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J the Goat

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Posts posted by J the Goat

  1. Doesn't necessarily have to be a puzzle, put one in a cache that requires a wicked hike and has spectacular views. There are those of us who aren't mentally mighty enough to do complicated puzzle caches but still very much appreciate a well thought out cache with a nice hike and cool location.

  2. I recently located a guy that had as bunch of ammo cans for sale. :rolleyes: I have 2 questions. How much should i pay for one? And is it OK for me to try and help and sell his containers on this forum?





    I would guess the answer to your second question is no.

  3. I know that I speak for Bittsen as well as myself when I say that under a rock is a great idea. You then have to surround that rock by other rocks, maybe even pile some rocks on top. This is the BEST place you can hide a micro cache.


    Oh, and don't forget that it has to be WAY off the beaten path in the wilderness nowhere near neat tree stumps, rock formations, and beautiful views. make sure it's a plastic film canister with a cracked lid.

  4. My geocaching aesthetic includes being able to ban people who whine about bringing virtual and locationless caches back since it has already been made clear countless times that it is not gunna happen. I'm entitled.


    My geocaching aesthetic includes being able to name a cache 'Desert Morning Wood' without it being shut down unfairly. I'm entitled.


    My geocaching aesthetic includes being able to post polls in these forums. I'm entitled.


    My geocaching aesthetic includes being able to see whose watching my caches and trackables. I'm entitled.


    My geocaching aesthetic includes being able to merge my geocaching and Waymarking profiles in to a centralized geocaching profile. I'm entitled.


    My geocaching aesthetic includes counting my Off-Topic forum posts with my regular post count. I'm entitled.


    Very much so.


    My geocaching aesthetic includes being able to load multiple caches or PQ's with one click of the mouse while staying on GC.com instead of having to use other programs. I'm entitled.


    My geocaching aesthetic doesn't matter however, and neither do anyone else's except those at the lilly pad, and it's about time we all accepted that.

  5. Not to digress too much... but the "Signal Eating Popcorn" smiley is really really adorable. And now I want popcorn...



    *goes to make some popcorn.* :huh:


    Make some for me! I'll get the beer...





    You drink beer from a theatre cup with a straw? Should I try it?


    Back on topic, respected poster or otherwise it seems there's a lot more to the story than we are being told. I'm on that bandwagon.

  6. Don't get me wrong, I fully understand the aforementioned points. I usually filter out caches I want to find, I'm fully aware that some people enjoy bus stop hides, they are more convenient for some handicapped folks, they're more prominent in larger cities, some are creative, yada yada yada.


    I'll probably end up looking for another one or ten in the future either on purpose on on accident. I was just putting forth my mild displeasure in finding that one of my searches was an unexpected bus stop nano.


    So really, I was just sayin...

  7. I quilt and needlepoint AND I geocache. What does that make me? Heck, I knit too! We've been doing it a little over four years, and we're still not quite at 1000 yet. It's all that working 70+ hours a week, really gets in the way of my caching :laughing: Our goal is to get 1000 by Geowoodstock at the very least. Only a little more than 100 to go!


    You should be able to knock out a few around here in the beginning of May :blink:

  8. An excerpt from one of my logs 8 years ago:


    I found a rattlesnake literally wrapped around the cache container. Fortunately I noticed him before I started moving rocks around. At first I thought it was a joke placed by Ron, but a quick poke with a stick confirmed the seriousness of the situation. I snapped a few pictures, then a few more prods with the stick and he moved away far enough that I could extract the cache.


    I retreated to the trail below to log the cache and trade items. Took a colorful superball. Left an equally colorful large marble. When I climbed back to return the cache, I realized I no longer knew where my slithery friend was. I quickly and carefully replaced everything and got the heck outta there.




    That's quite a large snake...

  9. I work for the fire department and we get daily updates about possible terrorists attacks or plans within the USA. What a lot of you are missing is the success we have had here in stopping or preventing these acts from happening. We, unlike other countries, have not had the daily attacks in our communities. We should not fear the large potential attacks to our communities, it's the small unthinkable attacks that will disrupt our lives.


    It is the small explosions at the Walmart's, Starbuck's, McDonald's, etc. These places do not offer any security or have adequate resources to monitor what is going on around their businesses. How many of you would change your daily routine if attacks started to occur at these places. That's what terrorists are trying to accomplish. They want to disrupt your daily routine with the fear of the unkown and by doing this they succeded in their goal of disrupting the flnancial stability of our communities.


    People sometimes think it's overkill to send a lot of fire engines, police, and other resources to these "false alarms", but we don't know it's a false alarm until the situation is assesed. What if it turns out to be real and we only sent one company to the scene and it detonates. Those departments would then be criticized for not sending out the appropriate resources and they should have prepared for the worst, so that is what we do.


    Please do not criticize the work or protocol of those that risk everything to protect you. As one poster stated, it would be better if the cacher had permission to place there and had notified the businesses of the cache in their lot. This way those that were affected could let the police and fire know what it is they are dealing with sooner to mitigate the situation.


    Geocaching is a game. Yet this game does set up the potential for actual terrorists attacks. Because of this reality, we must approach every call as the real thing until proven otherwise.


    I too work in emergency services. I've worked for several different fire departments and now work private ambulance. Here's my issue with this argument. It's all speculation. I've yet to hear about a Walmart being bombed. I've yet to hear about a real bomb at a Walmart. The idea is that the terrorists want to scare us all, but lets be realistic. Every attack, either succesful or not, has been in a highly populated area or on an airplane. This is just another way we are being scared into believing that the terrorists are after each and every one of us.


    I'm not taking anything away from the brave folks who risk their lives on the bomb squad, they have my utmost respect and do a great job. I'm just not a fan of the over the top scare tactics that we've all become affected by. Throw away all the "this could happen" and lets be realistic here. The only person bombing any store like a Walmart in smallsville USA is going to be a local who doesn't like that particular store/franchise. On top of that, it's not going to be done with a film can in the far corner of the parking lot.


    I used to say the same thing to my Batt. Chief when we would do the stupid terrorism/decon drills.

  10. i dont want to go set up the cache to just have it be too close, i think any cache reviewer should be able to help me on this, not just the local one

    I've been working since 10 in the morning on cache review work and forum moderating tasks. I'm still not caught up. I would rather be out geocaching, but now it looks like that will have to wait until tomorrow.


    If you are ever passing through Eastern Iowa, we'd be happy to cook you up some supper. Anytime.


    You uh....

    There's uh.....

    Little brown stuff on you nose there....



  11. I hit a turtle once. The darn thing darted right out in front of me. :)


    In my defense, though, I just plain didn't see it because the setting sun was particularly glarey that day. It was on a stretch of road that goes right between two ponds and judging from all of the stains, I'm not the only one who has hit one. Still, though. A turtle for crying out loud. :laughing:


    Darted? Nice.


    I've not hit any animals while caching, however I have hit a few birds mid flight. One was an owl. Just bad timing I guess. You would be amazed the sound an owl hitting an ambulance mid-flight traveling 65 (80) mph can make.

  12. We would love a large container! We would put it out if we had a place. I'm not a fan of just putting one anywhere. We've got a lot of containers and no where to put them...


    My intended cache is nothing more than a traditional at the listed coordinates with a logging requirement. If you're in it for the cache, have at it. If you want to earn the smiley then you must meet the requirements. I'm not too much of a fan because I don't like the idea of having to delete logs but I do like the idea of a challenge.


    The one I am contemplating is a benchmark challenge. I have started to search for them and waymark some of them and I find the search strangely very enjoyable. Looking for something hidden with clues, a tape measure and a shovel interests me. Especially if it hasn't been reported found in a long time. (20+ years or more.)


    It's not anything new and has been done before. I thought of adding a twist and making it a point system. Get X amount of points to log and have point values for each activity.


    Re: GeoGeeBee


    I do like the idea of a full size log book. I think the days of the intended log book requirements have passed. Now it has reverted to simply signing your name instead of telling of your search/fun.


    Am I the only one who's picked up on this?

  13. I assume the badge is for 'geocaching' not 'signing up to geocaching.com website'.


    I see no reason why the scouts should need to follow any Groundspeak guidelines or demands of the geocaching community. They could just as easily place their own temporary geocaches wherever they liked and keep it all in the scout community.


    Granted having them list on geocaching.com would be a boon, but it's not necessary. It's a bit like getting a merit for camping, but only if you purchase a Vango Tent and camp at Vango approved camp sites.


    Some of us may be more experienced at doing this but we don't own the hobby, it's something anyone can take part with or without our permission, way of doing things, or a specific website.


    Flame-suit on. <_<


    The guidelines actually do specify logging on and signing up.

  14. i plan on doing a simple version of this and if people enjoy it make a harder version later on after i see how this works out. The ropes that are needed to get the final are only 2 ropes and they are found at stage one in two different trees next to each other. I am going to laminate typed out coordinates punch a hole through them and attach them to the carabiner on each rope. Each paper though is only going to contain one part of the coords (one being the N and the other the W) so you would need both in order to figure out where the last/next stage is. I appreciate a bunch of all your ideas and comments, thats what i was looking for. I realy like the big rock idea because there is spots where i can put the rock and the cache container is VERY small. Also, many said that they might not return the ropes? well i hope so and i put the first stages not far from the last stage so they would put them back. There is a big FTF group here also so maybe not publish it till the wee hours of the morning?


    also do you guys think a simple matchstick tube for the final container would be a lil lame? I just think that has the best chance of not being seen up in the tree and its also the easiest to attach a rope to unless i found something with a handle... any ideas on a final container that would be SUPER cheap?


    Yes, matchstick container would be kind of anticlimactic for this one. There's one about 40 mintues from me that's an ammo can suspended in the air by a rope, but you can't really see it unless you're really looking for it. That, and what does it really matter if they can see it? There's still the challenge of getting it down. I think this is a classic example of "why put a micro where an ammo can will fit?" You can make it work, especially if you can rig a removable rope retrieval device.

  15. I think it's a great idea. Perfect? No, however what is, right? Here's a few positives; I would think that chances are they scouts aren't going to be placing many LPCs. We're more likely to get a few more decent/good "nature" caches from some of these kids. As was stated earlier, they're taught to tread lightly so I would also expect that there aren't going to be an excess of cheap/crappy containers going down, and they won't be tearing the area up to place them. Will the hides last more than 6 months? Maybe, maybe not, but at least there will be a decent hide to go find for 6 months. I also think that over the next couple years the badge requirements could develop into something a little bit more involved and long term. Or not, just a guess on my part.

  16. Guns are bad, hiking sticks are good.


    I'm going to take the opposite approach. If you feel you need to quit this hobby to regain some of your mental stability, happy trails. I like to think I wouldn't quit, but I'm not you. Hopefully things turn out okay for you, you have my best wishes.


    Last what is your most unusual caching experience? I have two... caching by myself (mistake) just after a rainfall (another mistake) trying to cross a stream on a fallen log (mistake 3) while carrying my GPS in one hand and my swag bag in the other. Log broke. So did my ankle. Found the cache anyways. :D


    The other... caching on horseback, there was a micro hung in a tree my horse found before I did. Horses (well, my horse) thinks certain types of tree leaves taste good... and accidentally grabbed the cache! Fortunately she was smart enough to spit it out before swallowing... but, needless to say, I was terrified of having to report to the cache owner "needs maintenance... my horse ate your cache... I can retrieve it from the maure pile if you'd like it back!"


    Double dedication. Very nice...

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