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Everything posted by JaVaWa

  1. The naming convention has nothing to do with mathematics... The Oregon 200, 300 and 400 all use the same firmware, and were referenced by Garmin simple as "Oregon": https://www8.garmin.com/support/download_details.jsp?id=4051 The 450 and 550 had different hardware and software, and were referenced by Garmin as "Oregon x50": https://www8.garmin.com/support/download_details.jsp?id=4524 The Oregon 600 and 650 share the same firmware (the difference was the camera in the 650), and are referenced as "Oregon 6x0": https://www8.garmin.com/support/download_details.jsp?id=6157 The Oregon 700 and 750 are referenced as "Oregon 7xx": https://www8.garmin.com/support/download_details.jsp?id=10378 When the 450 and 550 arrived on the market, the x00 designation was used (by users, afaik not by Garmin) to differentiate between the older and newer device ranges. So the use of x00 and x50 does not simply refer to the last two digits, but to a specific generation. Well known for longtime Oregon users, but it can be confusing for others...
  2. After unzipping it is necessary to rename the img file to gmapsupp.img, if you don't the GPSMAP 60CSx won't see it. Also remember that Windows doesn't show certain file extensions by default. If you e.g. downloaded otm-us-west.zip and unzipped it, the name of the new file is either otm-us-west.img or otm-us-west. Rename in the former case to gmapsupp.img; in the latter case to gmapsupp
  3. The Montana 700i supports live geocaching. You can fetch geocaches nearby, around a location of your choice or by GC code using the menu on your Montana. https://support.garmin.com/en-US/?faq=CaNMJtSwK267LGe2p6iO56
  4. Na het verwijderen van de bestanden ook even de prullenbak legen. De Mac houdt altijd een prullenbak bij op het toestel waarop de bestanden verwijderd zijn, en de bestanden in die prullenbak zullen voor problemen zorgen. Bij Windows wordt er in principe geen prullenbak aangemaakt op externe schijven (de bestanden zijn dat meteen weg), maar toch ben ik in het verleden weleens een situatie tegengekomen dat er onder Windows wél een prullenbak werd aangemaakt.
  5. GpsEow works with almost all serial Garmin devices, as long as they can communicate using the Garmin protocol. I can confirm that it works with the GPS 45. Exceptions are the GPS 100 (the first model from Garmin), and early versions of the GPS 50.
  6. Die moet je inderdaad los aanschaffen. Bij de Montana worden alleen een accu, USB-kabel en netadapter geleverd; zelfs een hoesje zit er niet bij...
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