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Everything posted by piper28

  1. I figure it should be due any day now given that I just activated my v5 software .
  2. Regarding the polarized glasses and at least the 60cs, I've found that in the upright position the unit is perfectly readable, while if you turn it sideways (antenna facing to left or right) it's unreadable. Matches my experience with LCD monitors. So for normal useage, I don't think polarized glasses are going to be a big deal for it.
  3. I went to the store and held the two models (although in the case of the 76, it was the mono model). My wife was with me, and our conclusion was that the 76 was less comfortable to hold on and use the buttons. Before doing that, I'd leaned towards the 76cs because of the memory. Ultimately, I bought the 60cs because we felt it fit our hands better. Course, it just arrived yesterday, and I haven't had time to do anything with it yet .
  4. Yeesh, and I thought my 5-6k mile trip the summer was going to be long.
  5. Largely the human side effects from DEET are an urban myth. Yes, there have been a small number of cases of reacting to it, but people getting west nile from mosquitoes is more common (and I'm not saying that's real common either, but it's definitely picking up). Personally, the deep woods off sportsman stuff if my preference. Never had a problem with it melting plastics, but I also don't spray it at plastics, and don't touch anything when it's still wet. And for those that worry about side-effects from deet, keep in mind that deet's been in use for a long time with very few reports of side-effects, some of the other chemicals (which in general haven't been shown to be as effective as deet) haven't been around as long, and quite likely have similar or higher chances of causing side-effects, they're just not as well known yet.
  6. UPS used to be pretty good here, and would leave things on the deck in the back. Course, at times, I'd forget I had a package that was supposed to be delivered, and since the driver that delivers to me never seems to leave notices, the package could sit there for a couple days. Lately though, they just leave it sitting on the front porch, generally in plain view (although I've had it once hidden behind a couple of bags of dirt, and the only reason *I* noticed it was I happened to look at the porch as I backed out of the garage). FedEx won't leave anything, period. Although in general on a fedex package I can call and get it held at the delivery office for me to pick up. UPS won't do that. I have mixed feelings on them leaving stuff. Sure, it's a lot more convenient, but for anything valuable I've gotten into a habit of making sure I'm home for the delivery (thankfully, work's flexible enough I can do that). But you better believe that if I had a package listed as delivered and I couldn't find it, I'd be on the phone to ups immediately asking what the story is.
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