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Posts posted by Grasscatcher
I read your addition to the FAQ.
Note that the archive files aren't deleted automatically. Archiving stops if the archive folder is full.
"Archiving stops if the archive folder is full".....you're still talking about "Auto Archiving" aren't you?
Isn't "Auto A" only going to happen if you never "Clear the Current Track log" ?( and let the trackpoints accumulate up to the 9800+ before AA is "triggered?)
Am I assuming correctly that one could theoretically have 20 archived tracks (1.GPX thru20.GPX) , each with up to 10,000 TPs. Some could be manually archived (short to medium length) tracks and others created thru Auto Archiving ???
What triggers the "Archive Folder being Full"..... 20 individual Tracks?, 10,000TPs? , or Memory availability ?
Am I missing something?
Why would anyone want to put Topo2008 on a 400t???? Wouldn't that be two sets of the same identical maps?
.... about every other mapping product (CN etc, )has larger segment size.
Concerning "Tracks" on the Colorado......
Can someone with a Colorado compare how it handles Tracks as compared to how 60x/76x series units do?
On a 76x with unit set to "log tracks to card", if you clear the track log then the (current) breadcrumb trail (active log) is cleared, but any "saved tracks" remain. and a new (or 2nd or 3rd etc) GPX file for that date is started on the card.
The "saved" track file and the "card" track file are identical EXCEPT for the fact that "saved" tracks are limited to 500 trackpoints AND time stamp, elevation, speed data is removed. The "card" file or active log contains complete data and trackpoints (up to 10,000)
So, in essence, "datawise" you have the best of both worlds. You have the "saved" file ( one of up to 20) to use for any trackback function and the card "file" that contains complete data for more accurate "trail following" mapping.
So.......how does the Colorado handle track data?
According to the manual , you can view elevation profiles on "archived" tracks, so apparently the elevation data is included, What about timestamp and speed data? and are individual "archived" tracks limited to 500 TP's each?
How many Tracks can be archived/saved on the Colorado?
The OWNER of the DVD software is allowed to install it on multiple computers/GPSrs as long as it is ONLY the OWNER that is using the multiple computers/GPSrs.
Thanks Jotne.......
I've already downloaded and read all 41 pages.....I know,I know.you're saying...Get a life!......naw, that's just a habit I have when I'm trying to make an informed decision.....and I don't even own a Colorado. ....yet
Something interesting I noticed on pg 37....The warning about NOT DELETING pre programed map data on the card....it is not recoverable.
If you buy a pre-programmed "map data card", then one of the "first orders of business" probably should be backing that card up....right?
Next idea...If that file is THAT easily accessible and can be modified/deleted, whether intentionally or otherwise, it seems like that if that map file is not readable in Mapsource or ??? now, then some data manipulation or file conversion program could make it so.
If you buy the pp card you have already paid for the use of the maps and , IMHO, the owner should be able to also use them on their computer.
It all has to do with almanac and chip sensitivity.
Go onto Trimble's site and download the free Trimble Planning software, get the latest almanac file, plug in your location and from inside the house with your GPS unit off, you can tell exactly which satellites your unit(s)will see when you turn them on outside for any given day/location. (non-WAAS only)
If there is still a difference, then one chip is probably slightly more sensitive and the "different" satellite is probably sending the weakest signal.
WAAS difference is just whichever one(s) get locked onto first.
Considering how efficient the beta testers are, I'm sure more will be done to the Colorado within the near future. It's just a question about what...
The Colorado supports Garmin maps. That's it. But in some 400 versions, Garmin include a basemap which has satellite imagery as well. That's why it looks like it can take raster maps.
Also, as it's compatible with BlueChart g2, which in turn contains detailed satellite images, you can see such images from these maps.
Comment & Question......
Since NG TOPO's deal with Magellan was/is non-exclusive, maybe NG's 1:24000 maps could be in the future. Maybe only in my dreams also....!
I have a Nuvi660 and a 76CSx. (so both unlock codes of the CNNTare used up).I also have Topo 2008.
Here's the question...if I got a 400c with all the street maps, and installed Topo 2008 on the card, would the maps ( Topo) still show up as 3D ? ie same as the preloaded maps on the 400t?
I guess another way of asking the question is, would Topo 2008 install the DEM info on the card/unit the same as on a PC. Right now, the Topo 2008 DEM info is only available on the PC.
I've seen people on here claiming they have successfully used 4GB cards in the Vista HCx.
What are the specs of that card. Does it have to be non-SDHC?
So much for the enlightened answers.............The Vista HCx does not even use an SD card !
It uses a MicroSD card.........totally different animal......AND......2GB max
Perhaps a dumb question from a current Magellan user: Does the Colorado 400t autoroute with the installed Topo maps, or will I need to add street maps to the unit to accomplish that?
No, none of the Garmin Topo maps will not autoroute. You will need street maps like City Navigator.
stolen from the 400t site, at the bottom of the page.
"Plug in and Go
Conveniently plug in optional preloaded SD cards for all your outdoor activities on land or water. Just insert a MapSource card with detailed street maps, and Colorado provides turn-by-turn directions to your destination."
The KEY words there being "optional preloaded SD cards for all your outdoor activities on land or water."
Anyone know if the Colorado can be set to log the track simultaneously to the SD card? (as on the 60/76x series)
Also, on the Colorado, does "saving" (archive ?)a track limit / reduce the number of trackpoints per track to 500 and discard some of the info? (elevation,speed,etc) (again like on the 60/76x series)
I believe you're going to be disappointed, if what you want to transfer is tracks ......because TOPO will only import waypoints from a gpx file....not tracks.
Also, note that it takes all three files (dbf,shx,shp) to make a shapefile.
As stated above.....use Expert GPS with the GIS option. Will import and export as Shapefile and save as gpx file.
Or wait for v5 TOPO...they are supposed to "do something" about the way TOPO handles tracks ......due sometime within the next year.
Sorry to have wound several springs! I believe you guys are totally missing the point. That is, there is a giant difference between "wanting" and "needing" more tracks ON YOUR UNIT AT ONE TIME.
I do NOT consider myself to be an expert, but I do literally have several thousand saved tracks. Some of which are long and very complicated. Where necessary, the very long ones have been mapped in different segments, say, from trailhead to "XX" intersection, or waterfall,etc. .
I can join segments on my PC to have a single trail, or separate into shorter lengths to transfer back to my unit.
The "detail" visible on a 2" GPSr screen is "at best" lousy., so really,I would think that the only place you NEED all the points (and data) is on your PC for detailed mapping creation.
The "directionally challenged" comment was referring to the "mountain trail with 200 switchbacks" comment by whomever....
Wouldn't you agree that that was a slight exaggeration since that kind of detail would not be visible on a 2" GPSr screen???
But then again, there are folks that are already complaining that there are not "27 gb" memory cards available , so that they can load all of the maps onto their GPSr for the USA, and Europe, and Africa, and.......even though they never go there, and WILL never go there.
However, if they really NEEDED to go there , it would take all of maybe 5 minutes to load the maps for that area. That falls into the ...Get Real ! category.
Just difference of opinion of want vs need.
All I can say is that some folks must be VERY "directionally challenged".
If you are on a "long & twisty mountain trail with a couple hundred switchbacks", I would HOPE that you would follow the TRAIL. Otherwise the "gene pool" would rightfully get cleansed a dab.
No city streets, it's just that the results from mapping several thousand miles of Snowmobile trails, ATV trails, and Hiking trails prove your assessment to be incorrect.
Mountains? My home is at 8725 ft elevation and my hiking, Snowmobile & ATV riding is at 10,000-14,000 ft elevation......but I won't argue with the "experts".......
It really comes down to the issue of "Do you really NEED more than 20 saved tracks in your unit at any one time? That's what "saved" tracks are for....just for use in the unit.
If you need the complete data, that's what tracks saved on the card are for.
Except for a very long and complicated track, on your GPSr you can't visibly tell any difference between one with all the data and one without and with TPs limited even when downloaded onto a 1:24000 topo.
Red 90 you are correct, but I think he also wanted to "name" the different segments"on the spot" and he could do that by "saving" the track and naming. When back home , he would have all of the above ...the saved track, name, and the "card track" .
Just a matter of personal choice....but all the data would be there.
And if concerned about card space, I just occasionally hook up my GPSr as "mass storage device" and download all the GPX files to a "GPX card files" folder on my PC and deleted them off the card ....back in business again.
I read about a magnetic compass as addition to my geocaching tools when I was using primarily a eTrex Legend ("old blue"; no electronic compass). But I simply could not figure out how to get that to work. The compass points to magnetic north, which is 12 to 15 degrees off true north for me, and that tells me when my Legend is NOT pointing in the right direction if I pay close attention to the alignment of the letters on the compass circle in contrast with that same alignment on the magnetic needle compass, which I can't concentrate on while I am looking at the pointy arrow on the GPSr showing me where the cache is. Meanwhile the magnetic compass points one way and the Legend points some other way, which I know is normal ...my head hurts just thinking about it.
Now that I have my 60CSx, it integrates all this into one unit and does it all this for me whenever I have it turned on. Even if it is not the most accurate pointer to true/magnetic north, it gets me to the cache quickly.
My experience with battery drain is similar to RenHoek's report.
You should have a setting on ole blue to set to either magnetic or true. The 60 come set to true by default.
Now, with both set the same, see what they read.
Then also take a magnetic compass (preferably one where you can set the declination on) and place all three on the floor parallel and touching each other.
NONE will read correctly, due to magnetic interference.
Separate them by a reasonable distance but keep them parallel, and all will read correctly and the same.....my 76CS, 76CSx, and magnetic compass do.
That's a good way to realize just how sensitive the electronic compasses are to metal objects and other magnetic interference.
"That's a better workaround than I've got so far-- you're saying clearing the tracklog when SD card logging is enabled starts a new entry on the SD card without erasing the old entry on the SD card?"
Yes.......-but it's Not a work around, it actually can be considered an extra feature. When you're saving track to card, you are actually saving in two different formats. One reduced in data to fit more tracks in internal memory and the other in a "full data" format on the card where there's plenty of room.
"I still reserve the right to mutter and grumble that there are no warnings about data loss when saving a track and that the SD card logging is not enabled automatically when an SD card is installed."
Go ahead and just reserve away all you want to, but both the other complaints have been extensively covered in the forums. The data loss complaint ignores the fact that you ARE getting the data if you log to the card, but a lot of people don't understand that fact, and the other one just falls into the category of a user changeable feature ,covered in the manual that is ignored. (like a whole lot of others)
Your biggest mistake was not learning all the key features of your unit before doing something important with it.......Many users get a brand new GPSr the night before an outing and then when they mess up they blame Garmin or Magellan,or????
You already have the capability to do what you want to do.
Use the "save tracks to card" feature AND save the track in the internal memory, saving different segments as you wish. Every time you want to start a new segment, save the track, clear the track log and start again. At the end of the day you will have multiple "saved" tracks (with some data missing and limited to 500 trackpoints each....as you have already found out) However, you will also have multiple tracks (all on the same date file) logged to the card that contain ALL of the data.
You cannot access the "card" files from within your unit but you can download the gpx file to your PC and use as desired.
"Glad you got that out of your system."
Yeah, me too! I doubt if it will solve anything though......but then again, I'm not the one with the "compass" problems. Mine works perfectly.
I understand your example, and agree. However, you apparently have enough experience to be able to "read between the lines" and interpret what your unit is telling you.......newbies do not.
Try an experiment similar to your example above. Do a Go To with the compass on and with the pointer pointing toward the cache, then Stop. While you are stopped, turn the compass off and then turn around 180º and move in a different direction for long enough for your GPSr and bearing pointer to detect that movement. When the pointer points that direction, then stop, and while stopped (but still facing the direction of your last travel), turn the compass back on. You have now lost the correlation between the pointer and the "compass" , so the pointer no longer is pointing to the cache....until you start moving. ....and it's difficult to get to the cache while standing still.....
My whole point is, that until a user gets a lot of experience under their belt, they do not understand all the different possibilities and what can and can't be done and whether you need to be moving or still, unit held horizontal or vertical,etc
This question may have been brought up on another topic but I was wondering if anyone knows if the existing NG Topo! series is usable with the new Triton. I have NG Topo! for MO and would love not to have to buy another mapping program to get these maps into the new Triton. Magellans website talks about 2 new programs that look identical to my Topo! If the NG Topo! isn't compatible I'll stick with my Explorist 210 for a while longer. Triton looks great though. NG Maps are extremely nice.
NG State Series & others will work. here's a quote from NG......
The Magellan Triton should start shipping in 6-8
weeks, and will be compatible with maps from TOPO!
State Series and Weekend Explorer (free update to
version 4.4.0 will be avail for download, to handle
this). Raster maps will transfer separately from the waypoints/GPS-routes/tracks.
They also said that their deal with Magellan is not an exclusive one.......so maybe other brands are on the horizon......
I surely don't intend to come across as "holier than thou", but for the life of me I can't understand why there is so much confusion, and so many "perceived" problems with the electronic compass on the S models of Garmin GPSrs.
A compass is a tool that works by determining which way is North. ....PERIOD!
It does not know about or even care what a "cache" is. It does not know what coordinates are, so it absolutely CANNOT help you find a set of "them". The compass will NOT point to a cache location. unless that cache just happens to be due North of your current location.
On the S models, Garmin didn't help much by having only a 2 axis compass. It has to be held level to work properly. I would like for any one to explain to me how to do both of the following things at the same time. How can you hold the GPSr level in order for the compass to work properly , and at the same time, hold the GPSr near vertical for the GPSr to work properly to direct you to the set of coordinates for a cache? You think you're confused? Think about the compass, it's trying to determine which way is North and you are holding the unit vertically where it cannot work!
What is confusing to many folks is the "Pointer". That is NOT, I repeat NOT, THE COMPASS. (even though it is displayed on the "Compass" page). (I personally set my unit to for the pointer to display "Bearing"). In the forums, I've even seen people with "Non S" models, describe "compass pointing problems".......when they don't even have a compass on their unit!
When you do a "Go To" to a set of coordinates, once you start moving, the bearing pointer will point toward that point described by those coordinates. The bearing pointer does not care which way is N,S,E or W. It only cares about where the GO To point is in relation to your present location and direction of movement.
Here's how to stop all the confusion and "problems".......ONLY Use the Compass exactly like you would use a manual/magnetic compass. That is, standing still and held level, then turn the Compass OFF. Then with the GPSR held upright , use the Bearing Pointer to direct you to the coordinates location. Yes, I know that you are supposed to be able to define the speed and time at which the unit switches from compass to GPSr , but there is still an interference.
Try it as described above and the problems will go away.
Reliable information from NG Topo says that their deal with Magellan is not exclusive......so what does that tell you?
Reliable information from NG Topo says that their deal with Magellan is not exclusive........ so what does that tell you?
I agree with Hynr. I just ordered the Vista HCx and two 2gig cards. I plan to have one card with all of North America and one card with all of Europe. One load and never have to worry about forgetting maps again. I'm over in Nevada and usually keep the entire state loaded. I do get over to California periodically. I have twice forgotten to load the maps for the area I planned to be in. Davis was one and Napa was the other. Very frustrating.
There is no magic solution .....for not thinking.............Now you can just forget to take the "other" chip not in the unit or forget to take the GPS entirely............
So what do you think? Is Garmin listening to us about the Colorado?
in GPS technology and devices
Just IMHO......
Really now.........Just imagine how many different opinions, types of users, different uses, what is/is not acceptable, etc.......
No matter how much beta testing gets done by how many beta testers on any given piece of equipment, the real test begins when it is released to the public. Even the "Absolutely Perfect Fantastic 60 series" (and every other previously released model) had/has SOME problems.
If you are a "First Responder" buyer, relax, take a deep breath, enjoy the learning process, give input and grow with the unit, and expect that Garmin will make whatever changes /improvements are reasonable. Knowing Garmin, it WILL happen, That's in their best interest also........