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Tiffany's Slaves

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Everything posted by Tiffany's Slaves

  1. A BIG wag of the tail to you!
  2. Heh Heh... The Head Slave thinks that this pic should be hanging behind the bar of a certain watering hole in Northern Virginia! Hmmm an opportunity seems to be poppig up next week!
  3. Someone could do great Jersey innovations Jersey Diner Traffic Circle Drive In Movie Taylor Ham Light Bulb
  4. A wag of the tail to you.
  5. Maybe someone can lobby BASM or offer to adopt it. On my view, it is also one of my favorites and well worth keeping.
  6. BASM posted this note on Valley View Lookout (GCH1FF) "As of october the 30 this cache will be acchivede. do to lack of intrest." Cache Page Valley View Lookout This is an exellent cache and well worth your time to get it while you can.
  7. Sigh . . . look, I come from an ironing family. My grandmother used to iron and her grandmother before her. THEY could lift iron books. Look at this for an example of how you learn to lift iron books.
  8. Wake up!!! Get dressed!!! At 2pm we are having a hike at Sterling forest (meet at Lautenberg Visitor's Center) and then tomorrow, Saturday, we are having 10 20 minute presentations about IRON! Well, sort of. And you can buy IRON books! And then Sunday at 10 there's another hike at Long Pond Ironworks. Know what you're walking over.
  9. snorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrre
  10. Tiffany's Head Slave experienced a DIFFERENT L&L problem last week. He had purchased a couple of L&Ls and had them on one of the counters just waiting to get filled with swag and placed. He came home one day and they were GONE! He searched high and low for them until he noticed two of them in the refrigerator and they were fileld with FOOD! While he could not prove that they were the same containers, he is very suspicious that they were hijacked from their intended purpose.
  11. Then that would change my NY/NJ Multi State Multi Cache vote for most awesme experience. I offically change it to Whitt's Cliffs Brown Noser!
  12. Hmmm... a TRAVEL BUG! Sounds like a potential plan!
  13. A celebratory wag of the tail to you!
  14. Yes, we thought that also. We also noted the initials HRM on the other side of the stick which stands for "Her Royal Majesty" (of course)
  15. We would have thought that too but the stick DOES say Skully & Mulder & Tiffany, thats what confused us!
  16. Tiffany and her slaves were on the hunt for the new Treequest cache "Ryker lake Bridge In" and came upon a very odd looking Walking Stick. It has some words on it but we can't quite make them out. Can anybody help identify the owner?
  17. You don't need to RSVP - just show up. The talks on Saturday are going to be from 9 to about 5 - there's 10 20 minute talks. I (the Chief Assistant) am on at about 9:30. My talk, of course, will be so wonderful that the heavens will open, sunlight will pour down, etc. Ed Lenik, the archaeologist who wrote the Iron Mine Trails book (as well as Indians in the Ramapos and Picture Rocks) has organized all of this. It's a good place to trade ideas.
  18. A wag of the tail to you!
  19. A wag of the tail to you
  20. The Head Slave found the cache and took three more of the bugs that had been dropped and will move thm eastward. Look for them to appear in a new cache within a couple of days.
  21. WOW.... at this rate, you'll get to 1000 by the end of the decade! A wag of the tail to you!
  22. Our first two will be the following Fictional New Jersey resident - Tony Soprano "Probable" New Jersey resident - Jimmy Hoffa
  23. Have you ever wondered what those piles of rocks are that you climb over to get caches? Have you ever wondered why there are random holes in the ground, sometimes filled with water? Have you ever stubbed your toe on an iron rod sticking up out of the ground? Well, the come to the infamous annual(ish) Northeastern Ironmaker's (previously Ironmaster's, but we're politically correct) Conference on Saturday, Oct. 15, probably starting around 9 am. The Famous Archaeologist Ed Lenik is leading this conference but he isn't leading the hikes. One hike on Friday, Oct. 14, is being led from the Sterling Forest Visitor's Center, NY, at 2pm on Friday, by Sterling Forest personnell (but we checked, they're OK). Another hike is taking place Sunday at 10 am from Lond Pond Ironworks, NJ. Paul Frost is leading that one. Ed's books will be on sale though, as will those of Rodney Johnston (about Edison Mines). Both Rodney and Tiffany's Chief Assistant will be giving talks. The conference is at Sterling State Park Visitor's Center. If you have never visited it, you should - it has the best dioramas explaining the iron industry that exist. If you would like to come, please RSVP to Carol Johnson at cjohnson@njit.edu. We want you there!!!!!
  24. This might be a "Chinese bus" that takes people, especially restaurant workers and shoppers back and forth
  25. Do you hafta bring HIM? Which 3 caches?
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