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Everything posted by Seth!

  1. Yes, there are logbook-only caches out there. Obviously, they tend to be smaller containers which can make hiding them easier. I think you'll find it is readily accepted by your visitors, especially if you mention it on the cache page (!) Seth!
  2. I'm pretty sure that it says on the 'post a cache' page that approval can take 24-48 hours. Unless a geocache raises a question, I'm pretty sure that geocaches are getting approved within that time frame. It would really help if there weren't so many poorly thought out geocaches getting posted. The ones that are straightforward can be approved in just a few minutes. What causes a slow-down is some lame locationless for fireplugs or whatever. As for the number of admins, if we had many more we would probably be tripping over one another. It's really going pretty smoothly, folks. Just plan your proposals carefully and then be patient. (Oh, it should also be pointed out the the 4 caches that Buck8Point mentions in the original post fell into that category of 'we had major questions about these' which is why they STILL have not been approved.)
  3. Greetings Fellow Geocachers: The first meeting of the Washington State Geocaching Association was held yesterday and went very well. We have a new web site and it is: http://geocachingwa.org Please note that this Yahoo! group/listserv has a new name to match the web site. If you have this listserv in your address book, you will need to change it to geocachingwa@yahoogroups.com. If you have not subscribed, this would be a good time to do so. Just go to the WSGA web site. - Seth!
  4. I didn't frequent Penny Lane, mind you, but I did buy my darts there. I was playing darts the other night and mentioned to my wife that I wondered if PL was still around. New ownership of the Barrelhead wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing. I have a Barrelhead story for you sometime...So, where's bsmalley? He should be chiming in here before long. I think there are some other Central IL geocachers: JCFans, Jeepster, mdmax371, GoodHunting, trex05, TheGentrys2001, Scout65, and Conch. Did I miss anyone? Oh, there's my dad, RichardL. He hasn't done any geocaching on the home turf yet. I'll rememdy that.
  5. I didn't frequent Penny Lane, mind you, but I did buy my darts there. I was playing darts the other night and mentioned to my wife that I wondered if PL was still around. New ownership of the Barrelhead wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing. I have a Barrelhead story for you sometime...So, where's bsmalley? He should be chiming in here before long. I think there are some other Central IL geocachers: JCFans, Jeepster, mdmax371, GoodHunting, trex05, TheGentrys2001, Scout65, and Conch. Did I miss anyone? Oh, there's my dad, RichardL. He hasn't done any geocaching on the home turf yet. I'll rememdy that.
  6. ..one of several places claiming to be the birthplace of the horseshoe as I recall. Say...The Barrelhead would be a good choice. And that IS on Wabash and they serve horseshoes. The Wooden Nickel was the littl bar on the southwest corner of 6th and Monroe, across from Jimmy's Sub Shoppe. (Is Jimmy's still there? It used to be Allen's Cigar Store back in the day.) I've driven down North Street oh so many times. I'll be on it again, I guess, when I go to do that cache on the rails to trails trail. Apparently it starts at MacArthur and Wabash. Speaking of MacArthur Blvd, is Penny Lane still there? Gee, I could do this all night... - !
  7. If you know the difference between North Grand Avenue East and South Grand Avenue West, then this thread is for you! I'm going to be back to the L of L during the first weekend in October. I jokingly said to one of my buddies here in Seattle that I should post an event cache at my mom's house and see how many people come. But then I thought, hey, there ARE geocachers out there. So, I'm not going to have an event at Mom's but how many people would be interested in splitting a pitcher or something like that? I'm thinking the evening of Saturday, October 5 or maybe Friday the 4th. We could swap geocaching stories or talk about detassling corn. (Okay, I never really did that.) If you run out of fingers when you count the number of names that The Wooden Nickel has had, then you're as old as I am! (What is it called now?) I'd like suggestions on places to meet. Wouldn't have to be a pub, of course. Oh, my friends told me to say, "Look out Springfield, I'm coming to town and I'm going to find ALL of your geocaches." Hee hee. - Seth!
  8. Is it a TV network? Their web site didn't tell me much. I saw the show listed but no time of day. Is this on cable? Does MY cable have it? What's for dinner? I need answers, people. !
  9. Is it a TV network? Their web site didn't tell me much. I saw the show listed but no time of day. Is this on cable? Does MY cable have it? What's for dinner? I need answers, people. !
  10. Oh, John, that is NOT a place we want to go! {{{shudder}}} Let's just pretend that was not even suggested. First of all, it would be nearly impossible to make that an automated event on the cache submission page. But mostly it's just asking for trouble. Whatever we do, we need to keep it simple and have as little input from parks personnel as possible. Just enough to make them feel like it's not entirely beyond their control. - !
  11. At this writing, the vote is evenly split. Since it is already Thursday evening, I am going to ask Bill to reserve the space for Sunday at 2:00. That will give us a bit more time to spread the word and hopefully give us the best turnout. A couple people said Saturday was definitely out for them, so that is yet another reason. This certainly does not mean that future meetings will always be on Sunday afternoons. That will be a topic for discussion. - Seth!
  12. By now, we have all seen this notice from three geocaches: quote:NOTICE - This cache has been removed by WA State Parks. It was placed without authorization nor consultation of park management. The existence of Geocaches in WA State Parks has been determined to potentially a posed a hazard to the public and/or they have resulted in damage to the park resource. The originator of this geocache may inquire with the lead Ranger in charge of Law Visitor Protection & Law Enforcement at Illahee State Park regarding the disposition of their cache. WA State Parks will continue to remove any known geocaches that are placed without agency approval and authorization. I can be reached at 360.344.4406 - FWadmin@parks.wa.gov Thank You. Steve Shively, WA State Parks - PARKS AND RECREATION COORDINATOR These may be real notices from Mr. Shively, BUT before we get upset with him, we need to be sure. A bit of research reveals the following: Steve Shively is the "Conference Programs & Services Manager" at Fort Worden State Park Conference Center. The park also has a Park Manager, two rangers, and support staff. Shively also maintains the Fort Worden (FW) web site. Shively also serves as the chair of the Evergreen Section of the American Camping Association. His term runs 01/01/01 - 12/31/02. The phone number given in those posts is really his, as is the e-mail address. I have to wonder though, why would the Conference Programs & Services Manager at Fort Worden be removing caches, especially at those other parks? And why choose those to remove instead of the cache in Fort Worden? (An Officer and a Gentleman) We obviously need more information. - Seth! Oh, here's a photo of the man in question:
  13. If you are interested in this meeting, you might want to read my September 3 post on this thread.
  14. Originally posted by soup in the other poll: quote:Since I cant join in this club (too far away from Oregon), could there be a formal response to this "FWadmin" who is removing caches from FW parks. One of the reasons we want to have this meeting ASAP is to devise a reply to and questions for Mister FWAdmin. So the answer is, yes. Seth!
  15. This is a follow-up to the original Washington Geocachers Club poll. The vote between Kirkland and Auburn was pretty well split. Renton was mentioned as a possible location and BillP3rd has offered a meeting place there. It is the club house at his apartment complex. So, now let us decide on a date and time. That vote was leaning toward Saturday, but I figure we'll give a few more people the opportunity to vote.
  16. so please don't post any more comments here. The new thread will be called: Washington Geocachers Club II
  17. Here is how the station is descibed: quote:IT IS 16 FEET OUTSIDE OF HIGH-WATER LINE AND COVERS ABOUT 3 FEET AT HIGH WATER. IT PROJECTS 3 INCHES ABOVE THE SURFACE. SURFACE, UNDERGROUND, AND REFERENCE MARKS NO.1 AND NO.2 ARE STANDARD BRONZE DISKS SET IN CONCRETE... Can anyone make sense of those first two sentences? "outside of high-water line"? Does that mean at high-tide, the station is 16 feet away from the shore, in the water? Or 16 feet from the water's edge? Or something else? How about "covers about 3 feet at high water"? I can't even guess what that means. - Seth!
  18. Ah, I get it. What I found was a reference marker. In 1948, they could not find it. Apparently the actual station and the other reference marker were destroyed. The PID is SY1755. Here is what I found: - Seth!
  19. Okay, I need some help here. This is the info in question: quote:THE STATION IS LOCATED ON THE S SIDE OF THE INLET ON A SANDY POINT ABOUT 1 MILE W OF CHURCH LIGHT. THERE IS A SMALL BIGHT JUST E OF THE STATION. IT IS 16 FEET OUTSIDE OF HIGH-WATER LINE AND COVERS ABOUT 3 FEET AT HIGH WATER. IT PROJECTS 3 INCHES ABOVE THE SURFACE. SURFACE, UNDERGROUND, AND REFERENCE MARKS NO.1 AND NO.2 ARE STANDARD BRONZE DISKS SET IN CONCRETE, AS DESCRIBED IN NOTES 1A, 7A, AND 11A. REFERENCE MARK NO.1 IS SET W OF THE STATION ABOUT 18 FEET OUTSIDE OF THE HIGH-WATER LINE. IT PROJECTS ABOUT 3 INCHES ABOVE THE LEVEL BEACH. MARK NO.2 IS SET INSHORE FROM THE STATION ABOUT 8 FEET BACK OF THE HIGH-WATER LINE. IT PROJECTS ABOUT 3 INCHES ABOVE THE SURFACE. So it sounds like we have three different things here: Reference Marks 1 and 2--which are bronze disks--and "the station". What is the station? I thought that the bronze disk WAS the station. Also, is there any way to know which disk is #1 and which is #2--other than very accurate coordinates? - Seth!
  20. quote:Originally posted by Brad, Trish & Echo:Bah...I got all excited when I saw Springfield. It just wasn't Springfield, IL. Same here. People have to be more careful. You get a guy's hopes up and... - Seth! (Originally from Springpatch, Land of Lincoln)
  21. quote:Originally posted by Brad, Trish & Echo:Bah...I got all excited when I saw Springfield. It just wasn't Springfield, IL. Same here. People have to be more careful. You get a guy's hopes up and... - Seth! (Originally from Springpatch, Land of Lincoln)
  22. Here are some thoughts about meeting topics, in order that they might be tackled: Determine the purpose/goals of the club. Devise a position statement regarding geocaches in State Parks. Determine what roles of leadership are needed. Appoint people to those roles. Develop a quarter or half year plan. I base these on what seem to be our most immediate needs. Feel free to comment!
  23. Hi all, There has been a lot of interest in forming a club here in WA, particularly for advocacy. Many of us are interested in having a meeting soon. Team Misguided is willing to have a meeting at their house next Saturday evening or Sunday. They are in Auburn. Another option would be to have it in Kirkland. Please vote and post agenda items or other thoughts:
  24. quote:Originally posted by leatherman:Which pi(?) (T)here's more than one. Um...unless you are thinking of pie (in which case there is apple, cherry, rhubarb, etc.) there is only one pi. The only thing that changes from equation to equation is the number of significant digits. So in one instance, you might use 3.14 but in another you might use 3.14159265. I had to contact the cache owner to ask about this one. That was back on March 23 and I just realized that I haven't gone to find the cache yet! Better get on that. Anyway, 3fros explained radians to me because I must have slept through class that day. Or was that the class I dropped? Seth! Preparation H, the first ointment to survival?
  25. quote:Originally posted by leatherman:Which pi(?) (T)here's more than one. Um...unless you are thinking of pie (in which case there is apple, cherry, rhubarb, etc.) there is only one pi. The only thing that changes from equation to equation is the number of significant digits. So in one instance, you might use 3.14 but in another you might use 3.14159265. I had to contact the cache owner to ask about this one. That was back on March 23 and I just realized that I haven't gone to find the cache yet! Better get on that. Anyway, 3fros explained radians to me because I must have slept through class that day. Or was that the class I dropped? Seth! Preparation H, the first ointment to survival?
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