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J the Goat

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Posts posted by J the Goat

  1. I do not geocache. I am a letterboxer. Recently my letterbox went missing and in it's place is a geocache. The geocache is a container with just a small logbook with the letters TBWS and the number 5. No one has logged into the logbook. It was placed in Dudley MA, on Healy Road. It was on a Dudley Conservation Land Trust property.


    On another note. How do I educate local geocachers about letterboxes and that if they find one it should be left in place?

    Check with JDumper. He apparently placed a series of caches in that preserve that have yet to be published. You can contact him through his profile.


    It's possible that he, or other geocachers had nothing to do with it. Most geocachers would leave a Letterbox be. It may have gone missing, then whoever placed the cache happened on a perfect, empty hiding place not knowing that a LB was hidden there.

    GC3G9H4 TBWS [5]



    Write note



    Cache has been muggled (not by any cachers) and will soon be replaced to a very nearby location with new coords. For anyone that completes the rest of the series, feel free to log this one as a find. The clue for the bonus that was in this cache was %


    [Reviewer] Reviewer








    So, the cache owner reports the cache MIA the same day that the Letterbox Owner reports the cache is in the spot where their LB was? Did someone get smart and decide to switch containers? Looking at the maps, can the LB owner verify that this cache is where it was supposed to be, or was it somewhere else?

    Thanks again for all the helpful info about geocaching. My letterbox has been found.
    Which leads me to believe that a cacher moved/took it :( That's not cool, I'm sorry about that.
    Not sure what leads you to believe that a cacher moved the box. Where was the LB found?


    Because the letterbox had been replaced with a geocache, and in an earlier post the OP stated they were trying to contact the CO. The finding of the letterbox after trying to contact the CO of the cache that was where the letterbox used to be tells me that the CO removed the letterbox. That's already been established by the time I post this, but that was the line of thinking when I made my first post.


    That's shameful behaviour. You're much more tolerant than I am, I wouldn't work with the CO in this instance at all. Again, I'm sorry that this happened to your letterbox, there's no excuse for it.

  2. I'd like to see GW come back to California, but I'm not hosting it again. That was a lot of work :blink:


    However if someone else wants to host, I'll be happy to give advise.


    Maybe in Redding, Ca. :anibad:


    I'd love to see it someplace on the Pacific coast. Santa Cruz maybe.... :unsure: Really, anywhere on the Pacific coast would make me happy.


    However, the town of Mammoth Lakes is nearly broke from a nearly snowless winter. They could use the business and ya gotta admit that the scenery is awesome and they have enough rooms to handle 5 GW events at the same time. :anibad:


    I have nothing against Santa Cruz (I used to live with 20 minutes or so from it) but if it's going to be there for GW XI, then GW XII should be someplace like Bar Harbor, ME so that west coaster would have to travel as far as east coasters would to Santa Cruz.


    Mammoth Lakes would be a good spot but it's not real accessible. I know there's a small airport there (I once flew there with a co-worker that is a private pilot from San Jose) but it's 3.5 hours from the nearest major airport (Reno). On the other hand, the drive from Reno to Mammoth is pretty nice.

    Mammoth Yosemite Airport has been expanded so larger jets can land there.


    United & Alaska Air have a partnership that regularly lands there. I think Horizon Air is based there now. I may be wrong.


    You can log my Hidden Dragon virtual as you fly in if you look toward Convict Lake, or you can't miss it from the road intersection with 395. It would be a cool way to start your event fun.


    There are over 5,000 rooms and literally hundreds of square miles in which you can freely camp with a forest service permit.


    Mammoth would actually be pretty darn cool. Santa Cruz would be fun as well, it's one of the most beautiful spots on our Left Coast here, but it's a bit pricey to stay there (as mentioned by DW) if you're not camping.

  3. Many clues for letterboxes are on AtlasQuest.com or letterboxing.org but not all clues are listed online. Some boxes are simply a word of mouth and you have to meet someone who has the clues. There are message boards on Atlasquest.com that a question about a letterbox can be posted. Usually as a community we can let you know what letterbox it is based on where it was found and the image of the stamp.


    Thanks again for all the helpful info about geocaching. My letterbox has been found.


    Which leads me to believe that a cacher moved/took it :( That's not cool, I'm sorry about that.

  4. Maybe you could take the lady and her kids geocaching to show her what it's about. Make sure to bring your own kids (or borrow some from a friend). Take her to a kid-friendly geocaching event so she'll see that geocachers are normal people that she should not fear.


    We know different people :laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing:

  5. South Lake Tahoe would be pretty dern cool too. Or North Lake for that matter, but think about it. Forests, high elevation mountains, a gorgeous lake, and casinos galore :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

    How is weather there for Memorial Day weekend? When we had it in July for Geowoodstock in Washington and Pennsylvania, there was a number of people complaining that Geowoodstock isnt around Memorial Day.


    Here is the list of all the past Geowoodstock events.




    Might be snowy, might be sunny. Right now, there's barely snow on the mountain tops, and the first snow I actually say was at about 7000 feet. Next year, they might be burried on Memorial day weekend. Last year they got snow in June.

  6. Very cool I didn't know you could do that. Thanks! I'm a newbie myself but before I started I looked into everything to make sure I knew what I was doing. I wouldn't care if it was out for a few years but it only made it to 2 trips:( I'll check out that site and thanks to everyone for the advice:) Maybe I'll be wrong and it will pop up!


    Ya, I've had a couple pop up after several (6 or more) months that I'd thought were goners. One accidentally ended up under somebody's passenger seat of their car, and when they found it, it started moving nicely again :D


    Patience and acceptance that you'll probably lose your bug are essential if you're going to release them into the wild without giving yourself an ulcer over the whole thing :laughing:

  7. What happened to the "Puzzle help is frowned upon in the forums" crowd? I think this is the first thread I've seen asking for puzzle help that hasn't been met almost immediately with that response. Markwell is the only one who's alluded to it so far. I'm kind of disappointed in you guys...


    I don't ask all the time, though. Since lots of Wal-Mart caches are hidden with permission, I'm not going to make any assumptions about the others. If Wal-Mart had a corporate geocaching policy, we would all follow it. When's the last time you saw a new "Off Your Rocker" cache since Cracker Barrel adopted its ban on caches?


    Trackinthebox is still going to contact Wal-Mart corporate HQ and have them banned. It's just taking him a while. Six years, actually.


    Don't pee in this boy's Cheerios, Keystone


    I just read that entire thread. Man, am I bummed out that I missed out on that one...

  9. Difficulty ratings are extemely subjective, and you'll get all kinds of answers here. I'll be the first to suggest you don't hide a geocache to look like a piece of garbage. Those containers generally don't hold up to the elements, they go missing very quickly (as they look like trash), and I'm willing to bet that the area you want to hide it isn't being highlighted for something interesting that's close. I'd implore you to reconsider your hide.

  10. It's actually a simple solution. If the cache is private property, require the submission of contact information for the person giving the permission. The reviewers wouldn't even have to use it, just requiring the submission would deter lots of bad hides that clearly don't have the permission of anyone resposible for the area. If there's no contact info, no cachee publishee.
    So in addition to allowing me to place the geocache, property managers must also be willing for me to share their contact information with another party (Groundspeak)?


    To cut down on caches placed without permission, I'd say yes. It might deter some property/business owners from allowing caches, but I think that's a fair concession on our part to help prevent caches placed with no permission at all.


    For many instances, it could be something along the lines of "The business this cache is placed at is XXX, their phone number is 123-4567. Jon gave permission.


    Or "property owner's name is John Smith, permission given as long as no future problems caused. I can contact if necessary"


    Like I said, contact doesn't even have to be made/attempted by the reviewers, just more than an assumption that because you're placing a cache then you've gotten permission. I'd be willing to bet that if something simple like this were required, just it's presence would drastically lower the number of caches we see that are thrown out without asking anybody if it's okay.


    Of course there are plenty of holes in my idea, but at least it's an idea that's both feesible and constructive in trying to fix a problem. I'm also pretty much certain it won't get instituted, it's just my thought on the subject.

  11. If owners are hiding caches without adequate permission (despite indicating that they meet the guidelines, including the guidelines about adequate permission), then what's to stop them from adding the same boilerplate text to their descriptions?


    Nothing. However, if they run into issues (such as property owners contacting GS), perhaps GS can then restrict them from hiding in the future (or at least put a tighter reign on them).

    Puppet accounts, etc.


    Unless townships start banning GC and monitoring the site, there's just not much that can be done (that I can think of).


    It's actually a simple solution. If the cache is private property, require the submission of contact information for the person giving the permission. The reviewers wouldn't even have to use it, just requiring the submission would deter lots of bad hides that clearly don't have the permission of anyone resposible for the area. If there's no contact info, no cachee publishee.

  12. Nigel Tufnel: The numbers all go to eleven. Look, right across the cache pages, eleven, eleven, eleven and...

    Marty DiBergi: Oh, I see. And most geocache ratings go up to ten?

    Nigel Tufnel: Exactly.

    Marty DiBergi: Does that mean it's better? Is it any better?

    Nigel Tufnel: Well, it's one better, isn't it? It's not ten. You see, most blokes, you know, will be rating their geocache as a ten. You're on ten here, all the way up, all the way up, all the way up, you're on ten on your cache listing. Where can you go from there? Where?

    Marty DiBergi: I don't know.

    Nigel Tufnel: Nowhere. Exactly. What we do is, if we need that extra push over the cliff, you know what we do?

    Marty DiBergi: Put the cache rating up to eleven.

    Nigel Tufnel: Eleven. Exactly. One better.

    Marty DiBergi: Why don't you just make ten better and make ten be the top number and make that a little better?

    Nigel Tufnel: [pause] These go to eleven.


    :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

  13. Yup, those crossed my mind too. Although, instead of showing the actual stars, they could just put the color coded number on the screen. That would eliminate the clutter and it would fit on your screen. I like seeing the stars though, they're pretty :anicute:

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