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Everything posted by Panther&Pine

  1. One new cache in my area (Mission Impossible) is GC26ARG. You need an Enigma simulator to get it. If you will note it is still unfound- I keep hunting it on my way home from work. Maybe run a PQ in various areas for just the unknown cache type to get some ideas?
  2. Yep, she's an LT (see the tagline). The only things I'd add are: Don't put anything that smells nice in the cache. Don't mess with the wildlife (I served with a kid who decided that the rattlesnake was a danger to him so he tried to cut off it's head with an e-tool. It didn't end well.) Don't move the cache, just sign it. If you want some 'real' practice. Night LandNav is fun. But then some one needs to make sure all the caches are good sizes for that- don't make someone look for a camoed bison tube at 4 in the am.
  3. I know mine does blue for additional waypoints (so for points that are provided that are part of the multi). It probably shows a treasure chest where the cache starts or ends depending on what is provided by the cache page.
  4. Where are you located? If you are a PM you can run a Pocket Query that looks at attributes of caches. That can be used to find out which ones need a boat. I'm located in eastern CT How about a zip code? Then I could look specifically in your area.
  5. Where are you located? If you are a PM you can run a Pocket Query that looks at attributes of caches. That can be used to find out which ones need a boat.
  6. If you are a Premium Member you can run a PQ that sorts and finds all SCUBA required ones in an area. Although use some common sense and make sure that someone isn't being funny and having SCUBA attributes on a land cache. Of course depending on where you live that could be easier or harder.
  7. I don't think that we should be asking for help on them or getting help on them. If they are asking for specifics for that one, but maybe a general tips for working on puzzle caches might be helpful as a topic. I don't see a problem with "Dude, this is an awsome/diffcult puzzle cache. You should try and solve it." Now, if only my html was better I'd link to the one I'm working on right now that is awsome (you need an Enigma machine to solve it).
  8. Unlike just about everyone else I have problems with playground hides because of my apparent age- not because I look sketchy. I don't like getting stopped by the truancy officers! It is hard to explain to them that I'm well out of college and I'm looking for a small item at a play ground while they try and contact my home state for an ID check. I like man others in here just go at odd hours. I'm also thinking a GeoDog might be in my future.
  9. Hi, there are more then 2 in Cuba. 27 in fact- I found them by going to Hide and Seek a Cache, selecting Cuba under Search by Country. They are a variety of types so not all of them will be exactly what you want.
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