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J the Goat

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Posts posted by J the Goat

  1. I know of a couple of situations where geocachers have logged their own caches.


    * A few years ago, a group of cachers were on a caching trip and did a series of 50 or more caches down a country road. The cache owner claimed they did not handle the caches properly (not closing properly, etc) and deleted all their finds. The cachers simply logged an equivalent number of finds on one of their own archived caches, indicating in the log which cache that log represented.


    * A few months ago I was chatting at an event with a cacher from a nearby community. He informed me that he claims a find on his own caches if he has to go and do maintenance. His reasoning is that he had to use his gps to go and find it, so he is entitled to claim it. I listened but did not comment. If that i how he wants to play, it is none of my business




    They should have contacted Groundspeak and had the logs re-instated, that's a silly reason.


    Of course he is, why wouldn't he be? More silliness....

  2. Oh, how nice. You found a Game piece from another game and took it upon yourself to remove it. Very thoughtful, as clearly your hide takes precedence over anything else. <_<


    From the logs:


    " has anyone heard about letter boxing ? Well apparently this group is similar to geocachers whom also hide items to be found. The organization is a smaller group I believe, but the game if not similar is the same. On May 2010 a container was hidden in the area of ____________ within the 163 Meter boundary of ours, hence the original and the replacement . However luck would find it, we managed to contact the CO of their cache type container, and have removed it in consideration for other Geocachers finding it instead of the Geocaching member style cache. In conclusion the false container that was hidden, its details can be found at (visit link) the container or letter box name is called __________________. The photos attached here are not the cache you are looking for.


    Looks like they didn't take it upon themselves. Maybe you ought read the quotes you're quoting.


    That being said, I think it's on poor taste to request that someone playing another game remove their piece for your own benefit.

  3. You've found 5 geocaches. A grand total of 5. Those 5 caches have brought you to the conclussion that all geocaches are roadside grabs huh? Maybe you should try to search for a few more caches that are out of the way in areas that you would like to go hunt for them. There are plenty out there, believe me.


    Since you've decided that you're quitting and not bothering to pick up the 9 caches that you placed, you've now become part of the problem that you rant and rave about in your original post. By all means, if this hobby isn't for you then you should find something else to do. Pick up your garbage though, don't leave it there out of spite for the rules that were clearly laid out when you placed the caches that you just didn't bother to read.

  4. So you're putting out a crappy container in a crappy location just because there isn't a cache within a mile? You're seriously telling me that there's NOTHING over the course of that mile that's more interesting than a public bus stop? Seriously? Come on man, use your brain. Put in a little effort and take cachers somewhere that's worth visiting.


    I think that's a bit harsh. You know what, I used to take the bus and it was realy boring standing there waiting. Why not put a cache there, alot of people may appreciate it.


    Kind of like I appreciate playground hides. :D


    I certainly don't. To each their own, and I get that, but the more crappy caches are encouraged, the more they'll be placed by people who find them and think they're the norm.


    Coldgears, if you absolutely have to hide a cache at the bus stop, please realize that a hide-a-key won't last. That also makes the hide a bad idea.

  5. First and Foremost.... you should disable the cache IMMEDIATELY.


    Makes no sense to leave it active when you know it isn't there, "allowing" potential finders to waste their time.


    It looks like the cache has been replaced according to the description. I could be wrong though...

    Key word... "is"....


    Looks like it has came up missing three times now. Perhaps the OP should consider something else. The hide is obviously compromised.

    To have it missing once, well it happens. Twice, I wouldn't use that spot again. Three times, well...... just what can one say?



  6. By-the-by: Camo or camouflage.... cameo is a piece of jewelry.

    Well don't you hate the non-geocacher terms spell check! :laughing:


    Anyway, thanks for the input. Losing it kinda took the only thing that made our skirt lifter cache special, but oh well, we can archive and hide something new if we want to.


    Noooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :anibad:

  7. Found a cache (placed by a friend of mine) that made it through a large fire. The cache was a large ammo can, and so remained intact. It was fun digging through the swag that's still in the cache that made it through the fire. It adds some very interesting character to the cache and the experience :D

  8. Potentially. He's pointing out a potential positive, not supporting repetitive logging of one's own cache.


    It's actually not a bad reason to log one's own cache. I still think it's cheesy and 99.8% of the time done either by new cachers who do it by mistake or by numbers hounds who care about nothing more than how many smilies they have. I just don't think it's quite fair to twist somebody's words around to make them sound like they support a practice.

    If you go back and read his full post, I think you'll see that Toz isn't just pointing out a potential positive; he apparently thinks it's a good reason to log a find on ones own cache. He says "You can't find something if you already know where it is" is a poor reason for discouraging owners from logging their caches. He then lists what he apparently believes are several good reasons for owners to log finds on their own caches, including the one I quoted. Maybe I'm misunderstanding his explanation, but I'm certainly not twisting Toz's words.


    You think this is "actually not a bad reason to log one's own cache." I disagree. While I believe it's helpful to inform people that your cache is okay, I don't feel you need to post "Found It" logs to do this. An Owner's Maintenance log conveys this information.


    I'll rephrase, as I don't think there is a good reason. This is the closest I've seen to a good reason to log your own cache. I still won't do it, and find it very silly to do so.

  9. Potentially. He's pointing out a potential positive, not supporting repetitive logging of one's own cache.


    It's actually not a bad reason to log one's own cache. I still think it's cheesy and 99.8% of the time done either by new cachers who do it by mistake or by numbers hounds who care about nothing more than how many smilies they have. I just don't think it's quite fair to twist somebody's words around to make them sound like they support a practice.

  10. First and Foremost.... you should disable the cache IMMEDIATELY.


    Makes no sense to leave it active when you know it isn't there, "allowing" potential finders to waste their time.


    It looks like the cache has been replaced according to the description. I could be wrong though...

  11. In English, at least, found is often to use when we go to retrieve something where we left it. I find my car right where I parked it all the time.

    In English, the meaning of words often depends on context. "Found" can mean "to experience" as in "He found comfort in the spectacular vista." "Found" can mean "to regain" as in "She found her voice." "Found" can mean "to declare" as in "His fellow geocachers found his find to be questionable." Etc.


    In geocaching, there's a general consensus about what "found" usually means. There are exceptions, of course, but in the context of geocaching most people look upon finding your own hides as being rather cheesy. Just as most frown upon armchair finds as well.


    Here's an example of something that makes my list, that others might disagree with. IMO, if you had a cache that hadn't been found in a while, perhaps even has a few DNFs, and the owner goes to look for it and "finds it" right where it's suppose to be, that a Find log provides better input thatn a note or an Owner Maintenance. For one, it updates the date last found. That often helps others decide whether to search (or how long to search). Second, some use filters in GSAK and other tools to eliminate caches which have recent DNFs and no finds. I don't know if these filters detect the Owner maintenance log, I'm sure they don't count notes. But a Found it from the owner is a sign the cache is there and can be hunted.

    So, you're not only in favor of owners logging finds on their own caches in this situation, but you're actually in favor of them logging multiple finds on a single cache that they own.If people want to search for caches that are likely still there, then they can read Owner Maintenance and Note logs as well as Found and DNF logs. Your idea is sort of like concluding that we shouldn't have winners or losers in baseball games because it's too much work to keep score.


    Toz is long winded and I don't always agree with his point of view, but this is certainly not what he's saying. Based on his explanation, there may be REASON to log your own cache as found, that doesn't mean he's in favor of doing it over and over again.


    I agree with the azul duckie. Make it so a cacher's find on his/her own cache doesn't count towards their find count, then all the arguments on either side are either supported or squashed, there's no more debate.


    Unless CO's start logging finds on their caches without actually visiting them...

  12. I'm not tech savvy at all, so I'll be of no help, but when you say that the person who wrote back to you from Groundspeak was no help, what was their reply? Did you return another email to them explaining that?

  13. Is it ok to 'find' your own cache? I know some people do and some don't. I am wondering what the general consensus is on this.


    How about 99.9% of people don't, and .1% do? :laughing:


    It's probably even higher than that. As someone 9 years in, who considers himself to have spent way too much time on this website, I've literally seen less than 10 people log their own hides (caches listed under their own account) as finds, and probably half of those were mistakes, where the owner was kind of clueless, for lack of a better term.


    It is not the social norm to log your own caches as finds, and statistically, no one does this. Period. However, this will not stop the "I don't care what other people do" crowd from coming here, and arguing until they're blue in the face. Trust me, they'll show up, and this thread will go on for pages. :lol:


    P.S. Obviously, I'm not talking about the situation Webscouter describes, where you've adopted a cache. That's fine. I'd do it myself if it ever happened. But no one who starts threads on this subject is talking about that. They're talking about caches you hid yourself, listed under your own account.


    We have one here who logs all their caches to "get them off my list." What list? :blink:

  14. http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_details.aspx?guid=20ccef0d-6c73-4f86-8bfb-d1816c229859 has a nice hint, but the cache is a micro so.... there's lots of hiding places for it, I am sure. Good clue in logs -- it's not a micro, it is a nano (very small). Also, many people seem to have gotten wet and/or muddy!


    http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_details.aspx?guid=c6307458-9ddf-4bab-80bb-c245a4bfbcee has what I call a "steering hint" in that it eliminates all other possibilities. Logs are split between "easy finds" and "not-so-easy" finds. A clue in one of the logs -- look for "pricklers".


    :) thanks, i have found the pricklers, on the second and i sent an email to another cacher who has found it and she basically pointed me to where it is but i still can't find it. lol i just think i am rubbish. still i am giving it a couple of weeks then i am going to go back to see if i can find it. the same with the pond.


    Have you seen how small a nano cache can be? A tiny cylinder about 0.5" diameter x 0.5" high, often magnetic. They are sometimes cleverly painted to match whatever they're on, so that they appear like a small nut part of a structure (e.g. on a bridge, or gate.)


    MrsB :)

    the one with the prickles is a sandwhich box. an evil kids camo lunch box. ive been all round the tree and can't find it. thought it was gone but someone else found it 2 days ago. grrrrr.


    incredibles, both me and my other halves iphone read the same coordinates his is the 4s and mine is the 4 and they're normally within 5m or so they say...


    like i said i picked up 4 the other day and they showed up to me straight away. it took me longer to find my keys to drive out to the area then it did to find all 4. lol


    Don't just focus on the tree, what other structures are close? Within 30 feet kind of close. The other thing to remember is that things aren't always hidden at ground level, you'd be amazed at how often I forget to look above my head...


    I still can't find nanos. I skip them. It's just not an enjoyable hunt for me so don't get frustrated when you can't find them.

  15. Using both can be very easy and you get all the benefits. A premium membership will allow for pocket queries that you can load into your handheld unit as frequently or infrequently as you like. Use the handheld to get to the cache, and then use the smartphone features once you're there, whether it's the description and hint or just to log. You're not tethered to anything that way as you load the PQ's in at your convenience, but you still get the battery saving and durability. Not to mention that will allow you to find caches that are in spotty cell coverage range.

  16. Hiya, thanks for all the replies.


    I did think about a zip lock and it would be kept very dry but wasn't sure if that was a good idea after reading all the posts on the forums about them. Love the mortar idea and actually have some of that already. I've been racking my brains to come up with something different that I can make at home without buying it.


    Thanks again x


    How about a waterproof document case like this. They will last a lot longer than a Ziploc. I picked up a bunch on sale at REI a few months ago. aLokSak bags are similar.


    The main problem problem with Ziplocs is that the "zippers" are not designed for repeated opening and closing and will fail quickly.


    I had something similar once as a cache. I don't know if the brand matters, but mine was a fishing liscense holder. It didn't do well with prolonged exposure to a small amount of water. It might have been poorly closed, I think it was just not a very functional container.

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