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Posts posted by GeoCharmer81

  1. I went on the site at 1PM EST and it "let" me put in one Midnight and one Arctic.

    Then the site didn't recognize my password and by the time a new one was sent, the Midnight version was gone.

    I ordered two Arctic. Is there anyone willing to trade an Arctic for a Midnight??? Pleeeeaaase!!!

    LOVE there great little guys!!!

    Thanks, GeoCharmer81 (AKA Kelly)

  2. I think all the Mystery Coiners are just amazing--spending their money and time to make others happy!!!


    Yes,big companies do pick on the little guy, but they do "pick their Battles"!!!


    Especially, if it's a not-for-profit venture.


    And, if we're going to worry about Disney, what about the Star Wars aspect???


    Don't those companies frown on copyright/trademark violations???


    PLEASE, no need to pick up on this comment--just my opinion!!!


    Just let the Mystery Coiners and all the lucky recipients ENJOY the coins--the making,giving and receiving!!!


    PS: congrats to above mentioned recipients!!!

  3. OH, YEAH!!!!!! Must have at least one of these for my collection.

    I've gotta wait until April???!!!

    Is this a cruel, early April Fools' Day joke???!!!

    Just kidding, all good things come to those who wait--

    but, not for toooooo long...


    avroair, I LOVE your designs!!!


    Kelly (AKA GeoCharmer81)

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