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Everything posted by mclarizia

  1. Ciao Marco, l'organizzatore dell'evento puo' loggare l'attended.. perche' no? Anzi, lo stesso vale per le cache fisica: nulla (a parte la vergogna) ti impedisce di loggare come found le cache di cui sei owner. Pero' ormai e' tardi: gli eventi vanno pubblicati con almeno 15 giorni di anticipo, secondo le linee guida.
  2. Sorry, wrong C&P: the second one's GC4BC6B.
  3. If you're still in Rome, try also GC51YZW or GC51YZW.
  4. Hello, if you're in Rome, there's a TB Hotel just outside Ciampino Airport (GC450MX), and another one north of town on the highway (GC3332F). In the city center, most caches are micros, but there's a regular in Villa Borghese, one of the main parks (GC4923T). Enjoy your trip! Marcello
  5. Hello Shamenlong, if you want I can place it in Rome, no prob.
  6. I don't think they'll repair the paths before May or June, but you can try and ask them: tel. 0187 762600 fax 0187 760040 info@parconazionale5terre.it
  7. http://www.parconazionale5terre.it/sentieri_parco.asp The trails marked in RED are closed.
  8. Hello Joy, I live in Rome, and can help you with the local caches, and also trade some TBs. When exactly are you going to be here and how many days do you have? Marcello
  9. Ciao e benvenuta! Per creare un nuovo listing, una volta nascosta fisicamente la cache e preso nota delle coordinate, devi andare sul sito e cliccare su play/hide&seek a cache/online form (sulla destra), oppure qui direttamente: http://www.geocaching.com/hide/report.aspx All'inizio puo' sembrare un po' macchinoso, ma non e' necessario sbizzarrirsi troppo con i fiorellini: basta il minimo, poi in futuro puoi modificare il listing ed abbellirlo con l'HTML etc. Pero', se posso permettermi di darti un consiglio, aspetta prima di aver trovato qualche altra cache, cosi' ti fai un'idea migliore di come funziona la cosa. E soprattutto evita di fare come tutti i principianti, me compreso, e nascondere una cache sotto casa solo perche' ci abiti tu. A meno che il posto non meriti davvero... Spero di averti chiarito un po' le cose... buona caccia, e magari presto cerchero' una tua cache!
  10. Per quello, devi aspettare che chi l'ha preso lo logghi come "grabbed from Blaghers", e ti sparisce dall'inventario. Altrimenti, sempre dal tuo inventario, puoi controllare dove risulta essere il TB adesso... ma ad occhio "ufficialmente" e' ancora in mano tua, se e' nell'inventario.
  11. Per loggare il "drop" del TB basta selezionarlo dal menu' a tendina quando logghi il find. In italiano: quando registri il ritrovamento del tesoro, in basso hai l'elenco dei travel bug in tuo possesso, ed a lato una casellina che puoi tirar giu' per segnalare che l'hai lasciato li'.
  12. Anywhere from 2 to 15 people, many of them English speakers. We've got a blog,BTW: http://hikersgonewild.blogspot.com/
  13. Right now it looks like I'll be around the weekends of October 21st and November 4th. I'll be staying about 20km south of Rome. We're probably going hiking either on Nov 5 or 6... I'll keep you posted.
  14. Hello Steven I usually go out of town either on Saturdays or Sundays, and try to go hike where there's a cache to find. When exactly are you coming to Rome?
  15. You'll be better off making a query of the caches in the places you're going to visit and uploading it to your GPS. There are not so many caches in Italy, so you should be able to accomplish that with a single query, or just a few of them. If you want to use your Iphone, you can buy an Italian SIM card for as little as 5 euros, and then an option for internet access for 9 euros per month; that's what I have with my carrier, Wind.
  16. Thanks Mclarizia, I will check it out online,but by that date we will already be in the Cinque Terre. would love to place some caches on our holidayss in Italy but need a maintainer to watch them for us any suggestions? Cinque Terre's not far from the place where the event's going to take place: Arenzano, just West of Genoa. I live in Rome, so if you want to hide a cache here, I can take care of maintenance. I'm originally from near the Amalfi Coast, and have a couple of caches in my hometown, and maintain one on the Coast. If you find a nice place and want to hide a cache there, anyway, ask the owners of nearby caches: I'm sure they'll be happy to take care of the maintenance. Enjoy your stay in Italy!
  17. Hi, there's an event near Genoa on 17-18 September, with many new caches and people from all over the world.
  18. Hi, I live in Rome, but just from the map you can tell that your hotel is quite far from the city center, so expect a long commute, I'd say at least one hour, more if you're moving at rush hour (7:30 - 10 AM, 4 - 8 PM). There are two nice parks nearby (Aguzzano and Marcigliana) where I'd like to hide a cache sometime, but they're just too far... sorry! Anyway, feel free to contact me for any kind of assistance while you're in Rome: I've found all the caches in my city, so might be able to give you some hint.
  19. Ciao, la mia morosa e' delle vostre parti. A Natale ci siamo dedicati al GC, perlopiu' in Brianza, e tra qualche mese dovremmo tornare su per un paio di settimane... buona caccia!
  20. Hi, I live in Rome, so if your friend needs anything from the US embassy let me know.
  21. Hi, have you tried registering to Coushsurfing? You might find somebody willing to host you, or at least some info on cheap accommodations in Rome.
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