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I am taking a trip to the Islands coming up and have downloaded and saved the caches for the Islands of St. Marteen, St. John and St. Thomas. Anyone have some suggestions for some good specific ones to go for while there? Any stay away froms??
Hey you could have searched for the same cache for 3 years and not found it. Then gotten so mad you took your wife, son, and niece to the site and told them just how mad you were, and put your hand on a spot you said is where you would have hidden it had it been you, and felt the nano that was there!!! And after 3 years found it by accident and felt really foolish in front of your family. :oLOL I almost wanted to send the nano on a last journey to the moon via my throwing arm, but thought if it was that good I wanted to watch other suffer also. The bad part is this is within walking distance of my Mother-in-laws home and I tried it at least 5-10 times!!!! Darn thing!!
Garmin Connect allows those who wish to upload just what the OP was talking about and the bottom of the page give elevation & speed changes: http://connect.garmin.com/explore#sortField=relevance¤tPage=1 I use it to log all my trail hikes in State of FLorida Parks.
http://thebrightempires.com/hunt/ http://www.facebook.com/StephenRLawhead Nat'l Geocaching Contest - Alternate Reality Meets Ultimate Treasure Hunt in Stephen Lawhead's latest novel, "The Skin Map." Join the contest to win free prizes. It being advertised on FaceBook as a "Nat'l Geocaching Contest" but I didn't know if anyone was involved or trying or had heard of it..
OK I bought one of the GeoMate Jrs for my son for Christmas as he and Dad (me) go caching everytime we go camping or sometimes on the weekends to let mom sleep in. Well WHAT A HIT! He absolutly loves it and calls it his own GPS (Which I guess it is of a sorts. LOL) He has already used it to find about 10 caches since Christmas, and we compete sometimes to see who can zero in and find it faster. He has beat me a couple of times!! LOL He is really good at finding the smaller ones. We go to the area of the cache and we turn on both my Colorado 200 and his GeoMate and when we both get signals (his is sometimes faster than mine!) we both head for the same one. Its a gas watching him try and out do me. He loves it. This was one of the best Christmas presents he could get! He loves it, its great excersise and he loves trying to outdo Dad and his "fancy" GPS. LOL Well we will continue to use it and I am sure have to get one for his best friend so tey can compete with each other. Great IDea and thanks for the GeoMate Jr. CWagoner & CJ>
People who take Travel Bugs and dont log them out! ARGGH!
CWagoner replied to CluelessTwo's topic in Trackables
I agree with all of you about logging, but you may not have taken something into consideration. I go camping in State parks quite a bit, and most have no internet connections. I also love to Geocache while I am camping (part of the reason I like to camp). So there are times it takes a few days for me to get back to log in the caches and logs and TB's. I have found that I have even dropped off TB's and had them found before I could get back to log them in (happened recently to me! ) I too like to find TB's, but due to a lot of Geocachers traveling around and carrying TB's with them until they can get it all logged in, I don't count on a cache having any. That way it becomes an added extra! -
Me too!! But the bug part is wearing off, but you can still read the letters and numbers.
OK great questions and answers here, thanks for all the info. Here is what I have done. I have a vehicle cling TB. I enter it as dropped off and then pick it up from each cache I visit. That way I have a great log of miles done and it really puts out a cool looking Google earth track! Plus I have had people find it while at a cache site so it works both ways. Thats all OK right? It seems to work out great and give me a records of all the traveling I have done with it and so on. Anyway thats how I do mine.. have fun with it and watch your tracks grow as you travel with it.
OK so let me get this straight. The vehicle decals and magnets that they sell as TB's (which I have one) can be "dipped" in a cache you visit to show where you have been. But leaving it in one of course is not OK(?). I would love to "dip" mine in all the caches I visit, but did not know that was OK. I have had a great time reading this thread. Thanks for all the view points and tips!
I have found that while out geocaching, if I run into other Geocachers, I "hint" to them there is a big TB sitting in the parking lot or wherever I park. It has worked since I got mine. I have the cling kind inside the rear drivers side window. Then when we go camping, I move it to the camper window, knowing lots of Geocachers camp and cache. Will see how that works out, only have had chance to do that twice. I know there is one near me where I live, my wife has seen it, but its hard to find as the darn thing keeps moving..
How many caches can you load into a colorado 300
CWagoner replied to bmynbr's topic in GPS technology and devices
Mine has 1000 caches. You can create a file using GSAK and then send it to your Colorado. It works great. I also load POI's using mapsource. Have not found limit yet.. -
Changing the defualt Icons in Mapsource to GPS?
CWagoner replied to CWagoner's topic in GPS technology and devices
I am sorry maybe I was not clear enough, after reading my post I can see that. They all appear fine in Mapsource as Geocaches. But when you load up POI's from Mapsource they become little points on the GPS, not caches. The change takes place in the upload to the GPS. Is there a setting in the uplaod or GPS I am missing?? Thanks for the response though! -
I loaded my caches up from several source files, they all show great, when I load them from Mapsource they come up as little dots on the Garmin. My caches I load from GSAK come up as Cache icons, any idea how to change them in Mapsource so they are all the same? You can save thousands POI's but only 1000 caches in favorites on the Garmin. If I could get the icon to change, the 1000 limit would not make any difference.. Ideas?? Sorry about the multiple post, it happened during the errors the forum was haveing a few hours ago..
Please delete..posted during furom errors..
Delete please was posted while forums were giving errors..
Delete please was posted while forums were crashing..
Recently on a trip and caching in Tallahassee I was caching near in a small park in a residential area, the "One Dollar Cache", and was within about 15 feet of the cache when I ran into a Cottonmouth that tried to bite me , missed by a few inches. After recovering from the shock and letting my heartrate drop below about 500 I decided it was time to leave and head back to the hotel room. With all the high water levels around here I can understand the higher likelihood of snakes. If you are attempting this cache BE CAREFUL and take a walking stick! And lots of bug spray! I gotta have a beer after this one!!! That is one of the closest times I have come to being bitten, he was hidden in the ferns and hard to spot, and I was even being careful. But even so, things can happen... Be careful out there.
Is it OK to go back to a cache you already found?
CWagoner replied to CWagoner's topic in General geocaching topics
Outstanding answers! Thank you!! -
I have a question on cache rules per say. If I know I am going on a trip and see that a few of my local friends or fellow cachers have put TB's or GC out in caches near me I have already visited. Is it OK to go by again and pick them up to help move them along to other cities and states? Should you ask the TB/GC owner for permission first? I just don't want to make anyone mad if I go back to a cache I already have found to move a TB along on a pretty good start or trip. WHats the general feelings on this??
I can also tell you that geocaching is a lot of fun for kids with disabilities. My son loves this and it has been great for him to get him to want to go out and walk trails and learn how to use a GPS and read, geography, and other things. While he is not solely homeschooled, we do work a lot at home on these things. He is Autistic. With that said, we find just like most other kids, if you find something they like, they will learn it, and in geocahing I have found CJ learning more about these topics, Directions (including N,S,E,W) Distance Time to get somewhere Reading comprehension of information (cache descriptions) geography Biology (Plant and animal recognition) and a lot more.. we even got him a animal tracking guide (foot prints and such) he loves to try and spot those while we hike in the woods) Thats just some of the ways we have used it to get him into these subjects. I think it could be used in many ways in a homeschooling environment. Good luck to you and hope they like it. CW
I never thought of that. My son and I do this together but we are always together. LOL if you saw him when we find one you would know why I only find a few. He just loves looking at everything in detail and then hiding the cache again, just so carefully. LOL Anyway I am driving a lot this weekend and in no particular hurry. I did the route planning and think I might break 10 in one day! We will see. I may surprise myself and do more, who knows. Everybodys input has been great and I think its interesting how different peole view this and do this. I also think its very nice how people are so helpful and foreright about things here. Thanks from a fairly new geocacher.
OK I am amazed! 100+, 200+ 240 in 16 hours?? WOW! Thats like one every 10 minutes not including driving!! WOW thats amazing. I'll have to try to learn that routing thing everyone talks about. In a good area. I will have to stick to 7 in one day for now, I think being my best so far. I will have to try looking at a day of caching like maybe 10 hours (my partner gives out quick, he's 10). Very interesting answers folks thank for enlightening me. I appreciate the info.
I have to ask, being new. What was the most caches you have found in 1 day?? I see some people posting like more than I could ever think to do, while driving 100 miles to do it? Is it possible? Am I being teased by these?
28+ years LEO (3years of that MP, Army) and still going. LOL Currently Police Academy Commander & Commander with the PD in Gainesville, Fl.
Anyone cached in Hillsborough State Park in FLa?
CWagoner replied to CWagoner's topic in South and Southeast
OK thanks for all the great suggestions! We had a great time and I found 6 caches within easy hiking distance. Dead RIver was very cool. There were all kinds right around the camping/ state park itself, did not have time to get to them all!! I plan on coming back again next year and will hit those I Missed and maybe revist a few that were in such great places! Thanks for all the recommendations. I actually got so excited, I placed a TB in one of the caches and forgot to log it at the time, now I don't know which I placed it in!! Hope it comes up picked up soon. Thanks again all.. Photos of the Hillsborough River trip..