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Everything posted by kahunajay

  1. I work for a logging company, designing roads and making maps. We use silva's and some called nexus by Brunton. Any good compass should have a way to set your declination. Most compasses come with a mirror which can be used as a signalling device if one should ever get lost. I have over 15 yrs experience working in the wood and will not leave home without one. We now use a trimble for most of our surveying recording and measurents but a compass is always handy to have. One basic rule. ALWAYS TRUST YOUR COMPASS. IT DOESN'T LIE. Have fun in the woods
  2. HI, i am fairly new to geocaching but i have taken a real liking to it. I heard there was some kind of event going on in my area on Newcastle island in bc canada. Apparently they have had an event there the last few yrs. I was looking for some infomation if anyone has any. My email address is kahunajay99@hotmail.com if anyone has any info. or i will check back here. Thanks
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