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Everything posted by yogiabb

  1. Figuring out and placing my own puzzle caches is a lot of fun. I'll do local puzzles but not when I'm traveling unless the puzzle is fairly straightforward. I just don't want to risk wasting the time when there are plenty of regular caches to chase after.
  2. I'm at about 3%. I have only a few hides but I try and make them in areas where there aren't any yet or make them different than others in the area. Personally, if somebody doesn't feel led to hide a cache then they shouldn't hide one just to be hiding one.
  3. In my brief experience, most problems are overstuffed caches that make it hard to reseal the container. The frustrating thing is that the overstuffed caches don't really have very good stuff in them. Some caches are doomed by their location such as those in waterways or just above waterlines in creeks and streams. Some containers just don't work. Decon containers in particular, if they are not sheltered it seems that anything paper in them is just mush when I open it up. I think regular maintenance and smarter placement are the key.
  4. Nope, wouldn't do it. It wouldn't be too much fun for me and my 7 yr old wouldn't stand for it.
  5. I think that whether one places the cache or not places the cache is their choice. Hopefully if placed they will warn people who want to avoid it. I had a similar circumstance. My son and I found a place to hide a cache in an out of the way park. I went through the procedures to get approval to place it but didn't get around to placing it for several months. When we finally went out there, we couldn't get within 50' of our planned hide because of the PI. I didn't place it because one of my criteria for placing it is that it would have to be safe for my 7 year old to get to and I didn't think it was.
  6. My Swiss Army knife is what I use mot of all.
  7. My wife doesn't mind me geocaching especially since I take our son along. What she hates is me talking about it. The thing is though she has gone along a few times and she is a lot better at finding caches than I am.
  8. I just feel a little guiltier about geocaching now. I was planning on doing a complicated multi-cache involving a lot of driving around town but decided I would hold off on that for a while Geocaching is still lots cheaper than some diversion like playing golf.
  9. About a year and half ago I read an article about it in Scientific American. I knew that I had to try it. I had a Garmin 12 so the next day me and my son went out. He was just 5 and pretty excited about it. He dressed like a pirate since we were going on a treasure hunt. We didn't find the first one, the second one, while I was floundering about in the woods wondering why it didn't work, son announces here it is.
  10. Here in Tulsa I've benefited by past efforts of other geocachers. Both the City Parks Department and the River Parks Authority know about gecaching and have gecaching policies and procedures in place to help people who desire to place them. I would expect that your city parks department already knows about geocaching and may be pretty helpful. I wouldn't worry about unauthorized caches spoiling your chances of placing one. Just by asking shows that you are different.
  11. For Geocaching we listen to XM Satellite Radio's country channels.
  12. Here in Oklahoma in the urban type caching that my son and I do. 1. Water, lots of water 2. Insect repellant containing DEET. 3. Sun screen 4. Cell phone 5. Lots of batteries 6. Compass 7. Hat 8. Snacks 9. Money We rarely do true hiking type caches. When we do, my wife or another adult comes along and we take more food, water, and extra clothing.
  13. Went through scouting as a kid (didn't come close to Eagle though). I am now a Cub Scout Den Leader. My son just bridged from Tiger Cubs to Wolf. He and I have a great time caching.
  14. I bought one recently for a cache. It has an O-ring and appears to be made fairly well. I'll give it a try.
  15. I used to go work out a lot at the Health Club on Saturday mornings and leave my son in their "kid care." I decided that wasn't too good so we go geocaching. I now run with some friends early Sunday morning and I have a lot of fun with my son. We have been to areas of town and parks that we didn't know existed. My wife joins us quite a bit. We watch less tv and are more active.
  16. I post dnf's if I think the info might be useful. If I couldn't find it because I had to quit looking for some reason and if there were recent finds I won't post. But if it has been more than a week or so since the last find I'll post a dnf.
  17. Number of Finds - yep I track this - I like to average about one per week. Number of Hides - I hope to hide my first soon Number of DNFs - don't worry about this Days since you last went Geocaching (hours?) - don't worry about this Date you started - don't worry about this miles you hike - don't worry about this number of posts - don't worry about this ( and never ocurred to me) number of "experiences" - I don't know about number of experiences but the experiences do matter. I'm in San Antonio on business this week and I went geocaching for some micros - didn't find a one today out of 5 but got led to some pretty neat parks. Dollar value of trades - don't worry about this goals - my only goal is to have fun.
  18. I take my 6 yr old along so my favorite ones are the ones close to playgrounds where he can entertain himself, in my view, while I look for the cache or close to good paths where he can ride his trike. He likes short walks in the woods also.
  19. Personally I like the more challenging caches such as the multi's, mysterys, and regular caches that haven't been found in a while, but I go with my 6 yr old son so we go to lots of regular and virtuals to keep his interest. As many of the posters say though, the best caches are those of any type or difficulty that take me someplace unique or are particularly clever.
  20. I'm on my second GPS 12. I got my first one in the late 1990's sometime. Dropped it and broke it this past August. Shipped it and $59 off to Garmin and they sent me another. It works just fine for what I do.
  21. The few geocachers I've run into (that I could tell anyway) wore the photographers vests with all sorts of stuff hanging off of it, cell phones, digital cameras and such. If you are a nerd its just hard to hide it.
  22. Male, age 49, married with 6 yr old son. I'm a gadget freak, an engineer, and love solving problems. My little boy has autism and isn't interested in too many things most kids his age like but he likes the treasure hunting aspect of geocaching and the walks through the woods. Its something we do together is the main thing I like. My wife loves it because she gets the house to herself on weekends.
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