J the Goat
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Posts posted by J the Goat
It can be just as interesting an experience to find a micro as to find an ammo can. So there is still plenty to be said. What would cache owners like to see when we log a find?
Yes, very true. A couple of my favorites have been creative micros. The non creative throwdowns are the ones that its hard to leave a decent log for every one. I always try to log something though, I don't think any of my logs has ever been TFTC and nothing else.
Should we stay away from mentioning that if the control burn was done by the property owner, then these 3 caches might just be on private land?
Alright, just my pair of pennies; signed means found. If the owner decides to archive these caches and verifies your finds, then maybe a found log would be alright, but I would say not until then. Congrats on finding plastic cache containers after a fire though, strong work.
As I've been at this for less than a year, I don't think I'm the right person to ask about a change over time. I have however noticed that a lot of the newer cachers in my area write very short logs on whichever cache they find, be it a micro or a nice packed ammo can at the top of the valley. I try to keep my logs long enough to reflect my hunt. If it was a park and grab kind of day, it's hard to scribe a paragraph for every LPC I found. It would make sense that the increase in micros would lead to this situation, but I can't say I've seen it first hand. Ask me again in 3 years.
I know there are rocks everywhere but being from Arizona... What is the fascination that some cachers have with the proverbial Needle in a Haystack concept of hiding caches? Some of them are downright treacherous, on the side of a slope, near cactus or snakes! I don't mind a certain degree of difficulty but isn't/ shouldn't the idea be: Not impossible to find just not obvious or visible to someone that is not looking for it? Almost always I can look around (within a few feet) and think "This spot would be a much more clever placement for a Geocache". Not to mention I'm seldom alone; how inconspicuous can people look check under rocks in a public desert park?
I'm just saying, I love this game but who has time to spend 20, 30 + minutes looking for one cache?
I can't imagine I'm the only one that feels this way. I vote for a little more thought and planning.
DANGER! DANGER! Dangerous topic, and here's why. Plenty of people not only have 20, 30, 45 or more minutes to look for caches, but there is a large number of people who enjoy the long hunts and dangerous hides. Here's what you'll be told in a nutshell:
We all play the game our own way.
Filter out those you don't want to find (ie high terrain or diff. levels)
Micros are bad
If you don't like it, turn around and go the other way.
Now all those who post after me can give you some sort of variation of one of those. There's more, but I can't remember them all now.
This may be an old topic, but as I don't have the patience to sift through hundreds of old pages, here it goes. How often are new caches posted in your area? I know everyone's "area" is a different size, so use your own area for the answer. I'm just curious if locally we're more stagnant than most other places of vice-versa. We get maybe 2 or 3 new caches a month on average, depending on who gets a wild hair and drops a few at a time.
It wasn't IN the cache, but I found it nearby while looking for the cache: 1 bag of women's under garments (in multiple colors & styles) and 2 bags of adult magazines. I didn't have room to CITO them in my kit.
Something like that should be turned over to the police.
Yup. Were they hidden at all, or just out in the open? That's actually really strange the more I think about it.
I just tell the truth.
Unfortunately more than one LEO has accused my of fibbing and tried to grilled me like they where a detective and I was a murder suspect.
I went off on the second one.
Oh yeah officer, I carry around all these trinkets and made up the whole game including the pamphlet I handed you so that I would have a cover story to case some ugly bushes. You have held me up for a half hour repeating myself. Your just doing this because I wearing eyeliner! I'm calling my lawyer now. Picked up the phone put in on speaker and hit speed dial. Then I told him to tell them he was calling on behalf of me. as soon as the receptionist answered, he told me to hang up and go about my business. I said I wouldn't, that I intended on pressing harassment charges and suing and I insisted he tell my lawyer why. By the time I got that last part out he was in his car and in drive.
I wonder if I had only said I was looking for pop bottles if he would have left me alone.
Way to keep a low profile...
Are you trying to tell me I cant cache, dressed as I wish?
That I have to conform to the physical drollness of society to be treated like the human I obviously am?
That because of how I look, I somehow deserve to be treated poorly when I'm minding my own business doing absolutely nothing wrong?
You are very clearly one who looks for conflict. Nobody said anything about the way you dress, I was originally referring to your interaction with said officer. In my experience, those who are very touchy have reason to be.
A couple more things: Most cops base their dealings with the public on the attitude of who they're dealing with. Most, not all. Based on how you reacted to all of the posts before this one, I'm willing to bet you started with an F-off attitude. That'll get you nowhere with anyone.
#2: You have your lawyer on speed dial? I don't even have a lawyer. That would lead me to believe that you've had similar problems in the past. One cop gives you a hard time; might be a jerk of a cop. Enough cops give you a hard time that you have your attorney on speed dial; you might want to step back and examine your own actions a bit.
#3: While I may not be quite as ummm.... off the cuff (?) as you are when it comes to appearance, I do sport a few tattoos and piercings, am quite large and regularly let my beard/goatee get at least out of control. Never once have I been harassed beyond what I deserve. It's not about how you look, it's about how you act.
I'm very sorry you took my comments personally, they weren't meant that way. I'm also sorry this thread went so far off topic. And please don't get me wrong, I fully understand that my observations are from a computer screen thousands of miles away. I've been wrong before, I'll be wrong again.
Nothing personal, really
Got off work at 2 am, and instead of heading home to get some sleep before a decent travel day, I decided to go after a new cache that had just popped up a couple hours before hand. After an hour and a half of repositioning my car for the headlights (sans flashlight) and poking around in blackberry bushes, I just went home. No FTF for me. Still haven't mastered the art of explaining to the wife why I'm home at 3:45 instead of 10 after 2 in the morning.
I just tell the truth.
Unfortunately more than one LEO has accused my of fibbing and tried to grilled me like they where a detective and I was a murder suspect.
I went off on the second one.
Oh yeah officer, I carry around all these trinkets and made up the whole game including the pamphlet I handed you so that I would have a cover story to case some ugly bushes. You have held me up for a half hour repeating myself. Your just doing this because I wearing eyeliner! I'm calling my lawyer now. Picked up the phone put in on speaker and hit speed dial. Then I told him to tell them he was calling on behalf of me. as soon as the receptionist answered, he told me to hang up and go about my business. I said I wouldn't, that I intended on pressing harassment charges and suing and I insisted he tell my lawyer why. By the time I got that last part out he was in his car and in drive.
I wonder if I had only said I was looking for pop bottles if he would have left me alone.
Way to keep a low profile...
I really wish this thread had been posted before I'd begun my no-witnesses-left-alive policy, leaving a trail of bodies in my wake.
You're in LA, nobody notices.
Not true, just ask OJ...
I'm all about the truth. Usually.
Friend of mine and I were caching out of town. We had just started looking around a telephone pole in a vacant parking lot when we were approached by an interesting gentleman who seemingly just finished a conversation with his feet. He asked if we worked with the telephone company. After looking at my buddy, then looking back to the car with my kids inside, I just said "yup."
Been approached a couple other times, but I usually avoid busy places if I can.
There's one we have locally that I've not found yet, but in the logs it's stated that the cache was found by....
A Cal Fire Convict crew that was clearing some roadside foliage.
Apparently several logs were noted, and the cache was replace, although not very well. I picked up a log book with some pretty graphic language scrawled on the pages, very obviously muggle "logs", but the cache was in the right spot.
Let me also suggest that you try to get ahold of a more experienced local cacher and see if they'll head out on a run with you. Caching with people who know the ins and outs can really help you figure out what you're looking for, and give you some insight on where to look.
Welcome to the game, hope you continue to enjoy...
There is one in a bar in Yuma and in Algadones there is one in a restaurant and you have to ask the cashier to take it out so you can access it. It is an ammo can in the glass display case.
My opinion? Stupid idea.
Ironic isn't it?? Like tragic ironic I mean. In my puzzle question thread I just today posted that there were only 213 caches in a 50 mile radius. Why do they all have to be micros?? If I wasn't a micro hater I may soon become one!!
I'm totally going to do a power trail now. It's all the rage.
I just have to scrounge up a few hundred gray film containers and I'm good to go.
Come on, be creative. Make it puzzles. Each cache has the coords for the next one. It could be a large multi, but a puzzle trail would be better with a logsheet in each one. You could arrange the question marks any way you want. Make a giant happy face. Later, change all the coords so it is a frowny (depending on your mood)
No, I was thinking of doing a power trail where there is no trail. Bushwhack 10 miles placing a cache every 1/10 of a mile until the trail ends at the edge of a cliff so the only option is to bushwhack all the way back.
Or just follow the powerline road that I used to ride on... Or both...
Yeah, that's the ticket...
It wouldn't be true mockery unless you made several of them 2 part multis with the first part being the normal crappy film can that had soft coords for a nano buried under a pile of leaves somewhere for the final. Put one in a bear den. Another in a pile of pig poo. hang a few 15 feet in the air from a pine tree branch. That's a real power trail spoof.
Ya, that's the ticket
Even if all the stages are virtual? That's cool, I can make it my first multi and then figure out a different puzzle for the next one.
Thanks Brian.
Sorry, thought that was Briansnat. Thanks starbrand.
Even if all the stages are virtual? That's cool, I can make it my first multi and then figure out a different puzzle for the next one.
Thanks Brian.
So here's the deal. I'm not into doing puzzle caches. For the most part, they just don't get me going and I'm not wired that way. Wish I was, they would make me feel smarter if I could solve them. I have noticed though that there is a shortage of them in my area and I am well aware that there are plenty of cachers who really enjoy them.
My idea is to make a puzzle cache that incorporates plaques and inscriptions around town. Something along the lines of using letters in the plaques to fill in the numbers in the coords with their corresponding numbers (A=1, B=2 and soforth.)
Would some of you puzzle officionados give me some feedback or advice on this idea? Is this something you'd chase? Or is it a waste of your time as it's not difficult enough? I'm aware that it would be pretty easy, and that there's not really anything to solve, however being that there won't be physical caches to find at each location it's not a multi, and like I said, I'm horrible at solving puzzles. I don't think I have the right state of mind to create one that's more advanced. Not yet at least...
I really like the cache supply idea. The book exchange and CD exchange are awesome too. That's why I love these forums, all the great ideas...
It seems that it's a matter of where you'll be caching. If you plan on staying inside the city where your cell coverage is good, then for finding caches your iphone should be adaquate. If you plan on going for hikes, canoe trips and the likes and finding caches along the way, an inexpensive GPSr used in conjunction with your phone may be necessary.
In my experience, if you plan on hiding caches then a handheld unit is much more accurate with marking it's location than the iphone. Others have a different opinion. We're all entitiled to our wrong opinions...
hmm, i've not had any trackables taken, but a recently placed cache was raided, the FTF emailed me that all contents had been removed prior to his finding. but i can't make them premium caches, since i've not shelled out the money for a premium membership
Years ago there was some bozo who was stealing the contents of caches and hiding them elsewhere. In some instances he would provide coordinates or instructions as to where the contents were hidden. Sometimes he didn't.
I had a cache looted and replaced the contents. Then about 4 or 5 years later someone e-mailed me that they found the contents of one of my caches while looking for another one in the park. He told me where I could find them and sure enough there was a Ziploc bag filled with the original logbook and contents.
I'm not sure what to say about this. I don't understand why some people have to be intentionally difficult. Unless it was a muggle who thought he was playing the game the right way, which I highly doubt.
Luckily, we haven't had the cache raider problem to an extreme in our area. Some coins disappear, but most of them stay where they're at, and nobody's trashing caches. Hopefully it stays that way...
I forget what people were calling them, but you can print a paper copy of the geocoin and laminate it and then send it out so the real coin stays safe and sound at home. I just found one of these the other day, and while they're nowhere near as cool to find and pick up, the process is the same and I fully understand not wanting to spend some scrilla on a coin just to have some a-hole decide they want to keep it for themselves.
There's that idea. As far as the caches being raided, I don't think there's anything to do about it. Just because somebody throws down the massive amount of $30 for a yearly membership doesn't mean they're more likely to be a good cacher. It just means they payed the 30 bucks.
I guess to add some "evil" into a hide, you can construct a pile of sticks, then hide the cache somewhere else.
Or construct 20 piles for that semi-NIH hide.
I just DNF'd one where there were 3 SPORs. Talked the the owner and guess what? DECOYS! What a dirty trick...
I have to start out by saying that I'm not a micro in the woods fan. That being said, I have also just recently started hiding caches and am unsure about difficulty ratings. I'd go without the hint and put in the description that using the hint drops the diff from a 4 to a 2. That way, those who want a 2 star cache can have it, those who want the challenge can ignore the hint and look on their own.
What did you not do, but were supposed to, just to go caching?
in General geocaching topics
So this why the cable company gives me a 4 hour appointment window?