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Posts posted by Grasscatcher
I have mapped several thousand (not an exaggeration) miles of trails, and Renegade Knight's, and Briansnat's suggestions / instructions above are definitely the way to go.
With the new "x" models, also log the track to the card, because that way you have the best of "both" worlds. If a track is "saved" within the unit, then the "saved 'track" is reduced or simplified to 500 (on most newer units) trackpoints, AND time,elevation. and speed data stripped away to reduce file size.
What is logged to the card is the "active log"which can be up to 10,000 trackpoints.
Depending on the logging interval that you have your unit set on,and the length of the trail, unless the trail is VERY long and intricate , quite often the truncation / reduction to 500 tp is not visible when viewed on a map.
HOWEVER, IF THERE IS a visible reduction in quality, then use the file for that track from the memory card, it has ALL of the points and data.
When you "clear the track log" it only clears the internal (active tracklog) memory, NOT any saved tracks, NOR any tracks logged to the memory card. It will start a new GPX file on the card but not affect other tracks logged there.
In most cases , I believe you'll find that using the Saved file is perfectly acceptable.
Garmin TechSupp emailed me back and said that the 3.10 firmware for the 60C(S)X and 76C(S)X models still imposes a 2025 map segment count limit.
....................It's ridiculous to have 2gig microSD cards out there ......................
Hasn't that been obvious all along? ....but watch what happens when a 4 gb or 7.3267 gb card gets "invented".
They won't work in the 60CSx or its siblings. MicroSD is electrically identical to SD, and SD is pretty much limited to 2GB. Any higher and they go to SDHC, which is electrically different and unless a device has the properh hardware to use it, it's unusable.
THat's not to say they shouldn't figure it out for future devices which can use SDHC.
SURELY you understand that the 4-7+++ comment was totally in jest.......
Did the people that now "ABSOLUTELY MUST have the largest available card" previously have to carry several suitcases and boxes of paper maps with them every time they left the house? I doubt it.
Anyway, Can you recall the tracks off the memory card, not to the computer, but to the GPS its self? Under the track/setup/data card setup menu I can see the stored tracks, but when click enter on them the only thing it asks is if I want to delete them.
This model appears to have both an internal memory and a memory card correct? How do you know which data gets saved where?
Also under one section it mentions Water Temperature. Is there anyway to get air temp instead?
Can you only measure distance in a strait line on the GPS, I found the tool in the mapsource software to do it.
a.-No, can presently recall only to the computer.
b.- All maps are stored on card and the only "user data" that you can choose to store there (presently) is Tracks and custom "POIs".
c.-Actual air temp-NO
d. Distance on GPSr is straight line only, Point to Point .
Garmin TechSupp emailed me back and said that the 3.10 firmware for the 60C(S)X and 76C(S)X models still imposes a 2025 map segment count limit.
....................It's ridiculous to have 2gig microSD cards out there ......................
Hasn't that been obvious all along? ....but watch what happens when a 4 gb or 7.3267 gb card gets "invented".
Why make it more difficult than necessary?
A small piece of velcro on the antenna and on the bill of a baseball cap or top of a helmet has worked perfectly for several years and over 1000 miles of trail mapping.
Go into Mapsource and make up different "mapset" files with every combination of state maps that you even think you will ever need.
NJ or PA or NY, NJ+PA, NJ+PA+NY, PA+NY.......etc
With the different mapset files saved on your computer, all you ever have to load is one file....the one with the desired combination of maps.
Just wait and install only CN 8.
T & W M is just "barebones" , CN8 will do it all.
Back to the OP's original question.....
Yep, That looks like an ideal GPS for all the folks running around with ear buds plugged into their ears and their brains already turned off.
You guys are complaining in the wrong places.....Look in the mirror. To heck with someone else's opinion and screen shots.
Download the full featured Free Trial and try it for yourselves.
The symbols you are seeing in Mapsource are for use in Mapsource (on your PC), not necessarily available in the various handhelds.......
Jest for grins....take a look and notice how many others (other than just the new ones) that you don't have, and never have had, available in your units also......
sorry to pop your bubble.....
The screenshot looks like it is from 6.11.6 .....NOT the 6.12.0 Beta.
After the 6.12 installation, you have to change the shortcut path to look for the new exe. Otherwise. the old shortcut opens the old version.
Celestial iinfo does nothing in the beta.
New Mapsource Beta available
Did anyone ever think that "whatever works" might be "nothing additional" ?
Just put the antenna between your cap/hat and the top of your head. Works great and signals aren't blocked.
If you MUST attach , or are wearing more substantial headware like a helmet, use a small piece of velcro.
The main reason to use an external antenna? It frees up both hands for other uses.
Lg Ziplock bags or plain old sheet protectors for 3 ring binder from Office Depot have worked perfectly for me for several years.
Download everything into Mapsource.
In Mapsource where you can see multiple waypoints at a time, delete everything you DO NOT want on your unit.
After you have them backed up with Mapsource, heres how to delete multiple waypoints at a time.......
On your unit, go to your waypoint list, be sure you have them listed "by name" not "by nearest"> hit menu> you should have the option to delete "all symbols", or select just any single symbol.
If you delete "all" then everything is gone/cleared, and you can re-send your edited list of waypoints (first paragraph above) back to your unit with Mapsource.
If you just want to delete a single waypoint at a time on your unit, select one from your waypoint list > enter> with the waypoint coordinates displayed,one of the options at the bottom should be "delete"....
>Enter, it should ask you to confirm delete...Yes
I just got my first GPS...a 60CSx......I haven't got it out of the box yet but how do I turn it on? PLEASE help!
Real world warning label on a baby stroller......DO NOT FOLD STROLLER UNTIL REMOVING CHILD
"I wish I had remembered to try it with the compass off when I was out trying the other suggestions."..........
Try ALL of the original suggestions at the same time....and it will work correctly. Use it that way for a while .
Then, and only then , change ONLY ONE SETTING AT A TIME , and see what difference in reaction you get, while in use.
The reason why I say to only use the compass while stopped is for two reasons, in order for the GPSr to be the most accurate, it needs to be held semi-vertical for the best satellite reception. The only way the compass will work properly is when calibrated and held level and horizontally. If you can explain to me how a new user that is not yet fully familiar with their unit can expect accuracy while trying to hold a GPSr in two distinctly different positions at the same time, while also trying to walk and look for a cache,etc.....I will admit that I might be incorrect.
All that's happening is eliminating variables. In the process ,the only thing that will permanently change is the users understanding of how the unit works and how all the features possibly are interacting.
You're turning off l the confusing "bells and whistles", going back to basics. Disagree? Check out the majority of the forum questions....they are about (generally the result of) all the bells and whistles
Try this...whether you agree that it makes sense or not.
Turn the compass OFF
Set the unit on North UP
ONLY ONLY ONLY pay attention to what it's telling you (pointing) when you are MOVING....That's the only way(detecting your movement) the unit knows which way you are traveling, therefore that's the only time it knows which way to direct you (by pointing to a set of "go to" coordinates)
As soon as you STOP to "look at what it's telling you", you have screwed up.(especially with the newer sensitive SIRF III receivers) Do your looking and understanding "WHILE YOU ARE MOVING".
ONLY turn the compass on and use it when you are STANDING STILL and with the unit held level and horizontal with the ground.(and calibrated )That's opposite from the nearly vertical position it needs to be held to most accurately receive satellite signals.
It works correctly doesn't it?
Use it with these settings for a while and then you can start changing to some of your other combinations.
Try this...whether you agree that it makes sense or not.
Turn the compass OFF
Set the unit on North UP
ONLY ONLY ONLY pay attention to what it's telling you (pointing) when you are MOVING....That's the only way(detecting your movement) the unit knows which way you are traveling, therefore that's the only time it knows which way to direct you (by pointing to a set of "go to" coordinates)
As soon as you STOP to "look at what it's telling you", you have screwed up.(especially with the newer sensitive SIRF III receivers) Do your looking and understanding "WHILE YOU ARE MOVING".
ONLY turn the compass on and use it when you are STANDING STILL and with the unit held level and horizontal with the ground. Tthat's opposite from the nearly vertical position it needs to be held to most accurately receive satellite signals.
It works correctly doesn't it?
Use it with these settings for a while and then you can start changing to some of your other combinations.
Provantage has it (NT) for 109.01
The 12 or 12XL (will accept external antenna) is an absolute perfect unit to start with . No maps, or WAAS, but it's accurate and durable. Doesn't have a bunch of the bells and whistles that the newer models have, but those are the things that confuse most people anyway......as evidenced by a lot of the questions posted on this forum.
I already have a 76s which the better half uses and a 76cs but thought I would like a 76csx this year BUT. One problem is the inability to use lithium batteries and the other is all the problems people in the forums seem to be having with the new X series gpsr. Not sure if most of the problems are operator error or what but I am quite familiar with these 76 series gpsr so doubt operator error would be a factor for me. I also love the life, operation in extreme cold, and weight of lithium batteries. I have never liked rechargables because sometimes I won't use my gps for months and I can leave lithiums in the unit and not worry about changing them or them going dead. I would like the ability to add a larger memory card and have the new SIRF chip but to date I have not been hampered by either in my other 76 series units used for geocaching. I will admit I am a update to the latest and greatest kind of person. If you had the money ( a Christmas bonus ) would you personaly buy the 76csx ?
Thanks for all your input.
Team sidewinder
In answer to your last question.....I do & I did.
Previously had Eagle,12XL,76,76S,76CS,now have 76CS&76CSx
Have had ZERO problems, love the form factor (as evidenced above), easy to operate one handed while riding snowmobile, sensitivity is great, maintains lock in dense cover and very marginal conditions, great to be able to log tracks to the memory card, and if desired,load custom POIs....
in short, I'd do it again in a heartbeat!
Also, using lithium batteries is absolutely not a problem either. Just put them in a small flashlight first for about 2-3 minutes use and then put them in your GPSr and..... "drive on". All that's needed is to "knock the edge off " the excess starting voltage.
Several of the above posts are very confusing unless you understand what they MEANT.
The basic Mapsource program can be installed on unlimited,multiple computers. As long as it is only used by YOU the registered .owner
The same goes for the TOPO USA software. It is not "locked" software and therefore can be installed on multiple GPSrs (and PCs). Home,laptop,work,Relatives PC if you're traveling there so you can transfer maps while you are there., etc ...legally, for YOUR use only.
MetroGuide falls in the same category, unlocked,multiple machines,GPSrs.
City Navigator, City Select, and a few others are "locked" software. Most come with two unlock codes and can be unlocked to (only) two separate GPSr units. Each unlock is tied to a specific unit by unit ID.
That being said, you can still have the City Navigator program/maps installed on multiple Desktops, Laptops etc.
It's just that if you try to download (the CN) maps to any other unit (than one of the "two") , they won't be seen.
If your GPSr IS one of the two, YOU can load CN maps from your PC at home, at work, or at relatives,etc,anywhere YOUR copy of the CN program has been installed.
Has anyone seen any comparison between S&T 2007 (with the SIRFIII receiver) compared to the Garmins CN v 8 ?
Comparison of how up to date is the street info is and accuracy of routing ,etc.
Mapping Trails, etc.
in GPS technology and devices
I mis-spoke earlier...Herzog & Red 90 are correct on the not creating a new GPX file when tracklog is cleared. A new track is created within the same(for that date) GPX file.