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Posts posted by GeoCharmer81
Late getting this posted this year!!!
EMAIL SENT: September 27, 2018NAME RECEIVED BY ME:MISSION SENT BY ME:MISSION ARRIVED AT DESTINATION:MISSION RECEIVED BY ME:HINTS FOR MY MISSION PARTNER: My favorites are astronomy/astrology, new age, alien, Celtic, Egyptian, OWL, hedgehog, horse, dog, dragons, cars, motorcycles, colorful/glow. The top on my wish list is a GC trackable North Dakota Coin.And, FTF Magazine Volume 6 Issue 1---the first issue of 2015
I enjoy surprises, too, and would be happy with any Coins I may receive for Missions!!! -
My favorite holiday---HALLOWEEN--- is coming soon and this is the perfect time for me to host another MISSION!!! Nothing too complicated this time!!! Just send an unactivated Geocoin and a card to your Mission Partner. Additional goodies appreciated, but not required!!! As usual, names will be chosen at random and you may take on more than one Mission if you'd like. You may consider adding a note (online) with your favorite types of Coins to help your Partner. Please add updates as the Mission progresses. If you join the Mission, you may have to send a package to an international destination!!!The autumnal equinox began the fall season in the Northern Hemisphere on September 22, 2018 at exactly 9:54 P.M. EDT. As usual, I'm sooo ready for cooler weather, leaves changing colors, Pumpkins, Ghosts and Goblins!!!Please "enter" by sending me an email to oescharmer@aol.com (please put HALLOWEEN MISSION in the subject line) and by posting here!!!In the email, please send your GC name, "real" name, and physical address!!!EMAIL SENT:NAME RECEIVED BY ME:MISSION SENT BY ME:MISSION ARRIVED AT DESTINATION:MISSION RECEIVED BY ME:Please "enter" by October 3, 2018.Names chosen by random and sent to you approximately October 4, 2018
To clarify a bit more, a "discovered" log is if you've seen the coin (AKA trackable) and don't take it along to drop elsewhere. If you do take it, that would be a "grabbed it" log. When you put a trackable into a cache or Event, that is a "dropped it" log. Collecting can become rather addicting!!!
Name received from Laval K-9: 3/5/2018
Sent my gift: 3/22/2018
My gift arrived at destination:
I received a gift: 3/10/2018---THANKS Valerie of Sweetlife!!!With the recent weather, I hope the Easter Bunny gets his cousins---the snow shoe hares--- to help deliver the Easter Missions this year!!!
Name received from Laval K-9: 3/5/2018
Sent my gift:
My gift arrived at destination:
I received a gift: 3/10/2018---THANKS Valerie of Sweetlife!!! -
Team Bear-Cat, as stated many times, I tried to contact you many times and you never responded nor did you post here until January. As for the coins you say never arrived, I have records and that isn't accurate. Of the ones that truly didn't arrive was the one YOU were supposed to send. I sent a coin to that person.
Team Bear-Cat, I tried many times to contact you via PM, GC, and this thread and gave up. I sent a Coin to the person YOU were supposed to send to.You had quite a bit of time---months--- to contact me to tell me you didn't get a gift. Now, you are trying to "guilt" Sherminator18 into sending you a gift???
Name received from Laval K-9: 3/5/2018
Sent my gift:
My gift arrived at destination:
I received a gift:HINTS FOR MY MISSION PARTNER: My favorites are astronomy/astrology, new age, alien, Celtic, Egyptian, OWL, hedgehog, horse, dog, dragons, cars, motorcycles, colorful/glow. The top on my wish list are a GC trackable North Dakota Coin.And, FTF Magazine Volume 6 Issue 1---the first issue of 2015
I enjoy surprises, too, and would be happy with any Coins I may receive for Missions!!! -
I want to join, please!!!
Name received from Laval K-9:
Sent my gift:
My gift arrived at destination:
I received a gift:HINTS FOR MY MISSION PARTNER: My favorites are astronomy/astrology, new age, alien, Celtic, Egyptian, OWL, hedgehog, horse, dog, dragons, cars, motorcycles, colorful/glow. The top on my wish list is a GC trackable North Dakota Coin.And, FTF Magazine Volume 6 Issue 1---the first issue of 2015
I enjoy surprises, too, and would be happy with any Coins I may receive for Missions!!! -
I suggest going on their website and looking at their Coins. There is a section for Club Coins.
Team BearCat, I tried several times to contact YOU on this thread, via GC and by email. I only received one response from you. I replied back trying to find out if you had gotten your Mission and you never answered. I finally sent a Mission to the person you were supposed to send to as they never got it.
15 minutes ago, Laval K-9 said:
I can assure each one of you that when I take someone's name off the list it's because I know for sure that this person received her (his) mission.
They may have updated their status, sent me an e-mail or have replied to a message I sent them. I do not take a name from the list just from the fact the sender says so because they had a tracking number on the package.
Hopefully the last 3 packages will make it to destination in the near future
Claire, we believe you!!! It would just be nice if they would acknowledge here.
24 minutes ago, Laval K-9 said:
I got a reply from her on January 2nd and both her missions were waiting for her when she came back home
Thanks, Claire!!!
15 minutes ago, Laval K-9 said:
Good news.... all missions were sent
Those who didn't receive or didn't say so...
RavenclawTia (not received 12/30/17) It was sent on November 30th
theped (not received 12/30/17) It was sent on January 2nd (health issues)
Sivota (not received 12/30/17) It was sent on December 19thPlease update your status so I can keep track of each mission. Thanks!
Claire, the person I sent my Mission to isn't on the list anymore, but hasn't posted that they received it. Does that mean you were in contact with them by email?
I want to say a big Thank You to Spottypossy for my AWESOME Halloween Mission!!!
Still have not heard anything from Team Bear-Cat as to whether they have sent or received a Mission.
SAD to have to say that after repeated attempts at contact, Team Bear Cat has not updated as to whether they have sent or received their Mission. And, I did get one email from my Mission Partner, but didn't receive my Mission, either.
SORRY for not updating sooner---lots going on lately, mostly good!!!
Sent my info to Laval K-9: November 18, 2017
Name received from Laval K-9: November 27, 2017
Sent my gift: December 13,2017
My gift arrived at destination:
I received a gift: December 7, 2017...thanks to MSU-E-KID#9... ALMOST made it till Christmas before opening!!!
Thanks again to Claire for hosting!!!
Greetings Claire, I'd like to join, please!!! WOOF, WOOF to Wyatt and Jake!!!
Sent my info to Laval K-9: November 18, 2017
Name received from Laval K-9:
Sent my gift:
My gift arrived at destination:
I received a gift:
HINTS FOR MY MISSION PARTNER: My favorites are astronomy/astrology, new age, alien, Celtic, Egyptian, OWL, hedgehog, horse, dog, dragons, cars, motorcycles, colorful/glow. The top on my wish list are a GC trackable North Dakota Coin, Kealia's Well Rounded Cacher 81 Challenge Coin.I enjoy surprises, too, and would be happy with any Coins I may receive for Missions!!! -
OK, sorry I've been scary slow in updating the Missions.
According to my records and posts, the following have not received their Missions yet. Please let us/me know if you have gotten your gift.
The 6th Hobbit
Team BearCat
GeoCharmer81 (me)
Seems a lot of people were too scared to join the Mission this time. There are only 13 including me. I will send out emails shortly to let you know who your Mission Partner is. Have fun getting your goodie bags together!!!
EMAIL SENT: September 20, 2017NAME RECEIVED BY ME:MISSION SENT BY ME:MISSION ARRIVED AT DESTINATION:MISSION RECEIVED BY ME:HINTS FOR MY MISSION PARTNER: My favorites are astronomy/astrology, new age, alien, Celtic, Egyptian, OWL, hedgehog, horse, dog, dragons, cars, motorcycles, colorful/glow. The top on my wish list are a GC trackable North Dakota Coin, and Kealia's Well Rounded Cacher 81 Challenge Coin.And, FTF Magazine Volume 6 Issue 1---the first issue of 2015
I enjoy surprises, too, and would be happy with any Coins I may receive for Missions!!! -
Hello everyone,
Please post your "Wish List" for your Mission Partner on this thread!!!
I will Like your post when I add you to my Master List!!!
THANKS!!! I look forward to all the Holiday Missions and, the Halloween one is my favorite (insert creepy Witch's cackle here)!!!
in Trackables
Hello everyone,
Please post your "Wish List" for your Mission Partner on this thread!!!
I will Like your post when I add you to my Master List!!!
THANKS!!! I look forward to all the Holiday Missions and, the Halloween one is my favorite (insert creepy Witch's cackle here)!!!