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Everything posted by a182pilot
I have been placing numbered laminated cards in my caches since I started 3 years ago. They are very popular around here until someone started taking all 30 cards out of my caches at a time. I created them in MS Publisher under the business card size and the usually contained the coords, ratings description and pic of the area. Now I place a piece of paper in each cache and they can be redeemed for at cache card at one of our local club meetings, sorry I know it doesn't help the folks from out of town. A182pilot
This has been one topic that can always get me hot quickly. I spend a lot of time researching my cache locations and building great caches. As a result I usually stock the cache with some really great stuff. That all ended a year ago when I placed a cache and stocked it really well. The first person to find the cache took a $40 pair of binoculars and left silly putty. I was really hot and emailed the cacher and asked what was up. He told me if I didn't want it taken I shouldn't have put it in the cache. Recently I started putting out swag rich caches again, one as recently as ten days ago. I checked it yesterday and every bit of the "good stuff" was gone. There was originally 19 items in the cache totalling $42, now there are 4 items totalling about $0.35. It is very disappointing to go to all the work for the caching community only to be screwed over like that. I guess human nature rears it's ugly head again. Vent over!!! A182pilot
Now recalculate all these numbers and take out micros.
How many of you male geocachers were in Scouting?
a182pilot replied to The Infielders's topic in General geocaching topics
Hey Johnnie Stalkers, you need to check out the local cub scout packs and Boy scout troops, some are better than others. It all comes down to how much time the "volunteers" want to invest into it. I want to give back what I think I owe and I want today's boys to know some of the joy of things past that they don't get to experience anymore. How many can say they tried to start a fire with flint and steel, camped out under the stars, heck for that matter could even see the stars. How many kids could tell a deer track from a rabbit, from a bobcat? Do you remeber the sense of accomplishment you got when you started your own fire and cooked your own supper that you caught in the stream nearby? These were all things that I looked back on fondly from my childhood. I want my son and the other boys in my pack to experience some of those same joys. Besides all that, it gives me the best chances to spend quality time with my son and enjoy his growing up, it will all pass too quickly. A182pilot He who angers you, controls you. -
How many of you male geocachers were in Scouting?
a182pilot replied to The Infielders's topic in General geocaching topics
Earned my Eagle in 1979 and was also at Brotherhood level in the OA. I'm currently giving back, I'm my son's Webelos Den leader and will cross over to the local scout trop with him this spring. I also Teach BALOO training and am the director of the Cub Day Camp for our district. Scouting probably saved my life as a kid (I was on the path to making all the wrong decisions) I have no problems giving back now. A182pilot He who angers you, controls you. -
Logging multiple finds on an Event Cache??
a182pilot replied to umc's topic in General geocaching topics
I disagree with those who think an event is not a cache. It is just as good and most of the time better than a film canister hidden in the bushes in a downtown flower pot. An event has posted coords, a logbook to sign and the value gained by meeting other cachers is invaluable. I believe that event caches have better trading goodies, knowledge, most people can't post a TNLN log on one. They are much better than most virtuals I've seen, but that's a whole other topic. A182pilot He who angers you, controls you. -
Logging multiple finds on an Event Cache??
a182pilot replied to umc's topic in General geocaching topics
I hunted the cache permanent or temporary, found it, signed the logbook, and I will log it as a find whether it be on its own page or on an event page. That's how I play the game. I don't log my own caches or log caches twice. That is also how I play the game. If someone wanted to set up an event cache like was mentioned before with 100 Chrsitmas lights, as long as I went to the trouble of signing each and every logbook then I would log each and every cache on the event page. I'm not in a race with anyone and I play the game for my enjoyment, for whatever that's worth. A182pilot He who angers you, controls you. -
Opinions on the REI Whitney Daypack
a182pilot replied to selias's topic in General geocaching topics
You're welcome Flatlander22!!! We may be able to start a support group for "pack junkies". I own 3 backpacks for several different types of backpacking and I have about 10-12 daypacks for everything. I just load it up with the things that I need to do different activities (geocaching, photography, scouts, fly fishing etc.) I know that everything I need is in there and I can grab it and go. Good luck with your pack and I hope you enjoy it as much as I do mine. A182pilot He who angers you, controls you. -
Opinions on the REI Whitney Daypack
a182pilot replied to selias's topic in General geocaching topics
I use a Whitney. About every 3 months I go and try to buy a new Geo-Daypack and after 2 or 3 trips with it I always go back to the Whitney. I've finally decided that I don't need any more packs. I'll stick with the Whitney and save some money from here on out. I would tell you if I could come up with any flaws in the pack, about the only thing I can think of is make sure your hydration bladder has a long drinking tube. The pack is nice and deep. A182pilot He who angers you, controls you. -
TENNESSEE VOLUNTEERS your help is needed
a182pilot replied to Max Cacher's topic in South and Southeast
I've got 3 in state parks; The Basement - GC4D35 - Fall Creek Falls SP Ticks & Poison Ivy - GC5860 - Long Hunter SP 2 if by land, 3 if by sea - GCAECF - Long Hunter SP. Please let me know if there is anything that I can do to assist. I am the President of the Middle TN Geocacher's Club, not that it carries any weight, But I'll be glad to lend my name and title to the cause. A182pilot He who angers you, controls you. -
1979 - 1983 US Army Avaiation, UH-1 Driver Loved every minute of it. A182pilot He who angers you, controls you.
Southbounder 1978, I'm giving away my age here but it was a great trip. As a very young pup it was a life altering experience. If you really want to find out who you are, this is the way to do it. It takes lots of planning and effort. I promise you will leave things beside the trail that you never thought you would part with, so pack light. I plan on doing it again with my son when he is the same age. I've got 8 years to get ready. By all means do what you have to to make the trip, the only thing you will regret is not doing it. A182pilot He who angers you, controls you.
Geocaching Challenge Event in Nashville,TN
a182pilot replied to JoGPS's topic in South and Southeast
I'm in town and if there's a hunt on I'll be ready for it. Keep me informed. A182pilot He who angers you, controls you. -
Army Aviation UH-1s I hold my private ticket as well, I been flyin' for a long time. Almost better than sex. I prefer 182s. Hence the name. A182pilot He who angers you, controls you.
What is the most valuable thing you've put in a cache?
a182pilot replied to Rubbertoe's topic in General geocaching topics
In one of my caches I put a pair of Nikon Binoculars, they were traded for by the first finder for Playdoh. A182pilot He who angers you, controls you. -
Last year at Christmas our family wrapped presents and put them in an ammo box. We then went out in the middle of no where and and decorated a tree and set the box under the tree. We had a great response. This year I've already got the presents wrapped and the location set. We will probably set it out on the 14th or 15th for all our geocaching friends. The only rule is you have to take a present and leave nothing, it is a gift cache. A182pilot Here's last years cache He who angers you, controls you.
Warner Parks He who angers you, controls you.
Checking in here as an Eagle Scout currently leading a den of Webelos. We have a very active den and enjoy getting outside as much as possible. One of our favorite "fun activities" is Treasure Hunt. Sometimes when we need outside time during the den meetings, I'll hide a cache with items in it that the guys need to work on a badge or sometimes it's just treats. I then give each of my patrols a gps and the coords and the race is on. I'm also not one to make it easy so most of the time there are 3 or 4 waypoints or the use of a compass is required. The kids are learning teamwork, navigation skills and how to use a gps. This is the one game they are always asking to play. At the end of the month we are planning a camping trip to a local park that has 7 geocaches with varing difficulties and we are going after all of them. A182pilot He who angers you, controls you.
Congrats!! I'm glad to hear that you are settled in. It does sound like a dream house. I can't wait to see the quilt, I'm sure it will be great. Have a great day. A182pilot He who angers you, controls you.
Last year we set out the Christmas cache here in the Nashvile area. We found an evergreen tree way out in the middle of nowhere and decorated it with ornaments and beads and at the base of the tree we left an ammo box with 25 wrapped presents. Cachers were instructed to take a "gift" from us and not to leave anything. The idea went over great, everyone liked it so much that we are planning it Christmas Cache II for this year. A182pilot He who angers you, controls you.
Gold or Garbage? The cache hider's dilemma
a182pilot replied to Rigour's topic in General geocaching topics
When I place my caches I try to think of everyone involved. 1) An interesting hike or location, something off the beaten path, for those who like the hunt. 2) Kids like to trade most and I always include kid stuff, usually not junk, but something with a lot of "geewiz". 3) Most of my caches start out with great items but get traded down quickly. What's odd is it isn't usually the local that trade down, but newbies and out of towners. I had a recent cache that I placed that had a $30 pair of binoculars in it. The first guy to find it was from out of town and he traded silly putty for the binoculars and even logged it that way. The other thing that I put in all my caches, micros included, are custom numbered cache cards. Usually about 20, thats what alot of the folks around here really go for. He who angers you, controls you. -
Kudos to Jogps in Tennessee! Excellent cacher!
a182pilot replied to Ramness's topic in General geocaching topics
I too count Jogps among my friends. He is one of the good guys. He has influenced me to raise the bar on the caches I hide and has worked hard to foster a relationship with all of our state and local parks. I wish I had Xterra on my watch list, I would have been glad to help out. You see this cache is special to me because it was my first almost a year ago. 125 finds, 14 hides and 3 GPSs later I still enjoy the hunt as much now as I did then. Thank you to Ramness570 for placing it and thank you to Jogps for everything he does around here. A182pilot He who angers you, controls you. -
Kudos to Jogps in Tennessee! Excellent cacher!
a182pilot replied to Ramness's topic in General geocaching topics
I too count Jogps among my friends. He is one of the good guys. He has influenced me to raise the bar on the caches I hide and has worked hard to foster a relationship with all of our state and local parks. I wish I had Xterra on my watch list, I would have been glad to help out. You see this cache is special to me because it was my first almost a year ago. 125 finds, 14 hides and 3 GPSs later I still enjoy the hunt as much now as I did then. Thank you to Ramness570 for placing it and thank you to Jogps for everything he does around here. A182pilot He who angers you, controls you. -
We have kept a logbook of every cache we have been to and hidden. I also record the coords, time/date and a detailed description of what we traded, anything interesting that happened, and anything else I can think of. With 100+ finds its fun to sit down with the kids and look back over some of the adventures we have had in the last year. A182pilot & Family He who angers you, controls you.
We have kept a logbook of every cache we have been to and hidden. I also record the coords, time/date and a detailed description of what we traded, anything interesting that happened, and anything else I can think of. With 100+ finds its fun to sit down with the kids and look back over some of the adventures we have had in the last year. A182pilot & Family He who angers you, controls you.