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Posts posted by shearzone
Well, IMO, Kenora, Dryden, Geraldton and Hearst are all about the same line, so what's farther North.....maybe Red Lake?
Bingo! Red Lake has the northernmost traffic lights in Ontario. The small community of 3500 people has one set next to the Shell gas bar. A gold rush in 1936 attracted lots of air traffic, all of which landed on the lake by float plane. When I was last there in 2001, the sister towns of Red Lake and Balmertown had two gold mines in operation, speculation about reopening a closed mine and lots of exploration for gold, platinum, palladium and other related metals. The rock that is currently being mined has a whopping 85 g/tonne! It is so rich in gold that the machines sometimes get jammed because the rock has too much gold in it (can't complain about that). The rock is so rich of gold, that the mine waste has more gold in it than gold mined in the Abitibi region of western Quebec and NE Ontario.
over to you Greywynd
The medal goes to shearzone! Nicely said, but we expect no less
Let's bring it back to Ontario
. What is the northernmost municipality in Ontario to have a set of traffic lights? Hint: it's not as far north as Calgary. Second hint: In 1936, more planes landed here than in New York City.
Here is the next question...
Where is Wrangellia?
Wrangellia is a geological terrane that includes Vancouver Island and the Queen Charlotte Islands of the geomorphologic Insular Belt of the Canadian Cordillera.
I am also a fan of earthcaches. Where in NL are you going? If you're going to Labrador, there is this one:
There used to be an earthcache near St John's to bring attention to some of the oldest life on earth preserved in the rock record called ediacara. I'm not sure what happened to it, but I suspect it was lost in the changeover from Waymarking to geocaching, perhaps because it is a protected (UNESCO?) site and they couldn't get permission to make it an earthcache. Too bad, because supposedly it is a facinating site and worth the visit.
Ok, I didn't get all teh marbles, but since it's been quiet, I'll throw out a question.
What's considered the longest street in the world?
Yonge Street?
Yeah, but it isn't called Younge Street all the way to Vancouver, and it only starts in Toronto. What about the Trans-Canada Highway that starts in St. John's and goes all the way to Vancouver?
Wow, Thanks. OK, I always like asking this because people often disagree with the premise of the question ...
"Why is it that the latest sunrise, and earliest sunset, do not occur on shortest day of the year. Conversely, earliest sunrise and latest sunset do not occur on the longest day of the year?"
Looking for one word answer to this phenomenon
Daylight savings time. The shortest day of the year is 23 hours long when we 'spring ahead', the longest day of the year is 25 hours long when we 'fall back'. These days are nowhere near the solicetices in the year.
HA! You're right! When I asked this question, I didn't consider shared boundaries across a lake. OK, OK, for the sake of letting others play (sorry JP), and for me to get the answer to the question I should have posed more clearly (if this is OK, CA?), which province is in direct land contact with the most US states?
Quebec: ME, NH, VT, NY.
BC was the answer I was looking for. I heard this question asked in another game of trivia, and I bought it. I'll have to tell those guys they are wrong. Sorry for the fiasco
. Over to you Dave
Ontario? Minnesota, Michigan, New York, and the less obvious Pennsylvania and Ohio!
HA! You're right! When I asked this question, I didn't consider shared boundaries across a lake. OK, OK, for the sake of letting others play (sorry JP), and for me to get the answer to the question I should have posed more clearly (if this is OK, CA?), which province is in direct land contact with the most US states?
1. What Canadian City is famous for the drink the Sourtoe Cocktail?
2. How do you make one (requires no mixology degree)?
Hint for #1- I think I may have mentioned that my family has some roots in this city in this thread - Although I doubt anyone cares!
Dawson City, put a frost bitten toe in a shot of whiskey and bottom's up!
Close enough!
Yes, Dawson City Yukon - And to make a Sourtoe Cocktail you take a pickled human toe, and add it to the drink of choice (doesn't have to be whiskey, although it usually was)
Your up rocky
I intend to make the pilgrimage for the sourtoe cocktail one day! I hear there running low on donors, but I don't plan on loosing a toe to frost bite any time soon!
OK, here's my question: Which Canadian province shares a border with the most US states, and what states are they?
Could have also went with the world's largest easter egg (Pysanka) in Veggreville Alberta.
1. What Canadian City is famous for the drink the Sourtoe Cocktail?
2. How do you make one (requires no mixology degree)?
Hint for #1- I think I may have mentioned that my family has some roots in this city in this thread - Although I doubt anyone cares!
Dawson City, put a frost bitten toe in a shot of whiskey and bottom's up!
Well, since everybody is guessing in the same area, I'll take a stab.
Lake Louise?
You got it! Lake Louise sits at 1530 m above sea level.
Your turn
was I right on the age too?
OK, here is my question: what community in Canada is the highest above sea level? Feel free to take a stab at its elevation too, I'm prepared for answers in both metres and feet.
One of the largest impact craters still preserved on the surface of the Earth is located in Canada. What is it's name and in which province is it located? Bonus points if you know the approximate age.
Manicouagan crater in Quebec can be seen from space. Age? I'll guess Triassic?
Too slow! In the spirit of keeping things moving I'll ask the next question.
Q: Assuming the batteries in your GPS are dead...If you were on a wooded ridge that ran east/west but didn't know which direction you were pointed (perhaps due to it being overcast), what is one way to determine this?
use a compass
With fond memories of caching in Ottawa almost exactly a year ago, we bring you a question from the Royal Canadian Mint. We hacked a cache out of ice just downhill from the mint so we could leave some TB's we'd brought all the way from Victoria. After that bit of excitement in frigid temperatures, we went on a little tour to get warm!
Was that the Magnifi-mint cache? That was one of my first finds in my caching career. If it's the cache I'm thinking of, it's hidden in an outcrop of 400 million year old storm deposits that are PACKED with marine fossils! U of O geology classes are led there every year to see those rocks. I went there a few times to see those rocks while I was taking classes there.
As for the questions...I don't know. You don't tend to visit tourist attractions in the town you live in.
glacier ice is correct! Glacier ice is snow that has been recrystallized by compaction pressure from the weight of the overlying snow. Over to you Landsharkz.
We're half way there! According to the definition of a mineral, ice qualifies as a mineral. But the answer I'm looking for is another, recrystalized phase of ice. I'll give the next question to the first person that specifies what type of ice is metamorphic ice.
I'll add to my first hint. The mineral is disappearing rapidly...maybe because of global warming
So Gneiss was wrong??
Well I will go for the other one. Schist. Oops, sorry, I have to keep it family friendly. SC***T
good guesses, but those are metamorphic ROCKS. I'm looking for a 'cold' mineral.
Aren't diamonds metamorphic?
you bet, but they aren't even close to being the most abundant metamorphic mineral on the SURFACE of the earth. If they were, they wouldn't cost so much. As an aside, diamonds are considered by many to be the greatest marketing scheme of the 20th century. DeBeers managed to associate something that people need (love) with something that is totally useless (diamonds) and charge a whole lotta money for them.
Anyway, here's a second hint to the original question:
pressure was involved, but it wasn't very hot where this mineral formed
I am reminded of a song I once heard. "Don't take me for Granite, I'm Gneiss!
HAHA! Who sang that song?
Take it away shearzone.
Metamorpism is defined as the recrystallization of minerals in the solid state (i.e. no melting) generally under intense heat and pressure. What is the most abundant metamorphic mineral on the surface of the Earth?
hint: it is disapearing (relatively) quickly
edit: added definition
here are my guesses: base, casing, survey marker
The jogs represent corrections applied to allow for convergence?
As lines of longitude go further north the distance between them shrinks continually. Using a township/meridian system of survey meant that surveyors had to continually "correct" for the decreasing distances. These corrections were applied on a fairly regular basis, at least here in Alberta, so I will assume that happened is SK as well.
I blame it on the Dominion Land Survey
Canadian Geopub Quiz
in Canada
pacing and chains