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J the Goat

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Posts posted by J the Goat

  1. ok again thanks guys for ur help I have a Bushnell ONIX 200CR i did find where to put in the //N 35° 13.449 W 091° 44.134 but i got the part N 35,and i could not get past that i tryed every button to get to the next step to put in the 13.449 any way it seem that god does not what me togo out and find things maybe he has other plans for me i am trying to get a site together to help others to study the bible maybe this is a hint for me not to go down this path but to get back on the path that i was on ?? i dont know any way i will see what lays ahead a??


    I don't mean for this to sound mean or crass, but am I the only one who can't take this guy seriously? If I'm wrong, good luck with getting your GPSr to work for you, I have no idea how to work one of those. Check out the user manuals online or the one that came with the unit. Either one should give you the direction you need.

  2. Most of the folks in the areas that I cache have notifications on, and sent directly to their cell phones. 10-15 minutes response times from time of publishing is not uncommon at all.


    In our FTF Battle Royales, we have rules. You can only bring a cache container as a weapon. I use a British military rocket tube, of the watertight variety. Great cache, great for boppin' folks on the head if they get there before you.


    Like Little Bunny Foo Foo?

  3. Ah. Hmm... I saw the title of this thread, and something entirely different came to mind! :rolleyes:

    There was a program by the state of New Jersey, through the NYNJTC to identify and report invasive aliens, using the GPS. Not sure how it made out.

    The major invasive alien plants that I see are Japanese barberry, and purple loosestrife. And a swamp reed. But I cannot think of the nae of that one. Even the deer won't eat those. They are so thoroughly ingrained that I think it would take a major effort to try to remove them. Good luck, but the effort seems futile. :huh:


    I was thinking along the same lines. Anytime the W word is mentioned here in beautiful Northern California, it means something a little different....


    I like the idea, but I too am not sure how well it'll work out. Can't hurt to try though.

  4. Be forewarned, you will be entering a hitherto unencountered phenomena known as the FTF Blitz - I recommend wearing a suit of armor, or at least crash helmet and shoulder pads. :rolleyes:


    And bring something very heavy to do battle with. Never go into an FTF melee unarmed, that's just foolish...

  5. If I were to stumble upon other geocachers it would be cuz they are werewolves or vampires who can't sleep. Or they might be going for a FTF.


    With 80% or more of my caches being found between 10PM and 4AM, it's not easy to bump into others, though not impossible.

    Bittsen, I've been doing more caching at night as I recently started working graves. Lunch breaks at 1 am and getting off shift at 0600 make for some muggle free urban hunting.


    Urban hunting at night isn't too bad if you have a good flashlight and can be quiet. Night caching in the woods is a little different experience. I'm not afraid of muggles as much as I am those nocturnal hunters, like bobcats or bears.


    Ya, we have those here too. Haven't done many forest caches at night, but I'll get there.

  6. If I were to stumble upon other geocachers it would be cuz they are werewolves or vampires who can't sleep. Or they might be going for a FTF.


    With 80% or more of my caches being found between 10PM and 4AM, it's not easy to bump into others, though not impossible.


    Bittsen, I've been doing more caching at night as I recently started working graves. Lunch breaks at 1 am and getting off shift at 0600 make for some muggle free urban hunting.


    I off during most of the week though, so I also head out with my little ones frequently as well. I've met a few cachers at or near GZ, always a pleasant experiance. We're a friendly bunch, mostly...

  7. stone caches are great. Sprinkler caches should be banned. I mentioned it before how I have seen so many real sprinklers destroyed because cachers are looking for a fake one. That is costly for who ever has to replace them.


    yeah I once found a fake sprinkler as a cache that was in between two other real sprinklers so it "blended" in. Imagine that every cacher who tried to find it had a 33% of finding the cache and a 66% chance of screwing with a real sprinkler head.


    I'm afraid I'm going to have to take the off-topic ball and run with it here. In 6.5 years and 2,000 finds of Geocaching, I've never encountered a sprinkler head cache, or even heard of one's existance any where near my home coordinates (in Western New York). I suspect this must be a warmer and/or drier climate phenomena. Is this Ebay listing what you people are talking about?


    Yup, that's one type. All the ones i've seen are similar.

  8. Yep, you caught me. I am trying to lure customers in to the drive-in (rubbing my evil hands together). I am a selfish selfish man. Must be why I won't take a dime for cutting the grass every week and running the website for them as well as working when they need it, again for free. I don't get one cent from admissions or anything else. I do this all because business' in this small town are dropping like flies. If I can do anything to help pay the rent or electricity or film rental (studios take 40-60%) I will. Yes, drive-ins are a dying breed. Last I heard there were only around 400 left in the USA. There were 2300+ 25 years ago. Every year we fight to keep prices down and get first run movies here. It is so hard to compete these days. So Lord forgive me for trying to bring in a few more people. I hope they will still let me in the pearly gates.


    I'm gonna jump in this pool for a bit. First off, I don't think that anyone here has anything but positive things to say about your volunteering your valuable (I mean that, all our time is valuable) time to an establishment such as a drive in theatre. That being said, here comes that part that you're going to get defensive about. You just asked a buch of people who don't care about your feelings if that dress makes you look fat. The people here in the forums, at least in my very limited experience, are very willing to help when people have questions. They don't even seem to get lippy when the same question is asked 354 times by 177 people. When a question is answered and advice is given however, and you choose to argue with what they're saying, that's when it goes from advice and answers to off topic arguments.


    All they're pointing out is that any cache with the intent of drawing customers into a business for the purpose of getting business for the business, it's commercial. Ultimately your reviewer will approve or deny the listing.


    I don't see the purpose of your defensive nature. If you don't want a question answered or an opinion voiced, stay off the public forums on the internet.


    Bittsen, I love the idea about placing a cache near a drive in. I have a drive in about 45 minutes from here, and hadn't even thought about putting one there. Might have to work on that...

  9. While maybe not inappropriate, blackberry bush hides just grind my gears. There's one here that placed in the blackberry bushes not 15 feet from the Juvenile Hall rec yard. (placed by a friend of mine, he knows my gripes) Not only do the bushes make for unpleasant hunting, but when it's play time you see tons of muggles in the orange jumpsuits getting their incarceration on.

  10. Don't waste your breath. Those who don't think the bomb squads are doing their job properly when they respond to caches have no intention of giving up their delusions to reason and/or truth. They are too happy to believe that those brave men and women should take unreasonable risks to protect a few Lock-n-Locks full of McToys.

    I think that assessment is a bit harsh. Possibly true in a few exceptional cases, but I think that most of us have less of a problem with a geocache being blown up as with geocachers being blamed for it.


    The blame issue is a whole different story. Yes, these incidents are going to happen. It is surprising how few of them there are considering the number of hides.


    How many of these incidents have ended with the authorities actually charging a cacher with a crime or for the cost of the response?


    Funny you should ask. Check out GC185AN. If you read the logs, the CO tells what happened after his cache got blowed up. He didn't end up having to pay anything, but was sent to collections for the cost of the bomb squad.

  11. Blackberry bush caches. They're right up there with PO caches. For a cache to be justified in a large, thorny mass, there's got to be some spectacular views from near there, or blackberries that are made of gold growing on those bushes. "You should bring gloves." Really? YOU should find a more creative place for your hide.


    There's my $0.02.


    First post by the way. Hope nobody minds.

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