Sol seaker
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Posts posted by Sol seaker
Hi Everyone (OP here)--
Thanks to everyone for the thoughtful responses, and for being courteous to each other as well.
I'll address a few things that have been discussed, and add some more detail to the conversation:
1) Since I've first posted, I have verified that DrHogg is indeed still alive, and also teaches classes at the same university where I work. I might reach out to him by e-mail, but I haven't decided yet. I'm frankly not sure what I'd say to him: "Please clean up your mess?" Regardless, it would be awkward, because I have no interest in adopting his caches, and I suspect (but can't confirm) that others would agree with me. Which brings me to:
2) Admittedly, a part of the story with DrHogg is that his caches are generally regarded in the geocaching community in my town as the "lowest quality" caches in town. My desire is not to get into a long discussion about what qualifies as a "good" cache, because as we all know, that depends on the person you ask. However, regardless of the quality of the location of his caches (which we need not discuss), it is rather true that his containers tend to be those that fall apart quickly and easily--pill bottles, peanut butter jars, car key holders--you name it. The point is--the fact that he has been inactive for 2 years has simply resulted in a lot of litter, and that's the thing that really irks me, and makes me want to find a solution here. When a cacher simply replaces a DrHogg cache container, in my opinion, they aren't "keeping a good cache going"--they're contributing to the litter that neither they nor DrHogg will maintain. The cycle continues until someone mercifully posts a NA log.
But from what it sounds like, the consensus is that either (a) he should be reached out to, in which case he could hopefully allow adoption or clean up his 1,000+ abandoned caches, or (2) the local cachers can simply post "NA" logs to his caches.
(This makes me think of creating an event called "Clean Up DrHogg's Mess" and simply having local cachers go around to his caches and post "NA" logs where necessary... Now that I think of it, would something like that actually be allowed? Because that actually might work.)
Just thoughts; please no one burn me at the stake for my suggestions. Thank you for your insight and thoughts in advance,
I'm not sure if this question got answered or not.
Just in case it didn't:
I wouldn't reach out to the cacher. What would you say? "Your caches are junk, would you clean them up"? No, of course not. That would not be very nice.
Best to stick with the standard procedures of putting a "needs maintenance" on it if the container is in bad shape, and then put a "watch" on it. If it's in REALLY bad shape, and there is no response for a while (I usually give them at least a couple of months) then you can post a "needs archived." I wouldn't use that last one lightly though. You don't want to be stepping on cachers toes if there's really not much wrong with their cache.
If the cache is in good shape, no matter how crappy the container, then let it be. It's not for us to judge others containers. Maybe someone is nuts about finding peanut butter jar caches. You just never know.
Even if the cacher is deceased, if nothing is wrong with the cache, let people find it.
I know of a couple of instances where the cacher was no longer around and their caches lived on for a while. There was one in particular where people maintained one of their caches as a tribute to that cacher. It wasn't a special cache, people just wanted a way to memorialize the cacher. I think that went on for 6 months or a year before it got archived. Community maintenance isn't usually the best idea, although in some circumstances it can work. As long as the maintenance is only replacing a full log, checking on cache that got a few DNF's or something like that. I'm NOT talking about container replacement. That's not a good idea.
I've called the police twice for things I've found while caching.
I don't know what ever came of those situations.
Actually one I do know. I gave them the coordinates of the cache to find the spot I was talking about. They actually called me from the cache site in a huge park with hiking trails. It was cute. They found the cache and sounded excited about finding it. I told them to sign it and then look for what I had called them about.
I have been hearing a lot about gadget caches but I haven't found any. Is there a way to search for them?
It looks like you've found most of your caches in Washington.
Look for caches created by Goblin Dust or by Dayspring. You can't go wrong with any of their caches.
If you don't live in the area where those two place caches (mainly Kitsap Pennin. and in Seattle, respectively) then it's well worth a trip to just hit as many of their caches as you can.
I have been hearing a lot about gadget caches but I haven't found any. Is there a way to search for them?
I would look for caches in your area with a lot of favorite points. A lot, but not all of those will be gadget caches. But even if they aren't, you certainly can't go wrong with those.
Once you find one cache hider who creates gadget caches, look for other caches of theirs that have high favorite points.
So does anyone know where Groundspeak stands at this point on Challenge caches?
Are we going to be able to create new ones again?
Are they going to be something people can make?
Or are they still considering creating something that is a challenge cache with some guidelines?
Since the search will work fine, if done correctly, perhaps this should be moved to the "How Do I" forum.
Typing in a cache's name into the main search box should be the correct way to bring up the listing on Unfortunately, that does not work. We have to scratch our heads for a moment wondering why caches came up that aren't anywhere close to what we were looking for. Then if we do choose to keep searching for it, we have to jump though hoops to find it. I know there are some who like this but i for one find it ridiculous...
Thank you. I appreciate your response.
Yes, somehow I expected it to act like most search engines. My bad.
Oh, and adding quotation marks gives me the exact same results.
Using the new filters it came up with "DNF". Nothing. It is the name of a local cache.
I was searching for the cache "Playground Hangout" (which is the actual name of a cache)
and these were my results:
Kanona Cemetery Traditional | GC2FXGV by JJTally
Traditional The Dukes of Decatur Traditional | GC2YA5A by JJTally
Traditional Just North of the Tornado Traditional | GCVEM6 by shirsch
Traditional Sappa Park Traditional | GC207YA by JJTally
Traditional North & Central KS Cemetery Series - Oberlin Traditional | GC59T24 by jaqman07
Traditional Baseball Fields Traditional | GC2FVVY by JJTally
Mystery Last Indian Raid Monument Mystery | GC1RKBP by JJTally
Traditional Oberlin City Park Traditional | GC2FVVR by JJTally
Traditional Last Indian Raid on Kansas Soil Traditional | GCV725 by DC KS History Buffs
Traditional Welcome to Oberlin Traditional | GC2F08K by bordonifamily
Traditional I’m on my way Home Sweet Home Traditional | GC2FTDB by Phil & Verla from OZ
Traditional Centennial Park Traditional | GC2FVVK by JJTally
Mystery Downtown Oberlin History Mystery | GC2FW5G by JJTally
Traditional Highway 83 Travelbug Hotel Traditional | GC2FREK by JJTally
Traditional Manhattan misses our Talley Traditional | GC5E2TP by Semmels123
Traditional Gateway Traditional | GC2FRF0 by JJTally
Traditional Oberlin Municipal Airport Traditional | GC2FRF2 by JJTally
Traditional Big Timber Cemetery Traditional | GC2FXJK by JJTally
Traditional Vallonia Cemetery Traditional | GC2FXGP by JJTally
Traditional Jackson Cemetery Traditional | GC2FXJ0 by JJTally
Traditional Penn Cemetery Traditional | GC2FW82 by JJTally
Very funny and entertaining, as there are 6 cemetery caches when my search word was "playground"
but not very helpful.
A little tweaking of the search engine would be nice.
I like the new choices and the new format of the new search engine.
Now perhaps a little more accuracy would be great.
Thanks Jester!
You have a very Merry Christmas too!!
And everyone else... Merry Christmas, Happy belated Hanukkah, happy Festivus, and whatever else you and yours celebrates.
Jesus may be the reason, but I think it's also about community and family.
So here's many thanks to the geocaching community, and best wishes for happy holidays and a great new year.
wasn't there a hyperlink to a page which would show those coordinates in other formats?
It was titled "Other Conversions". I have that link saved and it goes to a "404 Not Found" page. So I guess this is being worked on. I last used the link just fine on 10/19/15.
I saw this mentioned in another forum. I've used it quite a lot to help solve some puzzles which use different coordinates or to convert coordinates captured using Google Maps (right click on any spot on the map and click, "what's here", and it'll give you the coordinates in decimal degrees format).
Although there are external sites that will do coordinates conversion, this is someone that has been on the site for a long time I can't think of any reason why I would have been intentionally removed.
No worries. You have not been intentionally removed.
We love you and would not remove you. intentionally or otherwise.
As far as this feature being removed,
So what are we getting in return?
We're losing this, what new is going to replace it?
Oh good grief! Life is rough.
Good to hear from you.
I am in California right now. If you guys get down this way please stop by.
I am working on finishing up the "Tattletales" series of caches - they have moved and are taking some of them with them. They are a really great series similar to our own great Dayspring or other great hiders.
If you are in the bay area at all you might want to consider those.
I'd be happy to go find them with you.
Have a great trip!!
Back to the original topic,
I'm definitely not for weeding out "old" caches. The oldest ones I've found are some of the best I've found.
However, I do agree cache maintenance is getting to be a problem. I am one of those people, who if I see a few DNF's then I generally won't bother.
If I DO go after it, I try to go all-out and make a good attempt at finding it so I can put a NM on it.
I am one who DOES log "Needs maintenance" and "needs archiving" as needed. I know they're not going to archive it just because I mark it as such, but if a cache has been down for a long time and the cache owner hasn't logged on in over a year, I don't have a problem with putting a N/A on the cache.
I've known instances where the cache owner has showed up again and then they can unarchive it if they replace it.
I really love the old caches, but it's not necessarily the old caches that are the problem.
Very often someone new to geocaching will put out a few caches and then quit playing. I see those as the larger problem.
There are getting to be so many caches and fewer and fewer people seem to be marking "NM". Perhaps some automation will help.
Good thing she didn't find an ammo can.
The ebay listing is still active at this point and if that message was on the ebay page , it's not now.
It's obviously spray painted cammo. I've found glass jar caches a lot. There was one spot where it really worked well, although I don't think they're a good idea in general.
I've found caches in stumps that I had to pull them out of after the stump collapsed. I hate it when that happens.
I can't believe she really didn't open it.
My priorities have changed.
I wanted to clear out a huge area around my house and work my way out.
Now where I live I haven't found one for a great distance around my house.
Things changed a lot after I did the "Washington State Island Hopping Challenge". Nothing could top that, so I've been trying to find caches that take me to good places, even though none can be that good.
I do a lot of earth cache now, when before I couldn't be bothered with all the work it took to log them. I visited a lot of them, and even wrote down answers, but never logged them because they were too much trouble. Now I seek out earthcaches because usually they are in cool places and they will teach me something.
I think I logged 6 or 7 last weekend.
Take a look at the map of geocaches anywhere in the world.
You tell me.
The only constant is change.
I think the favorite points was a great idea in getting the game back on track so people place some value in placing a good cache.
The other thing that Groundspeak did that was great was the makers workshops, where they showed people great caches and how to make them.
The problem is that one person's great cache is different from anothers.
For instance, I've always hated drive-ups. Then I injured my back and could only do drive-ups. I was so glad they existed. I've heard others say the same.
Quality is not something Groundspeak can regulate. I'm sure they wish they could.
The thing is caches are put out by the players, not Groundspeak. They can't regulate quality because what a good cache is varies person to person.
If GS didn't publish my cache because it felt the quality wasn't high enough I'd be pretty mad, how about you?
Is there something WE can do about it?
If we all held events in our hometowns about how to create an inventive quality cache it might help.
What else can we do about it?
Five pages does indicate that it matters at least enough for people to generate five pages of posts - a not insubstantial thread.
No, not really. It more indicates that the sport is populated by a lot of whiners.
Nice. Thank you for your trolling.
Actually, I'm not. Hitting five pages in the forum, complaining about logs when there are probably bigger issues? Come on.
I find this funny because it's written in a geocaching forum.
There are bigger issues than anything in this entire forum.
I mean, really, we're talking about finding tupperware in the woods (or film cans under lamp post skirts). There is a whole lot more important than any of this.
We geocache for fun. Hopefully we come to the forums for fun.
Perhaps some people are having fun complaining about logs. Who knows? But it's all just geocaching.
Here's a fun one.
Not a real body of course.
You've got to go through some swamps to get to it. The owner had threatened in the past to archive it to make sure no one else would find it. It's pretty tough to get there, so not much chance, and now the thing is so old it can't be mistaken for the real thing.
The cache owner in the past has also promised to hide in the swamp and scare the beejeebers out of you if you go on Halloween. We had a group going one year but I got a bad flu so wasn't up to wading through a deep swamp in the middle of the night. My loss.
I came way too close once.
I found a boat cache that was attached to a tree.
We pulled over to the shore nearby and I got out and walked around a little to explore. My ex was in the boat and suddenly yelled and demanded I get right back into the boat. That was not like him. I didn't know what was up. I think it was a feeling he had, because he wouldn't talk about it. He had no real reason to get upset.
I was near that area a few times in the next few months and smelled something really bad (and strong). Then a few months later I read in the paper that they found a body there.
Part of me wishes I would have found it so they had a better chance of catching the killer because evidence is best found right away. But part of me is glad I didn't find it too. She wasn't going to be any less dead by my finding her.
There is somewhere else I found a cache where a body was later found. The body wasn't there when I cached that time. That was a pond that they fenced off after the body was found.
Since those things have happened I've been very aware when I'm in areas where bodies might be dumped. It really happens often with geocaching.
I was in a park one time, way off the main trail, and smelled something really bad. I didn't look around but just called the police on that one. They were really nice and called me a few times and asked where the cache was (I told them I could smell it from the cache and gave them the coordinates. They found the cache ( I told them to sign it) but didn't find anything dead.
They were really nice about it. I'm really glad they checked it out.
Thank you. We both have a hearing problem and avoid groups of people as all we hear is a loud roar. I am adding the rest of the North caches to my Darrington Bookmark and will do it after we do the South trails and get the goal of 10,000. Our daughter lives in Bothell and wants to be with us when we get the 10,000 so we will be going after it on a weekend sometime. We will either stay in Arlington or in Darrington for a couple of nights when we do the rest of the North roads. We will probably bypass the ones that are not near the road. I understand the motel in Darrington has changed hands. The lady that use to have it fixed us a nice bkfst when we stayed there before. Dick & ArleneJC is holding a CITO and an event on May 2nd in Darrington. I am sure he would enjoy your presence.
Well, we cached yesterday on the south side of the river and then this morning we picked up a few in Darrington and
on the way home. We have 9995 finds. Looking for a 10,000 cache to go after. Would like to go after the oldest cache in Kitsap County which is Green Mountain Cache. I have climbed it several time before geocaching and use to fly fish Gold Creek Beaver Ponds which are between Gold and Green Mountains. I can no longer fly fish (lost 3 tendions in right arm) and could no longer make the two mile trip as the knees don't work so well. Been thinking of Headquarters Cache but they seem to be during the week and our daughter would like to be along but doubts if she can get off of work in sales for Weyerhaeuser
We are not much for Urban Caches and have done most of Goblin Dust's Great caches. Not looking for a big event. just a nice cache that would b worthly of a big milestone. Any suggestions. Thanks Dick & Arlene
The Totally Tubular caches by Dayspring seem to garner lots of favorites.
The Headquarters Geo Tour series, and it does include a Goblindust cache, HQGT: Ode to the Golgafrinchan Phone Workers
I have not personally done these caches, but they certainly have a ton of favorite points.
All are oiver in Seattle.
Dayspring's caches are FANTASTIC!!!
That one is my favorite, although I don't have a "find" on it yet. We miscalculated the final and it was dark by then, so we didn't finish. I've been planning a return trip with some other people because this one is just too good not to share. It's by far the most amazing multi I've ever seen or could imagine. We did every stage except finding the final. It was so much fun I don't care that I didn't find the final. Now I get to show the cache to someone else.
And besides that I thoroughly enjoyed it. Could you have guessed?
Great stories!! Thanks for sharing your adventures!!
We're all ears here waiting to hear more.
What do you like most about challenge caches?
I like it that in a world stuffed with caches, it gives me something to shoot for; a goal to obtain. Otherwise, at this point, I just look at the huge sea of caches out there and they start to lose their purpose. This gives some purpose to caching. This gives direction to caching, rather than just knocking off numbers in a sea of lamp posts.
Good challenges take me to better places, give me greater heights to reach to.
What do you not like about challenge caches?
I don't like stupid challenges that are based just on statistics. There are a few good statistic challenges, but there are so many dumb ones now.
For instance: Find five different caches each with exactly a 3/3 D/T rating. Each cache must be of a different type (puzzle, traditional, etc.). There is no great purpose to that. How does that enhance my geocaching experience? It doesn't. There are a million out there that are similar that are based on statistics that have no meaning. I don't like those. For statistics that actually enhance my geocaching experience, then I like them (such as the Fizzy challenge which does take me to new difficult levels). If it has no purpose other than to make me sit and sort through my statistics for hours then I hate it.
What would you like to see changed about challenge caches?
I would like to see them get their own icon.
It would be nice to have only interesting challenge caches out there, but we're back in the old "virtuals" discussion about "wow factor." How do you define and support that? I want them to be only caches that enhance my geocaching and life experience. I don't know how that could happen though.
If you could describe your favorite challenge cache type, what would it be?
A cache that enhances my experiences and takes me to great new places.
The all-time world's BEST challenge cache is Lamoracke's Washington State Island Hopping Challenge,
where you've got to find a cache on each of 23 islands. That took me to a lot of places I wouldn't have otherwise gone. It's taken me to some of the most incredible places I've been in my life. I have incredible stories and memories because of that challenge. I also learned how amazing islands can be. They are my favorite place to cache now. That challenge greatly enhanced my life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I could go on and on for hours about how fantastic my journey was to find that final cache. It was amazing. It added wonders to my life experiences. That cache was something I'll remember the rest of my life as a bright light. So many caches I'll never remember. That one was brilliantly astounding. Those experiences are what are the building blocks of a great life. It was an amazing time. I wish I had it to do all over again - ten times!!!!
Another good example of a challenge cache is some of the challenges that take you to the very old caches that you usually have to hike to. Those were usually put in extraordinary places. Caches that take you to amazing places are the best, and make the best challenge caches.
Any history or earth cache challenges would be worthy for me because, once again they add to life experience by teaching something.
Those challenges that are based on caching with other people are pretty good too. Those could bring community together. That makes them worthwhile.
What types of challenge caches do you avoid?
The stupid statistic ones that mean nothing and take me nowhere interesting but just make me spend hours sorting through my past finds to try to qualify.
(edit because one title didn't get underlined)
How about this: Does everyone want to make a pact, and from this point on only discuss "the value of old timers (by whatever definition) in geocaching (whatever aspect)" instead of forum politics? Yay? Nay?
It would be good to return to the topic as framed in the initial post. The side discussion about banned posters was also the subject of a topic which has since been closed. As in that closed thread, discussion of specific forum discipline cases is ultimately unproductive as the moderating team does not discuss the circumstances of individual actions, leaving the moderating team wide open to speculative half-truths.
Thank you.
We will now return to our previously scheduled discussion.
Oyster Dome to be clear cut?
in Northwest
Anyone who has been to this area knows the pristine beauty, beautiful forest and streams, overlooking the San Juan Islands, one of the most beautiful places.
From the article:
One of Puget Sound’s most popular hiking spots may soon succumb to clear cut logging. The Oyster Dome, the Pearl of the Chuckanut Mountains—the only place in the Cascades where the mountains meet the Salish Sea—is being considered for a large logging operation. A large segment of trails including a portion of the Pacific Northwest National Scenic Trail may be seriously altered. This would be a shame for the hiking community and a slap in the face for the consortium of conservationists that worked hard a decade ago so this wouldn’t happen. - See more at:
If you want to help preserve this land for generations to come, then go to this link.
thank you.