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Everything posted by terencem

  1. Over here in UK it's not considered good form to claim a smiley on a cache stating "The odds of me looking for this one from 4700 miles away near Seattle WA are zero, but thanks for the puzzle. Nice to get the mental workout now and then !!!" Maybe it should have been a note!
  2. There are several ways to solve it. Actually one (creative Google searching) isn't really "solving it" I suppose but it will get you to the solution quickest. I solved it doing the simple math with pencil and paper, admittedly taking too much time. It's not really that hard. What you have to do is look at the puzzle and relax a little. There is one number with only one possible answer. There is another number with only two possible answers. The hint helps bound the problem so it's less brute force trial and error needed. FWIW, in the past I've solved similar puzzles by writing a little program that automated everything, which for me was more of a fun exercise than going back to 3rd grade math class. But this time I just did it on paper. If it's still fun, keep digging away at it. When it gets frustrating, put it down for a few days.
  3. A few weeks ago I got 2 DNF emails within a few days of each other on one of my caches. I made plans to go out to check/replace the cache but then I got a further email reporting a find on it so I postponed my maintenance check thinking all was well. I then got a further email reporting a DNF and a NM one. On checking further I realized the found report was from some months ago and the cache was indeed missing. Yes, I should have looked closer at date of find on the email, but yes, a late log of a find can affect other cachers and cache owners.
  4. We've missed a few notifications from a public bookmark we have, no email notifications at all. It's under our logging account, "momof6furrballs". Watchlist seems to be working though... at least I think it is. Although I can't tell if there were some missed without going through each one. I had a series of caches published last night and almost immediately had an E mail notification that a note had been placed on one of them. Since then there have been finds on each one but I have not yet had an E mail notification for any of them.
  5. Thanks for the replies guys. I know the risks of releasing Coins and Travel bugs and have a few missing from caches, but find it less acceptable when a traveller has been logged out of a cache and kept for an abnormally long time. On a positive note my forum question may have had some effect as the cacher has today logged into his account so maybe someone who knows him has been in touch.
  6. I have a Geocoin (TB2Z3DH) which was released here in the UK and very quickly made it's way over to Utah. It was retrieved from a cache in November and is still showing as being held by the same cacher after six months. I sent him/her a polite E mail in March enquiring if the coin was still OK and did he intend to release it soon,and I then re-sent the same E mail last week. As yet I have had no reply to either E mail. Has anyone any advice as to where I could go from here?
  7. I have recently installed the free version on my iPod touch and purchased 25000 km2 of 1:50k which for me has covered most of northern England from the Lake district across to Sunderland and down as far as the Peak district. Also much of Cornwall and Devon. Total cost was £12.50. (also the OS road map and a route planning map of the whole of UK comes free) I have then added 2 pocket query files of 500 caches each to it and one route of the coast to coast cycle way. All works brilliantly. Yes they are cached on the iPod/iPhone Anquet Maps are about to release their new APP for iPhone and as I have most of UK 1;50k already puchased I'm waiting to see what that is like before I decide whether to stay with Anquet or continue to buy further maps from Memory Map. Terry
  8. I ordered thee of these on Sunday and received them in the post on Tuesday. Lovely coins and excellent service. Thanks Mike.
  9. 4755.9 miles. While I was visiting my new grandson in WA I found myself doing my 1st "caching" and it now is taking over my life. Terry
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