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Posts posted by kgag

  1. You can do either you can plug in the coords manually on the unit itself (the coords are listed on the geocache page). Or you can hook it up with USB and transfer them direct from the site.


    I would suggest getting another application called easygps to be the main transfer software it is a bit faster and less clunky than the trip and waypoint manager.


    Then tell it to find the waypoint you just created and choose either off road (no turn by turn) or follow road (with turn by turn)


    Good Luck!




  2. Pharos GPS receiver, and compact flash adapter, no other cables or anything. I will take best offer. Make me an offer you might be surprised. :unsure:


    Here is a link with more info.



    The cable you see in there pics is not included, but it is not needed to use with compact flash.


    If no one on the forums want it I will list it on ebay, but right now this is the only place listed.




  3. How does it make sense to have a whole forum for question and answer to put all the 60cs question and answer into one topic. Doesn't that sort of defeat the purpose of having a forum. It makes it harder to search and read anything, and forces digging through 20 freaking pages to find answers.


    Just pointing out what seems obvious.




  4. The geocaching mode can only have one set of icons set (closed chest / open chest) but you can choose what icon you want set to each not found, and found.


    To change the icon used for found or not fount go to the menu>setup> geocache setup. if you want to use any custom icons you will need to load them up with ximage first.




  5. Where ever you are press mark, then change the lattitude and longitude that comes up to the lat, long you get from mapquest.


    (this will keep you from moving your cursor all the way across the map looking for a specific cord, that would take a long time)




  6. I have been using streets and trips with my 60cs, rather than getting a hardware serial to usb adapter, I got a program called Franson GPSGate that spoofs a serial port off of the usb connection. Works fine no problems.


    If you are looking into streets and trips also take a look at garmins product nRoute that works with your different mapsets it will do a lot of the same things and works a bit better with autorouting, etc.


    Also if you are going to get into streets and trips I would suggest you getting streets2gps as well, (can't seem to find the link) it will take saved pushpins (waypoints in streets and trips) and convert them to lat, long.


    This makes for a very easy way to convert street address to lat, long.


    Hope this helps,


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