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Nature Kids

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Everything posted by Nature Kids

  1. So the Ex got the house, alimony & FTF...
  2. If you sign the log in your dream, do you still get the ? Dreamcachers.....
  3. Snook keychain, left bottle cap....
  4. I tell ya its the very first ape cache
  5. Any one use a Mac with the 295W? I talked a buddy in to getting one, & he has a Mac & is having problems with Garmin Communicator. It says it is installed & working, but will not communicate with unit. Any ideas?
  6. A Soup thermos, plastic or stainless steel works great. We buy them for fifty cents to a dollar at second hand stores. They work great, & are water proof.
  7. To reinstall caches in your favorites, I use gsak & in the pull down menu under the GPS button, select send waypoints. You can also set up your proximity alert for caches too, It will ding when you get with in what ever distance you set it too.
  8. We have found lots of caches with a Nuvi....We have a garmin 550t & still we use the Nuvi to hunt down caches. Once you figure out how to use it, it will get you to the cache. The biggest draw back is the lack of a compass, so set the it to "North Up" rather than "Track Up" when you get close to the cache & carry a compass.
  9. Thanks everyone, I was hoping there was a simple switch on the Oregon that I could toggle. We also use a Nuvi for driving & that shows when they are disabled, so I'll use that, or sort in my PQs. I'd think if the Nuvi had the function, the 550t would too....
  10. My oregon 550t doesn't show when a cache is temporarily unavailable, anyone else have this problem?
  11. Anytime I can't find a cache, I'm always positive its been muggled or got washed away!
  12. Ahhhhh went back & reread.....my bad
  13. Geo tagged pics are great !!
  14. A night cache with a couple of those motion activated critters along the trail, maybe up in a tree, croaking frogs, growling raccoons etc..........
  15. & we hire foresters, to mark out what trees are firewood, what trees are lumber & which will be allowed to fall over & die, & those we can put screws & nails in........
  16. Wow....does everyone know that the usual end result of a tree, is some type of lumber product? Nails, screws, wire & anything else put into a tree devalues the lumber in the tree. The tree will grow over the objects, that can damage saws many years later, when they are harvested. Also there will be a stain in the wood where the screw was, even if it is removed. The first log in a tree, the bottom 10 ft.. is usually the most valuable. An oak veneer log can be worth $ thousands, one nail can reduce the price substantially. Even firetacks can cause damage to the lumber, if they don't rust away before the tree grows over them. Save our trees because the lumber looks so pretty in our houses..........
  17. Keep trying.....It took us a couple tries, but we figured it out!!
  18. In 1945 Sci-fi writer Arthur C. Clarke Proposed Geostationary Satellites in an article for Wireless World magazine...
  19. The biggest drawback on using a nuvi to cache, is no compass.....
  20. Garmin nuvi 255 $101.54 Garmin nuvi 205 $88.54
  21. You can use ANY nuvi for Geocaching........& they're great for paperless geocaching! Here's some links for more info....Garmin gps - True Paperless Geocaching For some great Topo maps for Garmins, that are a big help with off road hiking.....go to GPSFileDepot
  22. Nuvi's work great for starter Geocaching, We have a Nuvi 250 & a Garmin Oregon 550t. The Nuvi loaded with topo's works just as good as the Oregon for finding caches! For Paperless Geocaching for your Nuvi go to http://geocaching.totaltechworld.com/index.html For free topo's go to http://www.gpsfiledepot.com/
  23. Yes. Wow You'd think Garmins top of the line would come with everything....... Now they're gonna squeeze another $hundred...
  24. You'll need to buy another copy of City Navigator to use it on the handheld. You can't just copy the files over as they are licenced/unlocked to one unit only, for those products which are locked like CN. I have Garmin Topo Canada V4 on my 3 Nuvis, a 680, 780 and a 850. Hi all I'm also trying to figure out the same thing. We have a Nuvi & just got a Oregon 550t. How do you transfer CN using Mapsourse ? Is the only to get CN on the Oregon is buying it from Garmin?
  25. We use a Nuvi 255w & use GSAK with the paperless macro....works every time.
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