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J the Goat

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Everything posted by J the Goat

  1. It's a good idea. Unless someone thinks it's not. We all play the game differently, thanks for the suggestion. Hope you enjoy doing it that way, and I hope you get a lot of people to follow your lead.
  2. Works both ways. Most times this subject comes up Geocachers deny vehemently having ever caused any damage. I think you're mistaken. In my experience, we try not to cause damage. I don't recall ever seeing anyone say "I never left a mark!" In making an effort to leave things as close as possible to how they were found (and regularly in better shape if you CITO), we are doing our part. Of course there are cachers who don't pay any attention to their surroundings and make no effort to keep things the way they should be. They are the minority, and most of them are staying in the urban areas chasing LPCs and other hides on or near pavement. Those of us who venture into the "wild" are there because we like it. Have I broken tree branches? Yup. Have I squashed mushrooms? Yup. Will I do both again? Probably. Is it intentional? No way.
  3. Not surprising from the pacific northwest. Being from Northern California, I'm pretty familiar with these eco-nazis and they're BS. I'd love to sit down with this person and explain things to them face to face. Then I would go out and kick the tires on their big SUV and throw their cell phone into the river. Tell 'em the crawdads had to make a call. That would be hilarious.
  4. If you activated the TB, it will be in your inventory. You can write a note and drop it in as normal. I don't know if you have to wait until it's published to drop it or not.
  5. I just read the log. Very well put, I wasn't aware that you grew up out there. I've not made it out that direction yet, but after that log I'm going to have to soon. See you tomorrow.
  6. Sure it's a personality thing, and in an open community we're going to have a very wide range of personalities. I don't, however, believe that most of us would act at work, church or our Grandma's dinner table the way we act in here, and we should endeavor to act no differently in here than in those situations. Bleeping Italian grandmas! You have one of those too huh? I actually tone down my natural responses here. At home, at work, and in public in general, I pretty openly speak my mind. The only real reason I refrain from it at G'ma's table is because there I'm always surrounded by people who are much wittier than I am and are much quicker with the harsh words. I'm out of my league there. In my limited experience, I've not seen rude or inappropriate in my time here, at least not too much. But as I said at the beginning of my first post, I agree completely with your statements, it's the right way to play. No snark.
  7. I completely agree. I do think that part of it is a personality thing though, I'm still one of said newbies, but have never gotten my feelings hurt. It's a balance, but one that takes a lot more effort from the experienced posters.
  8. It seems to be a bit regional. A large should actually be larger than an ammo can, those should be regular. Small could be the size of a plastic sandwich container, or a planters peanut jar. Micros should be film canister, water proof match containers, things of that nature, and nanos are usually listed as micros but are about the size of the eraser on a pencil.
  9. For Shame! Just kidding, strong work. I searched for a cache that was supposed to have been a micro that was hung somewhere in a pine tree. The kicker was that this particular tree was growing behind a dumpster in a parking lot, and between the dumpster and tree was a soiled mattress, several empty booze bottles (plastic, not the good stuff), and a rusty old pot (the cooking kind) with some unpleasent looking stuff stuck to the sides. DNF'd that one, which eventually got archived thanks to like 7 DNFs in a row. Not a cool cache.
  10. So I got's me permission from my wife to take memorial day and make it an all day cache adventure. I was thinkin about setting up a doughnuts and coffee breakfast event in the parking lot at Olompoli and going on a cache hunt hike afterwards. Anyone interested? Anyone see any problems with this?
  11. I'll go the other way. There are most likely forums in his/her primary language, so the purpose of posting in this one is lost on me. That, coupled with the exteme ease of figuring out cache owner options invites, from some, a bit of snark.
  12. Congrats on the milestone, 3 in 3 or 4 days should be doable. I was going to try to get to 300 by sunday for my event (you're all welcome to attend if you'll be in the Northern California area GC25MR1) but we've been rained out for a few weeks now. Had a couple potential days, but nothing panned out. I did manage to find a cache placed in '01 though, my oldest to date. I was supposed to go after a '00 cache today, but alas it's raining and the 4X4 trails are closed. At this point, I'm trying to figure out where I went off topic. Sorry
  13. Perfect, of course...how about a pink flamingo? Dude, I love that. I'm gonna do that!
  14. You should put the cache in a duck decoy.... As far as terrain, I'm of the opinion that just because you need a little inflatable raft a few feet across the poo pond doesn't necessarily make it a 5 star terrain. I know, special equipment and all, but that just doesn't ring right for me. Maybe rate it 4 stars and state in the description that a raft is highly suggested. It does sound swimable, and while maybe not the cleanest swim in the world, the distance could probably be done by my 5 year old. Oh man, now I'm gonna get yelled at by those in wheelchairs, those who don't know how to swim, and anyone else who has a valid reason to stay out of the duck pond. My apologies beforehand...
  15. Everyone's already given you good advice, but I wanted to tell you that I think it's very cool that you're placing caches with the differently abled in mind. When I first started caching I could barely walk, and I tell you I really appreciated the easy terrain ones back then. In fact, a good friend of mine just had back surgery and was interested in caching, but didn't start because he thought it would be too difficult for him. I said, "No! Try to find ones rated at a 1 terrain, you can definitely cache even if you can't walk far!" Well, he joined and he's been finding caches... thanks to nice folks like you Nymph beat me to it. I have no problem with higher difficulty terrains, however I'm regularly out with my 5 year old, 3 year old, and now carry my 8 month old on my back. They prefer 1-2 terrain caches, so they're important for lots of different folks.
  16. My geocaching aesthetic requires that Groundspeak hire a proofreader to check all forum posts so that I never have to be exposed to phrases such as "is ran" ever again. My geocaching aesthetic requires that I don't have to hear grammar lessons from English teachers (Well at least the State Sider version of English) on these forums ever again. I'm entitled! KACHOW!
  17. Bus stop hides can be cool. There's a multi here in town that's one of my fav's so far. The CO got permission from the local transit authority to use UV pen on the inside of their shelters. Stage one has a UV light for people to use to find the rest of the stops. 4 stages, 3 of them you need the UV light to find the coords/location of the container. It's hidden in the shelter, and even has room for small coins/bugs. Very cool. I also doing urban runs sometimes. They're great for breaking things up sometimes.
  18. Sorry, hadn't seen the warning before. No malice intended.
  19. I keep reading about this backdoor. I'm going to have to look this thing up, just out of curiosity. <--- Premium Member (note the caps? elitist at heart )
  20. I've seen it done with screws, and with wooden dowels in pre drilled holes. Never made one though, and I'm not sure about longevity.
  21. Read the topic at the top of the "getting started" page.
  22. Doesn't necessarily have to be a puzzle, put one in a cache that requires a wicked hike and has spectacular views. There are those of us who aren't mentally mighty enough to do complicated puzzle caches but still very much appreciate a well thought out cache with a nice hike and cool location.
  23. I would guess the answer to your second question is no.
  24. I know that I speak for Bittsen as well as myself when I say that under a rock is a great idea. You then have to surround that rock by other rocks, maybe even pile some rocks on top. This is the BEST place you can hide a micro cache. Oh, and don't forget that it has to be WAY off the beaten path in the wilderness nowhere near neat tree stumps, rock formations, and beautiful views. make sure it's a plastic film canister with a cracked lid.
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