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Posts posted by PocketSierra
I use BackCountry Navigator and pretty much do it as described here:
I've used BackCountry Navigator.
I import the GPX file from a pocket query and then download maps.
In fact, I pretty much do it the way it is done here:
So far, I have not been caching in an area without data connection.
It may not be common nowadays. I don't have a data plan myself, so I wouldn't necessarily know about all the places I've gone. I don't think the falls creek cache had one.
Does your application run on a Palm Treo Pro?
Yes, inasmuch as Palm Treo Pro runs Windows Mobile Professional 6.1. It runs on any Windows Mobiel with a touchscreen.
I have sent some of you the link by private message.
Who has a Windows mobile touchscreen phone with built in GPS? This is usually HTC or AT&T branded HTC phone such Tilt, 8925, TynII, Fuze, Touch Pro, etc.
There is a fix in the latest BackCountry Navigator software that is suppposed to make things more reliable for those devices. I unfortunately don't have any of those devices close by.
Are there some here who is willing to try that on their phone and see if it finds and uses the GPS just fine?
If you don't want to register there, I can email you a direct link.
Have you already tried BackCountry Navigator?
Put me on the list too.
How many of you use Windows Mobile (aka Pocket PC) for geocaching or would want to use it for geocaching?
I work on mapping software for Windows Mobile. I'm just trying to assess the market size so I can justify what further effort is needed for geoaching features.
Very few posts on this forum mention Windows Mobile. Maybe that's because you've either all figured out geocaching on that platform, or you've moved on to iPhone, G-1, Garmin, or Magellan. I would just like to know which it is.
BackCountry Navigator Desktop Version will also run in Windows XP, or Windows Mobile.
You can also try BackCountry Navigator, particularly if you are in the US.
Take a look for a used Dell Axim 3x on eBay. They run about $50 - $70.
Then use GPXview to look at the caches on the unit. Familar Windows interface and nice screen.
Thanks for a fast reply. What about WiFi? Seems it might be usefull. The pocket PC is starting to look more practical. I will look at those Dells very closely.
Thanks again!
Wifi is helpful if you have a network at your house or somewhere else. I can download topo maps anywhere in my house.
Bummer that. It's a great product for the PPC.
That is too bad.
I work on BackCountry Navigator. I am willing to do what I can to get some of your favorite features from GPXSonar into BackCountry Navigator.
The software isn't free, but you can download a trial and make suggestions for free. The best way to make suggestions is through email or the forum at the website.
I would reccommend Windows Mobile 5 or above for better battery life. 2003 is needed at least for the 2.0 and above of BackCountry Navigator.
You can try the BackCountry Navigator Desktop version to get an idea of how it looks and if it is what you want.
Here's some other things to consider if you want:
VGA screen - 640 x480 - gives you sharper looking raster maps, with a possible downside of slower refresh rates.
Built in GPS - convenient, but not necessary. There are good bluetooth receivers. If it is built in, SIRF III GPS chip is the most likely to be compatible.
Cell Phone - do you want it to be a cell phone too?
AT&T doesn't offer any data plan as good as TMobile - it might be worth it for me to switch. i coudl live with the web restriction - I don't care about those stupid messaging features that they would like to charge an arm and a leg for.
If you have a PDA phone with Windows Mobile, (like the At&T Tilt, Treo 750W, etc), you can do big downloads while cradled/synced with your desktop. Or over wifi in your home. This is helpful if you don't want to pay big money for map downloads of topo and aerial maps like I use.
Of course, If I paid $5/month for unlimited data, I may not worry so much. But the downloads at home are still faster.
1. GPS
SIRF III GPS Built into my Eten Glofish X800 Windows Mobile Device
2. Paperless Device and Software.
Again, Eten X800 with BackCountry Navigator.
3. Software for downloading Waypoints
I just import the GPX query into BackCountry Navigator, Desktop Edition or Mobile edition.
4. Maps
I like outdoor maps -Topo and aerial maps that BackCountry Navigator downloads from Terraserver-usa. In areas around Portland, I am lucky enough to get color urban areas photography.
My device is also my PDA and cell phone.
For those of you with Windows Mobile and Pocket PC devices (the ones that use a stylus), you may be familiar with BackCountry Navigator. It uses topo maps and aerial photos in the United States.
There is a trial now available for the Desktop Edition, which will download maps, and display them on the the larger screen.
You can learn more about it here:
A bluetooth GPS, preferably with SIRF III chipset, will work fine.
My mom has the Axim X51v and uses it with a bluetooth GPS.
What do you mean "Palm has discontinued the PalmOS" ??
The facts about the Palm OS history are here:
BackCountry Navigator will run on Ipaqs.
It doesn't use Google maps, but it has topo and aerial photography, color in some areas.
BackCountry NavigatorBackCountry Navigator will run on the square screen. It is worth a try.
At the website, there are cab files that you can use to install if the desktop installer won't work for you.
BackCountry Navigator has added some new mapping features to get topo maps and aerial photos for navigation.
This new tutorial explains how to download maps by defining rectangles on the screen:
It has also added a way to download "Urban area" imagery, which can be very detailed if you happen to be geocaching in certain urban areas in the US.
Interested geocachers, be sure to try it out and give feedback or suggestions.
You can try BackCountry Navigator. Not quite the same thing as Garmin maps, but has topos and aerials.
As the last poster said, any bluetooth receiver will work.
A compact flash one will work with a PCMIA sleeve and driver but a bluetooth one is the better option.
I've used BackCountry Navigator on my POcket PC with a bluetooth GPS. I was running some software on the laptop, and it found the bluetooth GPS that was charging nearby without any extra work.
Backcountry Navigator App Wierdness
in GPS technology and devices
I would check your Datum settings.
The coordinates on geocaching.com tend to be WGS84, while the app now has an option for NAD27.