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Posts posted by GeoCharmer81
NAME RECEIVED BY ME:MISSION SENT BY ME:OUTGOING MISSION ARRIVED AT DESTINATION:INCOMING MISSION RECEIVED BY ME:Well, I guess it's time I show my Halloween Spirit!!!HINTS FOR MY MISSION PARTNER: My favorites are Skulls, astronomy/astrology, new age, alien, Celtic, Egyptian, OWL, hedgehog, horse, dog, dragons, cars, motorcycles, colorful/glow. The top on my wish list is a GC trackable North Dakota Coin.
And, FTF Magazine Volume 1 Issue 1---I can still hope!!!
I enjoy surprises, too, and would be happy with any Coins I may receive for Missions!!!EDIT TO ADD: Also wishing for the Signal shaped Maze Coin with MWGB on the ammo can. -
19 hours ago, billy robson said:
Mission 1
EMAIL SENT: Sep 13/21
Mission 2
EMAIL SENT: Sep13/21
I'm sorry I didn't get the email with your info. Could you please re-send it? Thank you
1 hour ago, billy robson said:
Trick or treat this will definitely be a treat
I’m in for two. I had so much fun on the last couple of swaps.To be officially in, please send me your info as mentioned above. Thank you, Kelly
My favorite holiday ---HALLOWEEN--- is coming soon and this is the perfect time for me to host another MISSION!!! Nothing too complicated this time!!! Just send an unactivated 'full size' Geocoin and a card to your Mission Partner. Additional goodies appreciated, but not required!!! As usual, names will be chosen at random and you may take on more than one Mission if you'd like. If you take on more than one Mission, please use the Mission number provided to help me keep track. You may consider adding a note (online in the Forum) with your favorite types of Coins to help your Partner. Please make a new post in the Forum with updates as the Mission progresses. If you join the Mission, you may have to send a package to an international destination!!!In 2021, the Autumnal Equinox brings the fall season to the Northern Hemisphere on:Wednesday, September 22 at 3:20 PM EDT. I'm sooo ready for cooler weather, leaves changing colors, Pumpkins, Ghosts and Goblins!!!Please "enter" by sending an email to me at oescharmer@aol.com with the following info... your GC name, "real" name, and physical address!!! Please put HALLOWEEN MISSION in caps in the subject line. And, by posting here in the Forum with the info below!!!NAME RECEIVED BY ME:MISSION SENT BY ME:OUTGOING MISSION ARRIVED AT DESTINATION:INCOMING MISSION RECEIVED BY ME:Please "enter" by September 22, 2021Names chosen by random and sent to you approximately September 25, 2021HAPPY HOWL-O-WEEN, GHOULS AND GOBLINS!!!
These are awesome!!!
I tried to post yesterday and it's not here. I was just wondering about Stanley as there was nothing on my local news about the Cup. YEAH to Tampa Bay!!!
There is a post about this Coin here...https://www.facebook.com/groups/287679991282216
1 hour ago, kini_ont said:
we may need a bigger boat!
NAW, we need a boat that's not in dry dock!!!
Thanks for the Cointest!!!
I'll pick Tampa Bay. My parents lived in TB area for decades.
11 minutes ago, Laval K-9 said:
Very thoughtful of mo pirate, nice geocoin
From what I read, is he holding an Event in July?
This isn't an experience about this Mission, but to show how things are going with the usps.
Prices going up, service going waaay down. NOT amused at all!!!
There was a Secret Santa for my fb Hedgehog group and I had sent a gift from Florida to Scotland (yeah, I know) on DECEMBER 10, 2020.
It was $39.USD. The package came back to me yesterday (April 29, 2021) as they had neglected to put a customs sticker on it somewhere in the process. Maybe someone should have figured it out in less than four and a half months??? Only good thing, it wasn't destroyed.
And, I had sent the same person another package with a custom made item at the beginning of January and it got there in a week.
That Bunny needs to eat some carrots for energy to finish up his deliveries!!!
There are always issues when 'updates' are done
I have this one bookmarked:
Hello Miss Bunny Claire, the person I sent to has had their name taken off your list, but has not updated here.
Did they respond to your msg saying they got the package?
On 4/2/2021 at 3:55 PM, GeoCharmer81 said:
I'm getting a bit worried that the Mission still has not been confirmed as delivered.
I've just checked both this forum and USPS and seems my mission arrived but hasn't been confirmed here.
I sure hope it was delivered properly and that they are just waiting till Easter to open it.
12 minutes ago, kunarion said:
Was there any official mention that this is a one-off special new kind of code? I saw "a photo" a few weeks ago, saw no Tracking Code, and eventually just typed a string of letters. Turns out, yeah, that was the Tracking Code. But it ISN'T a "Tracking Code", it's an extra special code. In fact, I was wondering how long it may take to discern which codes and letters and patterns were "The Code", some of which were in code!
I didn't see anything official. Although, I highly doubt there will be any codes with more than the 6 alpha-numeric characters.
As for the one you are talking about, there are lots of people who understand the connection, but some don't.
I do believe the one you are mentioning is a one-time extra special code due to what it is/was.
And, unless there is another special circumstance like that, I think the general coining community/coin makers will have the usual 6 alpha-numeric codes.
Sent my info to Laval K-9: 02/28/21
Name received from Laval K-9: MARCH 6, 2021Sent my gift: MARCH 23, 2021
My gift arrived at destination:
I received a gift: MARCH 23, 2021 from Andre (couldn't figure out your caching name) --- thank you so much!!! Will try to add a photo later -
Sent my info to Laval K-9: 02/28/21
Name received from Laval K-9: MARCH 6, 2021Sent my gift:
My gift arrived at destination:
I received a gift:HINTS FOR MY MISSION PARTNER: My favorites are Skulls, astronomy/astrology, new age, alien, Celtic, Egyptian, OWL, hedgehog, horse, dog, dragons, cars, motorcycles, colorful/glow. The top on my wish list is a GC trackable North Dakota Coin.
And, FTF Magazine Volume 1 Issue 1---I can still hope!!!
I enjoy surprises, too, and would be happy with any Coins I may receive for Missions!!! -
The names manu luc gave you are correct, although, if you 'plug in' the code where the xxx's are,
it will give you the name... https://www.geocaching.com/track/details.aspx?tracker=xxxxxx
And, if you are selling them, I'm interested.
6 minutes ago, SeabeckTribe said:
I guess it's more ? for me as I await for the reward for "Last to Receive" prize (aka my coin).
Now should start how much long guessing game ??.
I bet your Mission arrives in 2021!!!
Late to enter, but adding another 'Egg' to the Bunny's Basket!!!
Thanks to Claire for getting the Bunny going even though the Reindeer aren't done with their deliveries, yet.
Sent my info to Laval K-9: 02/28/21
Name received from Laval K-9:Sent my gift:
My gift arrived at destination:
I received a gift:Edit to add:
HINTS FOR MY MISSION PARTNER: My favorites are Skulls, astronomy/astrology, new age, alien, Celtic, Egyptian, OWL, hedgehog, horse, dog, dragons, cars, motorcycles, colorful/glow. The top on my wish list is a GC trackable North Dakota Coin.
And, FTF Magazine Volume 1 Issue 1---I can still hope!!!
I enjoy surprises, too, and would be happy with any Coins I may receive for Missions!!!-
Well, just maybe, the Reindeer will finish up before it's the Bunny's turn!!!
in Trackables
When I get both an email with the info as described in the sign-up and the comment posted to this Forum, I will use the 'Heart' react icon on the Forum comment.