of course, I had to show Dr. Newman. He loved the idea of artsy coins traveling around ... and said that I should always treasure it. He is fluent in Greek and knows a lot of Latin. We discussed some of the phrases for about a half hour. It is nice to know that even muggles have a certain appreciation for the art of the coins. Thank you Coin community!
  7. I know... mine went to a meet n greet... but hasn't been dropped yet. Probably just too cold.
  8. You mean that there is a definition of "orthodox" when it comes to mystery geocoins? I know of a few things approaching tradition, but then there are (often several) exceptions to all that I can think of. That's part of what makes them fun and interesting (not to mention mysterious)! However, I am relatively new around here over the last year, so perhaps I've missed something. Regardless, I'm all for what is going on here, and hope that many more benefit in the future. I have to agree... I like the differences between each of the mystery coins. It makes for a better story and adds flare. I have always been one to seek creativity. If there was a bone dry type of way of doing mystery coins, I believe it would take away some of the fun.
  9. I'm still holding out for the mystery finish Lol... then I will see which one I want to purchase/trade for. Speaking of which.... any word on the new finish?
  10. Lmao.... I've waved to some people like that before too
  11. Or you could skip them across the Potomac.... like that George Washington character.
  12. I love my Bell Witch and Carpe Diem coins. I have them with me all the time to remind myself to seize the day and to enjoy the mystery and unusual in life. I would love to have a Cache Reaper as it also one of my favorite coins!! Wow.... somebody was good this year
  13. I hope this one hasn't been played yet :/
  14. For anyone who's seen it, this will be way to easy.... I'd hope someone has got it by the time I get up in the morning. That is Team Chelmo.... me thinks
  15. Whoa... that is awesome! I love that color of green too.... it is probably my favorite. The error coin looks kind of like a tribal tatoo. Is this the same coin that Gatoulis mentioned being a "mule"? I thought that a mule had two obverse sides or two reverse sides.
  16. Hopefully that bird landed near Portsmouth, Ohio
  17. Does anybody have a picture copy of these coins that they could email me? I would like to get in on this
  18. I'm sorry Nikos.... That is no good. Hopefully you can get a new computer soon Well, at least you will have more time for your other hobbies :/
  19. Good idea.... I had wondered about that before. Sorry... I should have just used my profile name oh well.... Water under the bridge. Thanks for the cointest ricktroop!
  20. I was almost perfect BTW... lol.
  21. Cool.... I might be able to pull another pic out of my hat. Thanks for the opportunity!
  22. Alright... I saw this topic about a year ago. I had been keeping my small collection of geocoins in with my small collection of old coins (The cigar box that you see top left). Well, then my collection grew a little bit bigger and could no longer fit in with the monetary coins. So, I pulled out a box that I had made in ceramics. They fit in there, for now. The lid is already starting to be pushed off by the volume of the coins. Inside of the box with "pockets". My small, yet growing collection. "Mystery coins in the front.... everybody else in the back. Say cheese!" Yep they fit.... kinda. Had to pull out my Maori/Easter island Salt n pepper Shakers that I made in the same class. Anybody else out there with new coin holders?
  23. I thought the coin top left was a Guillotine at first glance. I'm pretty sure it's a printing press now. I sort of a Freudian reference to the pen is mightier than the sword, maybe.
  24. I think twice about releasing in the US too... Lol. I think that the quick expansion of the game as of late has led to an abundance of absentee coins. The real question is, what is inherently different about EU cachers that coins don't disappear as frequently?
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