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Everything posted by Gustaf

  1. quote:Originally posted by geospotter:Great job, Gustaf, but every time I look at it I think of NATO. Is that because it looks like NATO:s logo, or because of the slogan?
  2. A new version of my logo, in b/w and color: A high-resolution version can be found here.
  3. I don't see this the way you do, Gimpy. Remember, there are no hard feelings here, we are just working our way around the copyright laws. And Groundspeak are completely with us, see Jeremys post in the other thread.
  4. quote:Originally posted by LongDogs:Wow. Gustaf posted Windows logo thing, even as I was typing my reply. And look what Groover wrote in another thread as you and I were typing!
  5. I'm not a lawyer, but a logo that's square and with the same colors shouldn't be a problem. Otherwise, someone would have sued the pants off Groundspeak already.
  6. We need a logo that can be put on coins and sew-on patches. Not like this: ...but maybe something like this:
  7. The current waypoint assigning system (GCXXXX), can only be used for 65536 caches. Today the numbers are up to 38632. I think Jeremy has decided that the waypoints then will be called GDXXXX, GEXXXX and so on. In a few years, we will need all six letters just for making unique Geocache waypoints.
  8. The current waypoint assigning system (GCXXXX), can only be used for 65536 caches. Today the numbers are up to 38632. I think Jeremy has decided that the waypoints then will be called GDXXXX, GEXXXX and so on. In a few years, we will need all six letters just for making unique Geocache waypoints.
  9. Use this thread to report small bugs on the cache pages. I have found a few. This is just to offer some help to Jeremy, I understand if he has more important things to do. When a cache has 6 logs, all of them are shown on the first page, but it still says: There are more logs, and there's a link to view them all. There are links at the bottom of the page similar to those in the menu to the left. These links have not been updated when the menu was updated. Some of the links could be removed for caches in countries outside the US. TopoZone, Terra Server, Yahoo! Maps and nearby benchmarks are not valid for most countries except US.
  10. I think TB football is a great idea. I've sarted a game in Stockholm, but the rules here are somewhat simplified. They seem to be working fine so far.
  11. I would rather play Geo-football.
  12. This is the situation in Sweden.
  13. I made a cache of this:Satellite spotting
  14. I made a cache of this:Satellite spotting
  15. quote:Originally posted by Anders:Lowest cache in Sweden is only at -2.41 m... Anders Not really - I have placed one in Sweden at about -4 m. Can't tell you which one, that would be a spoiler. But I can tell you it is in a very wet environment
  16. quote:Originally posted by Anders:Lowest cache in Sweden is only at -2.41 m... Anders Not really - I have placed one in Sweden at about -4 m. Can't tell you which one, that would be a spoiler. But I can tell you it is in a very wet environment
  17. I just watched a mag -8 over my house. Much brighter than I expected. Thanks for letting me know about this.
  18. I just watched a mag -8 over my house. Much brighter than I expected. Thanks for letting me know about this.
  19. I have been using both Mapblast and Mapquest for a while and both have very good online maps, but there is something strange with Mapquest. I think it's because they use a different projection. Compare these two maps of a small island outside Stockholm (about N59 E18). The scale (in North to South direction) must be wrong in at least one of the maps!
  20. Here is a creepy one. I made it with small reflectors on the trees, as a trail through the woods. It works fine and doesn't even require any maintenance.
  21. Can you spot Jeremy in this picture?
  22. quote:Originally posted by Cheesehead Dave: Just out of curiosity, where do they get the numbers? Is Jeremy's database open for anyone to read or have people just hacked a way in? Everything that you can view in your web browser can also be read by a computer program. A program that reads a lot of pages can extract a lot of information from them. It's not hacking - just clever programming
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