malo mystery
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Posts posted by malo mystery
We had a fantastic walk! In the end we were a party of 8, 5 cachers and 3 muggles. Thanks all for coming along, sorry to all who couldn't make it.
Thanks Pooks for the pics!
Its that time of year again!
The Pooks has been wanting to do an epic walk, involving some of the toughest and most thrilling caches on table mountain. Reminds me of CowNChicken's "assault on..." walks of a few years ago.
The walk will include:
and possibly...
The Pooks has done them all and others will probably come along who have done at least some of the routes before. It will be a great opportunity for all those wanting to do it, but feel they want to tackle it with experienced leaders.
Who's up for it? And when?
The latter half of Jan, or early Feb are good for me....
If I don't do this as part of a group effort, I will never get around to doing them. Good caches, good hiking, good company, put me down for one place please. I will fall in line with times that are convenient to others, weekends are better but not essntial if I have due warning.
We had a fantastic walk! In the end we were a party of 8, 5 cachers and 3 muggles. Thanks all for coming along, sorry to all who couldn't make it.
Thanks Pooks for the pics!
Its that time of year again!
The Pooks has been wanting to do an epic walk, involving some of the toughest and most thrilling caches on table mountain. Reminds me of CowNChicken's "assault on..." walks of a few years ago.
The walk will include:
and possibly...
The Pooks has done them all and others will probably come along who have done at least some of the routes before. It will be a great opportunity for all those wanting to do it, but feel they want to tackle it with experienced leaders.
Who's up for it? And when?
The latter half of Jan, or early Feb are good for me....
If I don't do this as part of a group effort, I will never get around to doing them. Good caches, good hiking, good company, put me down for one place please. I will fall in line with times that are convenient to others, weekends are better but not essntial if I have due warning.
Your location is also at > where am I?
thanks splashy - i was just wanting to save my locaction including co-ords to use for cache page once i have hidden the cache.
Thanks CH.
By which name is Samuel Langhorne Clemens better known?
Samuel L Jackson?
Thanks Motorcycle_Mama.
I noticed on fiddling around that if I push "where to?", then push the "coordinates" option it seems to pick up my current co-ords, from there then hit the "next" option and then the "save" option - it then saves the position to "favourites" including giving me those saved co-ords. A push and hold for a few seconds on the top left corner of the first menu screen where the bars for sattelite strength are brings up another screen where the co-ords can be confirmed.
Thanks once again.
I have a Garmin Nuvi 205 and am still getting to know my way around it. I see you can save your location to favourites, and name it accordingly, but when I recall that location from favourites I cant seem to see what the co-ords are. I want to be able to do this for placing caches, so would hide the cache, push "save location" and later from home pick up the co-ords of that saved location, but am struggling to pick up the co-ords.
Anyone know how to do this
Many Thanks
Is there any way you can break down, maybe by Province, the different percentages of cache sizes?
So Western Cape might have : 30% micro, 40% small, 20% regular, 10% large etc. and even better if you could compare those percentages to those of a few years ago to see how the cache sizes have changed.
It seems like a progression/regression towards smaller and micro caches is going on. For me it is always rather sad to see a micro where a larger cache could have been hidden, but I know this is an ongoing debate and comes down to preferance of the cache owner.
Well done to adilawson on his speedy 100 finds. Keep it up - is it a race to 200?
Well done 4essi on the 100 finds. Keep it up - see you at 200 soon.
OK - the question seems to be a little difficult. Bibendum is non other than the MICHELIN MAN!
OK here is another.
The new movie INVICTUS is directed by Clint Eastwood. Who performs the score?
The actor that plays Joel Stransky must surely perform the "score"
*Ducks and runs*
2) Regarding the coin issue it would always be simpler to have a target number of local caches to be found, and I guess that is the idea of the coin - to celebrate X amount of caches found, BUT, and this is the part that is hard to quantify, we all know who our "local" cachers are, they might not have found a specific amount of local caches, but they regularly attend or organise events, they place caches, they give help or advice on the forums and they are making caching generally better for the rest of us. I know this makes a ridiculously tough combination of anomalies to try and quantify, but these people contribute immensely towards caching for everyone.
Does this maybe not lean towards having seperate coins for different things?
1) X amount of SA caches found - maybe 2000
2) X amount of total caches found - maybe 3000
3) Outstanding contribution to SA caching
Or does this further complicate the issue and water down the honour of receiving these coins?
Until recently whenever I use Mozilla, all animated gifs are animated and moving as they should be, however if I look at the same page in IE they are static, this seems a little annoying that people using IE dont get to see some cache pages as they are designed. Now this morning they seem to be moving in IE aswell as Mozilla, I understood it to be a cough-microsoft-cough issue blocking the animation of GIFs, has this been changed or have I (or the kids) unintentionally changed something amongst the settings?
On this cache GC21G5N Dogs Breakfast the dog, the bowl and banner are supposed to be animated.
Any ideas what is going on?
Many Thanks
Awesome - Congratulations the Pooks on your 500 caches. Some really tough and interesting caches amongst your haul - np fear to go in head first. Keep it up.
The geocaching page allows HTML coding, is this the only coding that can be used? or is it the best one? what is the difference between this and others? Is HTML and CSS the same thing except in different format?
It seems to me to work quite well to use links on the cache page that are linked to a photo/picture hosting web site, This does seem to work, but is there a better or easier way of doing it? That way you can link to animated gifs/banners aswell.
Are any of the photo hosting sights better/easier to use than others, I have a few photos loaded up on "photobucket" but it seems a bit of a hassle to use? photo quality seems to be lost somewhere along the way between uploading them and linking to them from the cache page. Dont really understand it. I recently was trying to get a maze upoaded and seemed to lose quality, also a banner/heading that seems to have lost quality. The maze I eventually got right by taking a printscreen shot of then edited it in paint then saved as a gif, but the heading which is animated did not work, and the quality lost. grrrrrrrrrrr.
Maybe i should spend some more time googling all this, but maybe some of you have all the answers
I must have read this somewhere as before my time - I do remember going out with my dad to motor racing somewhere out on the Cape Flats maybe Faure area in the fifties.
Okay - What got pollarded and why was it done?
I remember watching racing at Gunner's Circle as a very small child.
I guess our ages must be showing - Vic Proctor raced in a car with a rear engine, but it dod not look anything like the cars of today!
Those old cars still amaze me - all engine and power, tyres offering little to no grip and aerodynamic downforce practically non existant, drivers wearing a soft leather "helmet" and goggles. Remember the "running start" - dashing across the start line to hop in the car and race off. Glad I could spark some "old memories" - in both meanings of the phrase
Oh - wasn't it a motor car race track?? or is that not a sport?
Thats it Tom - you are it.
It was called the Grosvenor race track/ park and was opperational between 1937 and 1939.
You can see the Constantiaberg profile in the background.
In Cape Town the Grosvenor House company funded an event on a 4.5-mile road circuit at Pollsmoor. The 1937 Grosvenor Grand Prix was won by Ernst Von Delius in an AutoUnion and in 1938 by Earl Howe at the wheel of an ERA. The outbreak of World War II stopped all racing activity and it was not until the late 1950s that racing revived with events being held at tracks at Gunner's Circle in Cape Town, Grand Central in Johannesburg and on the Roy Hesketh circuit in Pietermaritzburg.
And another LINK
Handing the ball over to you Tom
We all know what Pollsmoor is currently famous for, but what was most of the current prison area used for prior to that? The answer is not "farming" and use of it was suspended with the outbreak of WWII.
Golf course?
We dont seem to be going anywhere fast - so a hint is that it was a sports venue.
We all know what Pollsmoor is currently famous for, but what was most of the current prison area used for prior to that? The answer is not "farming" and use of it was suspended with the outbreak of WWII.
Golf course?
Thats not it, although there are two nearby, Steenberg and Westlake. Westlake apparently being the sole user of water from the Silvermine Reservoir up on the mountain?
To be diplomatic - everyone has their preferences and as much as some might hate micros, others love them. To me it is about what is appropriate - dont put a micro (and disguised and camouflaged) on top of a moutain - we have a few of those here in the Cape - camouflaged mountain micros. If it is the only way to get a cache at that place then fine, go with it, but please put the best cache possible in the area.
What I enjoy is -
Teach me something - tell me something I otherwise would not have known, the history behind something. something interesting.
Take me to something i would otherwise not have seen, be it something interesting I did not know about or an awesome view or on a great hike.
Test my mind with a good creative puzzle.
Time - take the time to keep your cache healthy and fit, dont just neglect it, if it needs maintenance, do it, if a once great area turns into a haven for the homeless or if the circumstances change then addapt accordingly
I do agree that we live in a country with so many areas begging for decent caches and we are not saturated to the point of needing lampost caches all over the place. I am still lucky enough to have hundreds of local caches that I havent found that I can still pick and choose which to do by the mood that I am in and not be cornered into having to do crappy caches because those are the only ones I havent found yet.
The game is up to us I guess, keep the standard we want, dont do the caches you dont like and the lousy ones will hopefully diminish through lack of interest. Leave a direct comment that you thought the cache was pointless or a waste of time.
We all know what Pollsmoor is currently famous for, but what was most of the current prison area used for prior to that? The answer is not "farming" and use of it was suspended with the outbreak of WWII.
To bastardise a some of the others above
I saw rats alive step on kak, no pets evil, a star was I
Congratulations battlerat and pussycat on your 1000th find, and what an amazing cache with which to celebrate it. Well done guys - may there be many many more.
I sometimes wonder if there are certain cachers that leave a trail of muggled caches behind them, be it just bad luck or carelessness. Is there any way of working out who has the most mugglings directly after their last visit to a cache?
Italy perhaps?
South African (Off-Topic) Quiz
in South Africa
Posted · Edited by malo mystery
Shame, Pooks can't wait for someone to get to the point and put an end to this itching question.