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Posts posted by GeoCharmer81

  1. 8 minutes ago, neltra said:

    I've been watching this and enjoying all of it. 4 more missions to go!!! YAY! This morning, I ordered my coins for next year's Christmas mission :santa:  and will be picked up today. I'm looking forward to the Easter mission. Do I just watch the forum for activity to join or how does that work? This was my first mission, so I'm not sure how it all works but I LOVE it. Thank you.

    Laval K-9 will announce the Easter Mission here and in several Geocoin forums and  her local groups. And, I will host a Mission for Halloween.

    Happy to have you join and glad you are enjoying it. We've never had this much trouble with deliveries. We all know why they are slow, though.


    Edit to clarify...a new post in the Geocoin Forums.

  2. 7 minutes ago, Laval K-9 said:

    Friday morning list.


    Almost there, only 9 to go :unsure:


    Ally&Joe (not received Jan 19)               
    Cunigunda (not received Jan 21)            
    DireWolf821 #5 (not received Jan 19)                                                                                                                            
    Laval K-9 #1 (not received Jan 19)
    Laval K-9 #2 (not received Jan 19)                                                                             
    o0rxkxrox0o (not received Jan 19)                                                    
    peace love pi (not received Jan 19)                                          
    qqnonrev – Ray (not received Jan 19)                                                                                                       
    SeabeckTribe #2 (not received Jan 19)                                                                    




    SLOOOW, but they are getting there. Santa and the Reindeer need to get the rest delivered so they can rest up for next year!!! I hope the Easter Bunny is eating his carrots and preparing for Easter!!!

    • Helpful 1
  3. 2 hours ago, thebruce0 said:

    There are reports of a user now contacting people asking if they want a list of TB codes they've collected. I haven't received it yet. But that may be related.

    I'd probably accept the list and Not log the Coins. But, contact GC about who sent the list and contact the Coin owners and warn then that their Coins are on a list that's being shared.

    • Helpful 1
  4. 11 minutes ago, Laval K-9 said:

    Wednesday night list. Only 20 to go :unsure:


    Taking names off the list one at the time. Slowly but surely  :bad:


    11 minutes ago, Laval K-9 said:

    Aren't we all glad popcorn isn't fattening?!?!?!:drama::D:drama:




    • Funny 1
  5. UPDATE: DECEMBER 24, 2020


    Sent my info to Laval K-9: NOVEMBER 14, 2020

    Name received from Laval K-9: NOVEMBER 28, 2020
    Sent my gift: DECEMBER 16, 2020

    My gift was from Rodeo68 and included a beautiful hand made card and a Canadian Cardinal Geocoin and a Canadian Flag Micro Geocoin. I didn't have those yet!!! Will attempt to post pics. Thank you so much Rick!!!


    No description available.


    No description available.
    • Love 2
  6. UPDATE:


    Sent my info to Laval K-9: NOVEMBER 14, 2020

    Name received from Laval K-9: NOVEMBER 28, 2020
    Sent my gift: DECEMBER 16, 2020
    My gift arrived at destination:




  7. 6 hours ago, Dgwphotos said:

    Judging by this log, we've got another online database of trackable codes:

    "Discovered while online searching."

    That log has been deleted. I Really Dislike when codes are shared without the owner's permission. Sometimes people share other people's lists. Sometimes people use computer programs to find the codes. Very sad that people do that to add to their discovery total. I have seen a few Coins/codes shared online by their owners. I won't even log those as a discovery---only as a note and only  if it's a very awesome trackable. I delete bogus logs on my trackables, too.

  8. 12 minutes ago, DireWolf821 said:

    Oh I know they will post on here. But I was having trouble searching for a specific person instead of scrolling through all 4 pages. No problem. I'll figure it out. 

    There is a search feature. This is what I see on laptop.image.thumb.png.611916cbfc29cbf813867c24f5492c59.png


  9. 6 minutes ago, DireWolf821 said:

    Oh I know they will post on here. But I was having trouble searching for a specific person instead of scrolling through all 4 pages. No problem. I'll figure it out. 

    If they do as Claire requested and make a new post to update their status, you will get a notification if you are following the topic.

    • Helpful 1
  10. 2 minutes ago, DireWolf821 said:

    How will I know if someone received the coin I sent them?  

    Hello, when people receive their gift they will post using the format saying they got it. They  usually post pics of the gift.

  11. Sent my info to Laval K-9: NOVEMBER 14, 2020

    Name received from Laval K-9: NOVEMBER 28, 2020
    Sent my gift:
    My gift arrived at destination:
    I received a gift:


    Now to do do some research to find the perfect Coin for my Mission Partner!!!

    Jake the Supervisor needs some treats for making sure Claire got all the names paired and sent out!!!

  12. 1 hour ago, Laval K-9 said:


    Write down the number and just send a message to the owner once he receives his mission. He may not activate the geocoin though ;)

    To add to Claire's comment... a Geocoin can't be Discovered until after it is activated.

  13. 10 minutes ago, Laval K-9 said:

    Entries are now closed. We have a total of 156 missions :antenna:


    I will prepare everything today (Friday) and names will be sent on Saturday the 28th ;)

    WOW, you really broke your record!!! :)I guess the Podcasts helped a bit.:D:wub:

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  14. To help support Laval K-9, I want to mention that following the format and updating for each step in a separate post is how she keeps track of the Missions. I host Missions, too, although mine don't have nearly as many participants. Trust me, it is nerve-wracking worrying if everything gets done properly...and, that everyone gets their Mission. We all love Claire and want to keep her from getting grey hair!!!


    Sent my info to Laval K-9:
    Name received from Laval K-9:
    Sent my gift:
    My gift arrived at destination:
    I received a gift:

    • Helpful 1
    • Love 4
  15. This is one of my most favorite things during the Holiday Season!!!

    Many thanks to Claire for gathering the Geo-Elves (and Jake) to load up Santa's sleigh!!!


    Sent my info to Laval K-9: NOVEMBER 14, 2020

    Name received from Laval K-9:
    Sent my gift:
    My gift arrived at destination:
    I received a gift:


    HINTS FOR MY MISSION PARTNER: My favorites are astronomy/astrology, new age, alien, Celtic, Egyptian, OWL, hedgehog, horse, dog, dragons, cars, motorcycles, colorful/glow. The top on my wish list is a GC trackable North Dakota Coin.

    And, FTF Magazine Volume 1 Issue 1---I can still hope!!!
    I enjoy surprises, too, and would be happy with any Coins I may receive for Missions!!! 
  16. I was super busy yesterday and had taken my mail inside without looking at it.

    When I finally sat down, there was a second package from my Great Pumpkin kini_ont.

    Ted, thank you sooo much for all the awesome gifts...I love all of them!!!

    I will add some pics within the net day or so.


    I'm also loving seeing pics of all the other Missions!!!

  17. 10 hours ago, liveanimals said:

    The Great Pumpkin (ok, it was me!) proclaimed "Today be the day! No more waiting!" and we opened our missions - thanks Cobraleader312 and our illustrious leader GeoCharmer81 for the most excellent packages! Lil Liveanimals' school mascot is the hedgehog and she loved both coins - Mrs Liveanimals' maiden name is Lackey and I have a few of the annual coins but held off a few years (including 2018!) so that was a fortuitous gift. 





    You're so welcome---I'm happy to hear Lil Liveanimals liked the Coins!!! It's awesome that her school mascot is a hedgehog and would love to see a pic. I have three live ones who are trackable.

    • Love 1
  18. Haven't sent or didn't update Forum. Please let me know if this isn't correct:





    Haven't received or didn't update Forum, yet.  I'm waiting till the person updates that they received their Mission to take their name off the list. Please let me know if this isn't correct:







    Looks like the Witches have their brooms fired up and are delivering those Missions!!!

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