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Posts posted by Chickahominy
Congrats on the new car!
She looks like a Diana.. the huntress, to me.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year everyone!
Well, I wasn't going to post any pics here. I want y'all to know that I have really enjoyed seeing all the decorations. One thing I saw told me that I HAD to post photos. What you might ask? It was
Santa Moose! I don't know of anyone else who has a Santa Moose. I am so thrilled to find his relation! Thanks for the pic CatsnFish!
These cookie jars are filled and waiting for my friends to come fix plates. I still have a few more things to bake, first.
This is the dining room tree. We will put the ornaments on it Christmas Eve.
A bouquet of holly, magnolia and mistletoe, I picked in the yard. We will throw it on the fire Christmas Eve along with our Yule log.
My heart tree : - )
Closeup of my heart tree.
Merry Christmas to all!
Well, just to let you know that my BD mission (nov 27) as yet to arrive
, but I think mine was sent by Chickahominy in replacement for somebody else on dec 1st. So I am not that worried, but still waiting patiently.
Yes, it was sent out to you around the first. Let me know when it gets there... and Happy Birthday!
I'm so glad you liked your Christmas missions. I had fun putting mine together for you. The pictures of the kids reading the books made me smile. I will share those pics with my husband so he can see the joy these missions bring others. Maybe then he won't complain about mailing the packages for me! LOL!
Happy holidays to all!
Mike, you and your family are being uplifted in my prayers. Look over your shoulder and you'll see the Geo Community right behind you. Stay strong!
Lori Darlin'... I'm contacting you about coins for auctions.
Shine! That is one beautiful coin!
I received my Christmas mission Saturday. Oh my! TeamEccs21 was my Secret Santa and they did waayyy too much! I found a Sepp and Berta Tranquility from my seeking list! Oh my goodness.. it is the most beautiful coin I have ever seen! Thank you. They didn't stop there... TeamEccs21 also sent me their personal, a GCC poker chip, pathtags, a TB : -) , a MWGB lanyard, and a Christmas tag. Oh! A set of rooster coasters and a neat glass rooster filled with soup mix! It was so much. I laughed and cried at the same time. Thank you Secret Santas....
May your holidays be merry and bright.
Molly aka Chickahominy
Merry Christmas everyone!
I quit my job to move in with my husband, who is on disability because he has osteo arthritis in his hip and can not work. We take care of his 86 year old mother who lives with us. She is completely bedridden and in hospice. He can't care for her alone and we will not put her in a nursing home. I will spare you the details of the other hardships I face daily. Do I bemoan my problems on the forum and ask for special favors? I don't think so.
You see, Merchlinsksys, we ALL have problems, but we handle them and go on our way. You are not the only one with problems. Some of us are able to do for others, and we do what we can because we are givers. The point is that some of us are feeling a bit taken advantage of because of the way you handled . If you know that you can't send out a mission because of hardships, don't sign up for future missions. As Opalsns says, others expect to receive packages and will be disappointed, not to mention out of $$$ for the coins and gifts they sent out on good faith.
No one is "owed" anything in this life. We are all living on the graces and goodness of others... and on our own hard work. Don't take advantage of those who extend a helping hand.
Please accept my apologies for my harshness in the previous post. I can understand people fall upon hard times and events might already be planned into the future. The people on this thread are all giving (and I daresay, non-judgmental). Coiners will scrape together and give all they can to fellow coiners in need. Such a wonderful society of givers is largely based on trust. Trust that when others sign up for missions they'll send them out, trust that the coins traded are as "advertised", trust that others will protect the info on the Address list. We need to protect that trust and let it continue to flourish. Thanks for listening...
Well said, Opalsns.
I sent out a birthday mission for Merchlinskys because they had no money to send out their past missions. Halloween, Birthday nor Christmas missions were sent. Then, they ask for donations for an event?
Please, don't prey on the kindnesses of those in the Geocoin forum.
1. Participating - Yes
2. Name Received - Yes
3. Mission Mailed - 11/23/09
4. Mission Received - No
1. Participating - Yes
2. Name Received - Yes
3. Mission Mailed - 11/23/09
4. Mission Received - YES! She called me Friday to tell me. She will wait until Christmas to open it. Thank you!
My second mission should have arrived a week ago. No posts though.
I am going to hold off this time. Great idea for a mission, though. Thanks for arranging it!
Starting work on this, anyone keeping tabs on who is in from where? AG where are you?
That's exactly what I want to know... AG? Where are you?
<--- Has two addresses.
<--- Shipped a large quantity of chocolate overseas.
Merry Christmas to Lil Miss Matti Finatti!
PS - my husband told me I was silly to ship American chocolate to Europe where the chocolates are so wonderful. Do the Europeans on the forum like our Chocolates?
I am sending out a birthday mission for Merchlinskys.
The birthday might have already passed : - (
But no fear.. it will soon appear!
I will be sending out a birthday mission for Merchlinksys.
Hmmmm.... still did not receive my Halloween mission. I hope it will arrive soon, because I'm moving next week
Please remember to update you addy in the mail list for us
Maybe you could mark it "new addy" so we know it's the new one??
So sorry your little one has been ill. Best wishes for a full and speedy recovery.
Christmas is going to be difficult for everyone this year with the economy. We will all need to tighten our belts a little and be a little more creative with the gift giving. I'm lifted everytime I come to the forums and see how we coiners rise to the occasion and help others out. Give yourselves a warm fuzzy for your kindnesses.
I am able to help out by sending out another mission if need be. Just let me know
Turkey w/ Gravy
Tators w/ Gravy
Tuffin' w/ Gravy
C Sauce
Cool WHip
Love me some gravy!
I'm having rolls w/ Gravy!
Thank you for the cointest, Hollora. Also, thank you for the opportunity to stop and reflect on my blessings. I am most thankful for my husband. We have been together 5 years, married for two of those years. Our relationship has been filled with problems and many times, we have parted ways. We both realized that we were finding reasons not to commit to the relationship. Now, we are committed to one another, and our relationship. We are happier than ever. Life is wonderful with your best friend, soulmate, and twin by your side.
Will definitely see if I can get one or two of these. I LOVE the glitter! Great job on the coins!
Show us how you looked like when you were kids!!!
Most of us are in their 30's. 40's, 50's....
But no matter our age....we are hiding a kid in us, in our heart, in our feelings... it is time to show this kid! Post a photo of how you looked like when you were a kid!
I like that idea!
I have an extra set of Geocoinshopde's Christmas ornaments. Let me hear your trade offers. I collect compass geocoins, flowers (seeking Edelweiss), and personals... Emails, please.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Show us .... your favorite family photo ... or favorite family Christmas photo.
Entries have to be of your family, or your family pets.
Thanks for the cointest!
I've Been Hit!
in Trackables
ah ha... i think i might have one of those somewhere... hmm... i have an idea! lol!