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Posts posted by roolku

  1. A lot of activity since I last looked. B)

    Let's see.


    * No, I don't have a professional licence:


    about box


    * you need the latest version of the OS edition for this to work which you can get here: http://www.memory-map.co.uk/dl_mm_OS_2004.htm


    * for the icons to be imported they need to be at the right place - you might want to check that the *.csv has the correct path by looking at it with a text editor


    * you should be able to import them manually by using the menu: overlay/icons and then add, although the script then won't know what ID numbers they have


    * sorry about the cvs/csv confusion. it doesn't really matter what it is called as long as it is consistant. I would recommend using csv (comma separated values)


    * where the output file (the one after the -o) goes and what it is called doesn't really matter (although the extension should be correct: *.csv (or mxf for my fist version))


    * for birders problem: I assume you have installed msxsl, did you also get the MSXML 4.0 (step 2) ?


    * if you run it again in debug mode - before you press a key, can you get me the c:\program files\gsak\temp\babel.gpx file and email it as an attachment to roolku@blueyonder.co.uk so I can see if it works here


    Well, if everything works, this is what you get: example



  2. Argh! I think I know the problem. There is a typo in the command line. It should read:


    msxsl temp\babel.gpx csv.xsl -o d:\gps\mmo\geocache.csv


    csv.xsl NOT cvs.xsl


    See if this cures it. If not, can you tick the box that says debug in the "GPSBabel Custom Export" dialog box and see if there are any error messages? It should just read:



    C:\Program Files\GSAK>msxsl temp\babel.gpx csv.xsl -o d:\gps\mmo\geocache.csv


    C:\Program Files\GSAK>pause

    Press any key to continue . . .





  3. Slightly off topic...ish, but I have just bit the bullet and d/loaded GSAK..Got my head round the dloading cache information, although it took some time...


    Now all i want to do is transfer my information (unfound, found, placed and home co-ordinates) from GSAK into memory map with a different symbol for each group so I can see a visual representation of "what needs top be done and where they are". Could anyone tell me how I would do this??? PLEEEEEEZE!


    House Of Boo

    You can only have one symbol (blue blob IIRC) for all waypoints with standard gsak export. That is why I developed the extra script.




  4. Okay, the file/link in the original post has been superseeded now.


    I have prepared a self-extracting archive that should make things a little easier in step 3 (if you trust me not to send you any viruses). This is the link. It should prompt you to open or download - select open if you don't want to keep a copy. After a while a dialog box should ask you:


    Unpack all files to:


    Change the entry to




    and click ok. This will put all the files in the right location (step 4) provided gsak is installed in c:\program files\gsak and you can continue with step 5


    Alternatively you can download the zip file from here and extract it manually. Both, the zip and the exe, contain a readme.txt with instructions.


    Let me know if you need more help.

  5. Since the new version of memory map (free upgrade on MM site) now allows the import of CSV files, I have redone my xsl script. Here are the instructions from the readme.txt:




    One thing that always annoyed me when exporting caches to Memory Map was

    the fact that there was only one type of icon unlike with for instance

    Ozi Explorer, where you get different symbols/colours for found/not

    found/owned etc caches. I tracked the problem down to gpsbabel which

    will always create the same single icon, as well as the limits that

    Memory Map puts on the mxf format by only allowing a limited number of



    The latest version of memory map (free upgrade on MM site) now allows the

    import of CSV files and supports the use of custom icons. So I have

    created a xsl script that improves the export from GSAK to Memory Map

    via csv files and supports:


    * 9 different cache types (including micro)

    * colour coding (as in GSAK): Owned, Found, Unavailable, NotFound

    * a travel bug indicator

    * categories to selectively hide caches (e.g. only show Owned)

    * link from icon to cache page on the web


    My solution to the problem makes use of the fact that gpx files are XML

    files (they are a bit messed up though, but good enough for what I

    wanted to do) which can be easily transformed using XSL and I also used

    the generic "GPSBabel custom export" option in the file/export menu of



    So if you are still with me, here is the quick guide on how to use it:


    1) get msxsl.exe from microsoft and copy in GSAK directory (usually C:\program files\gsak)




    2) if you don't have internet explorer 6 you will need to get MSXML 4.0 and install it




    3) get the zip file from my website




    4a) put the xsl script in the GSAK directory (usually C:\program files\gsak)


    4b) extract the icons from the zip file to c:\program files\gsak\icons


    (if you extract the zipfiles with directories to c:\ it should put things in the right place automatically)


    5) in GASK open "File/Export/GPSBabel custom export" and put the following line in the box that says "GPSBabel statement ..." (you might want to adapt the output path to your requirement)


    msxsl temp\babel.gpx csv.xsl -o d:\geocache.csv


    6) change the other options to your taste and click okay and you should get a geocache.mxf file ready for import into memory map




    If all goes as planned you can now import the file d:\geocache.csv and see the caches plotted on the map.





    (edited for more clarity)

  6. Maybe I should let Haggis Hunter answer this as it was his idea but since I have been involved a little I thought I'll give it a go.


    When I grow up I'd like to ... have an attempt at doing the Water of Leith series in a single day!


    I can only support this idea. That is what it was created for. :ph34r:


    Firstly - How many more caches are due to be set? Or was there no plan to set a limit? If there is a limit - when will it be completed?


    The original plan was 22. At the moment there are 17 and looking at the distribution I expect about 3 more to come. Team Bostik said it would help out with one or two caches, but they are currently on holiday until 15/8. And Firth of Forth & I are currently working on another one. With Ben Nevis coming up I would expect 2 more weeks until it is complete. (correct me HH if I am wrong).


    Secondly - Are there any places nearby either end of the series that hire bikes (might be easier than transporting ones from further afield plus this might be useful for any holidaying visitors to know).


    I think a bike will come in very handy. Good suggestion with the hire shop. We will look into it.


    Finally - Are there any plans to produce a rough/simple route map or similar? I'm thinking along the lines of something that tells you what order you come to them in.


    I tried to plot the caches on a map, but it will either be very big or not contain much detail. The order from the south to the north is the order in which they are listed in the first cache of the series (a click on the logo will get you there).


    I don't know how many miles the series covers, so maybe I'm being unrealistic in even thinking about attempting this, but then again maybe it is perfectly achievable and others might want to try it too! Can you imagine - what a great way to spend a day!


    Having been up and down the Walkway many times recently setting and finding caches, I think it is feasible (maybe even on foot). I would estimate the overall distance along the water at 20km (but this is excluding the running around for the multies). Most caches are relatively easy to find although one was a DNF for me the first time I tried.


    I hope you will enjoy it. Good luck.




    P.S. For those of you who don't know what we are talking about, here is the link to the first cache in the series.

  7. Personally I like a little more breathing space as temporarily disabled caches get re-activated and may drive the count over 500 for individual queries. Also I don't use the "is active" flag as than I won't have an indication that caches get disabled or archived - they would happily live on in my local GSAK database.



  8. If I knew I could get all the logs in the pocket querry I wouldn't need to download all UK caches every week.


    I'm a bit puzzled there Roolku ?? Why do you need to download all the UK caches every week ?? (remember I'm knew to this game LOL).


    Surely you only need certain subsets of that lot ?? So I must be missing something??



    Yes, but I don't know which subsets I will need in the future. So I am building up the logs for all of them in the gsak database in case I will get into the area. :blink:


    For example cache A is found 4 times in week 1, 5 times in week 2 and 4 times in week 3. If I only get one pocket query in week 3 I will only get 5 logs. If I import them regularely into gsak, I will get all 11.



  9. You'd be supprised, some cachers like to keep a up to date record of all caches in the UK


    I still think that there could have been a better way to restrict the volume and server memory than this blanket restriction to 5 past logs

    They are clearly doing themselves a disservice. If I knew I could get all the logs in the pocket querry I wouldn't need to download all UK caches every week.



  10. I am still amazed that you and I Harold are the only Palm owners who have come up against this problem!?

    Me too, me too. :blink:


    I assumed that pocket querries only contain the last 5 logs so I don't use them directly but import them into GSAK regularely and build up the history there (you have to be careful with the interval - if a cache is found more often that 5 times inbetween updates you get gaps). Obviously this means I don't get the logs from before I started doing it, but better than nothing. Incidently I always wondered if an old time GSAK user with old logs (Pharisee?) would be willing to export his database as gpx and contribute the file to the community.




  11. The only problem I have found is with our caching name Lennie’s Keepers, :P if I change the owner in the xsl file to owner='Lennie's Keepers' it doesn’t like the apostrophe in Lennie’s, as apostrophe is used to indicate the start and finish of the name having one in the middle confuses it.

    I am sure there is a way to properly escape the apostrophy, but I can't find it at the moment. As a workaround I suggest you use:


    <xsl:when test="starts-with(Groundspeak:cache/Groundspeak:owner,'Lennie')">



  12. I know there are some GSAK and Memory Map users here, so I thought I would share the following with you:


    One thing that always annoyed me when exporting caches to Memory Map was the fact that there was only one type of icon unlike with for instance Ozi Explorer, where you get different symbols/colours for found/not found/owned etc caches. I tracked the problem down to gpsbabel which will always create the same single icon, as well as the limits that Memory Map puts on the mxf format by only allowing the following icons:

    Dot = 37, House = 118, Fuel = 145, Car = 112, Fish = 130, Boat = 121, Skull = 22, Flag = 23, Camp = 111, Deer = 129, First Aid = 138


    My solution to the problem makes use of the fact that gpx files are XML files (they are a bit messed up though, but good enough for what i wanted to do) which can be easily transformed using XSL and I also used the generic "GPSBabel custom export" option in the file/export menu of GSAK. The script will search through the following list for every exported cache and assign the icon as soon as the condition is true:


    own = House = 118

    found = Camp = 111

    not available = Skull = 22

    multi = Car = 112

    virtual = Boat = 121

    other non-traditional = Flag = 23

    micro = Dot = 37

    bug = Fish = 130

    everything else (unfound traditional larger than micro without bug) = First Aid = 138


    So if you are still with me, here is the quick guide on how to use it:


    1) get msxsl.exe from microsoft (here) and copy in GSAK directory (usually C:\program files\gsak)


    2) if you don't have internet explorer 6 you will need to get MSXML 4.0 (here) and install it


    3) get the xsl script from my website (here) and put in the GSAK directory (usually C:\program files\gsak)


    4) in GASK open "File/Export/GPSBabel custom export" and put the following line in the box that says "GPSBabel statement ..." (you might want to adapt the output path to your requirement)


    msxsl temp\babel.gpx mxf.xsl -o d:\geocache.mxf


    5) change the other options to your taste and click okay and you should get a geocache.mxf file ready for import into memory map


    I hope this makes sense. The script can be tweaked if you don't like my selection of icons etc. Let me know if there is interest.





    (edited to create clickable links)

  13. No, there is no limitation to the number of trabel bugs in the offline view.


    If you interrogate the GPX file and find this not to be the case, could you please send me the said GPX file so I can track down what the problem is.

    I only noticed because I had placed two bugs in one cache myself and was surprised to see someone had only taken one (they are both still there actually).


    I tried again with a fresh download and clean DB. The gpx file contains both TBs, the offline html only one.


    Email is on its way.




  14. I was thinking of making the meet an event cache. there won't be any swaps or a log book. What you would have to do is register yourself with myself or Ullium in the morning or at the Kingshouse hotel afterwards.

    Darn it, you really want me to come HH, don't you? B)


    Event cache. Hm. Well. I'll see what I can do. ;)


    Postie's latest notice


    12/07/2004 by Postie

    Weather permitting I hope to come up here on Thursday the 15th of July to replace the film canister with a proper size cache. I will leave an ammo can container... but I may need to change the hiding place, so keep a watch here to see if the co-ords change.


    makes it even more appealing.



  15. Not sure about Glasgow, but if you make it to Edinburgh, there are several caches within easy walking distance of the city centre. And don't forget the multi caches if you got the time. The are well worth it.


    You can do a search for GCHXMH (which is bang in the middle) on http://www.geocaching.com or http://stats.guk2.com/caches to get caches close to it. Use www.multimap.co.uk to get an idea where they are.



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