La Fifi
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Posts posted by La Fifi
Another posing butterfly, taken with my zoom on macro on the way to Went the Cache Well?
This one taken on a circular walk around Wharram Percy where we logged Centenary Way to Wharram Percy and Above Burdale Tunnel
We got an invite a while ago, as most of our (limited) caching happens in Catalunya. However, sadly, our alloted time in our most favourite place in the world is 3 weeks earlier, so we won't be there for the MEGA, but count this as a big BUMP anyway.
La Fifi & WVM
My two pics both taken on Wednesday 6th Jan. The pics are only about 200 yards apart but are the best from a 5 mile, very cold walk that day.
The geocaching link is that there was no cache here when we were on our walk, but coincidentally this cache was placed right next to the bridge where the robin was sitting only three days later.
We are certain this robin heard our voices and it started following us as we walked along the bridge, hopping along side of us.
These teasels looked like they'd pulled on woolly hats to keep the cold off.
Yay, I love a good caching pic.
The only comment I have is that I'd love to see the rule that the picture must have been taken that month.
That way you would have a comparison of weather/landscape across the country (or world if there is international interest) as the competition progresses month by month.
Another gentle bump before the names are drawn!
Got mine ordered....as they are planned as stocking fillers, does this mean I've started my Christmas shopping early for a change!!!
...........and another, I suspect, has been 'collected' by a cacher in France called 'famaso' who logged it out of a cache, then deleted all his logs. The coin page shows it as being 'in the hands of famaso' but it doesn't show up anywhere on his profile.
I take it all back.... the T/B was dropped off in another cache this morning. Thank you, Famaso
Brilliant, love it when the unexpected happens.
We dote on our travellers, coins and bugs alike as they all have particular meaning to us.
But you've no control over them and so you can only sit back and worry over them!
We released a new TB in Shetland last year and it didn't move, despite visitors to the cache, we thought it was a goner, maybe picked up and lost or some such. Turned out it was there all along ( probably way down at the bottom of the cache. )
We were going to pick it up on our visit back to Shetland this year but were chuffed when another cacher moved it on.
I've had a coin accidentally lost from someones pocket and a tin pot cheapo TB left in someones rucksack which ended up travelling with him from Spain to the US.
The moral is anything can happen and probably will......you just have to be brave and let them go!
La Fifi
....that its mostly your fancy schmancy geocoins that go missing and not your tuppence ha'penny trinket with dogtag TB's
Paul, your gym antics wear me out...haven't been out much recently but need to do a bit of training for our Hope Challenge event in the Peak District in June ( week before we go to Unst ) and the training will include Brown Willy on Bodmin Moor on Tuesday.
Thanks to the Molinnas Crew and Birdman of Liskatraz amongst others for the caches!
By the way, we'll be setting off some bugs and coins in Shetland, please please keep an eye out for them and bring them back!
La Fifi
Taken at Dawlish near Side Tracked Dawlish
Also nearby...
...and near Exeter the previous evening when doing Lonesome Pine
How exciting - another geocacher in Shetland. We have seen some of the places you mention when we were there last May, but have taken a copy of your post to add to our research for our trip in June.
We are there for the longest day and are staying on Unst.
There are quite a few more caches in Shetland since we last visited, would be great if you could place some more!!
I highly recommend Can you here me mother and VoxterView
Some highlights marked up for our trip are:
- St Ninians Isle
- East & West Burra
- Mousa
- Muckle Flugga
Happy caching!
- St Ninians Isle
24.9 from Malton, North Yorks - much better than I expected.
I think this is a good inexpensive way of setting off a TB ( if you have a laminator! ) with the added benefit of being able to combine the theme of the TB with the mission all in one.
I've done this with a couple of mine, This Sceptered Isle and Wha's Like Us
Only thing to be aware of is the laminated coating breaking down or being pierced and letting water in - this happened with This Sceptered Isle, making the info a bit unreadable - I've yet to fix.
La Fifi
Seping had one of our geocoins. He was logging it in and out of several caches around southern Europe for a couple of months last year including some events. As we wanted to catch up with the coin a polite request was made for him to drop it into a cache, which he did, but too late for us as it was after we'd set off back home.
Not sure what his purpose is in hoarding these coins but I'd hope he would respond to a specific request from a coin owner.
Edited to add that I've just noticed that this fella has a TB Hotel at Girona Airport - this is possibly where he gets many of the bugs.
This is one of my pet hates also - particularly when they chuck them in the hedge and they just hang there at eye level....yeuch!
Lack of bins may be a problem, but if they are responsible enough to take the bags and pick up the little bundle of joy in the first place, what's to hinder them just taking it home.
On my lunchtime walk yesterday, it was very windy....I came to one part of the walk and there were 3 or 4 little coloured bags of poo all over the path. I think the wind must have blown them out of the branches and onto the path.......lovely!
Thanks for link to the Coast episode - we saw the bit about Hoy last time around but not the rest.
So glad that the episode focused so much on Unst, which is our highlight of Shetland! Certainly gave us some ideas for further travels.
We're committed to 19-22 June to fit longest day so won't make the change of date of the event, but might leave you a little something to search for
I really love when they resurface too...I set loose a new tb every year when on our jolly hols. One was picked up in Spain in 2007 by a relatively new cacher. After a couple of chase emails he advised he'd forgotten all about it, was now in the US and arranged for it to be posted out there to him, where he has now set it on it's way again...result!
Many times when picking up a TB it will have a message about only going to caches, no events. I always wondered why people would say that. Now I know. One of my TB's was logged into an event and now, over a week later, it's still logged at that event. Now unless someone left it laying on a table somewhere at this picnic, it is not likely that it is still there. It went home with someone, I would hope. But even after 10 or so people "discovered" it, no one has logged that they have it. And I'm not the only one. There are probably a dozen TB's and/or coins still listed at that event. So now I know why people include that little rule on their TB's.
Thank you for letting me blow off steam about this annoying practice.
Going to an event today and will be sure to log anything I bring home.....
Don't give up hope, deb. It may still be early days. I had a similar situation with one of mine, logged into an event then not moved for over two months. I was a bit miffed but got an apology when it was eventually moved and I felt bad as there were pretty extenuating circumstances. Sometimes real life just gets in the way!
Can we have a compemetition to decide on your new user name?
I'm trying to recall the sketch show with the catch phrase 'Get orf moi laaand'
I have used my Nokia N95 with the Navigator thingy. Its fine, takes ages to lock in and accuracy is not brilliant, but if you find yourself away from home with a spare moment, and a decent hint, it does the job.
Fantastic! Just started my list of caches for the summer holidays and in the past I've had to use a catalan to spanish translator then babelfish to go from spanish to english......which ended up with some pretty obscure translations, I can tell you!
What a fantastic trip you've got in store.
We did the Orkney bit of it at Christmas and then the Shetland bit this easter.
For Orkney, we drove to Scrabster and got the ferry to Stromness ( 1.5hrs ) which is a really quaint likkle spot with tiny narrow cobbled streets. We did the two regular caches but ran out of time for the virtual as we only had a day and a bit before the return ferry.
For Shetland, we got the ferry from Aberdeen to Kirkwall. It takes 12 hours and you can either get a cabin, or do a cheapie like we did and just get a reclining seat in the quiet lounge which is free within the cost of your ticket. Actually, many didn't sleep in the quiet lounge but flaked out wherever there was a comfy flat spot in the bars and other seating areas.
Shetland was great, we didn't hang around for breakfast on the ferry and headed off as soon as we docked, heading right to Unst, the ferries went like clockwork. The ferry over to Yell was waiting on us and we rolled straight on and set off for the 20 minute trip over, costing the grand sum of £12.00!
Then drove across Yell to catch the next free ferry over to Unst which takes all of 10 minutes.
We missed only 1 of the available caches due to lack of time as we reckoned it would take half a day for us to get there and do the walk and there was too much else to see in our short trip.
A must see is the RSPB nature reserve at Sumburgh Head and there is now a new cache placed nearby since we visited!
This is such a worthwhile trip and hope that whoever goes, you all have a great time.
I needed that laugh!!! Now to be fair to all...
Fairness is good.
I got to thinking, "Hmmmmmmmmm........", I said to myself, "In the interest of fairness, maybe we should look to see how saturated the area is.".
That's what i said to myself.
I figured a cache in Idaho called "Little City of Rocks" might be a good center point to start looking, since we don't know the coords to the proposed cache.
There are 200 geocaches within 14 miles of that one cache.
170 of those 200 were hidden by the OP.
That's 170 within only 14 miles.
I'm not sure what that tells you, but somebody might think that's pretty saturated.
That may indeed be the case, but it appears that instead of just stating that, this guy hasn't heard anything.
Wouldn't it just as easily be knocked on the head by the reviewer simply stating this - or at least stating something?
Bringing this one back to the top for a bit of advice, really.
I'm interested in walking some of Hadrians Wall, but of course, want to combine that with a wee spot of caching.
So, I sat and plotted all of the nearby caches onto the maps of these published walks
Its a freely available website, so should not fall foul of the 'C' word, but I also don't want to fall foul of any copyright or other publishing guidelines.
Is there a way I can make these home made caching routes available for all?
Cheers, m'dears.
La Fifi
May photo competition.
in United Kingdom and Ireland
A photo of some abandoned sarcophaguses/sarcophagi? Near to our short lived Derwent Walk cache.
Also, a shot of part of Kirkham Abbey, near to A Mouse House.