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Posts posted by Wintonian
Oh by the way even though you have selected your TB you might find this pinned topic usefull in future to help increase the life span of your TB.
Edit to advise: e-mail recived/ e-mail set suggesting additional help through the fourms.
I never knew there was a connection between Buckingham Palace and the song Bennie and the Jets. Can you tell me how they're connected?
Good TB goal, BTW.
In 2002 there was a "Party at the Palace: The Queen's Concerts, Buckingham Palace, which had Sir Elton John as one of the performers singing for the Queen's Jubilee for 12,000 selected guests. I think that might be it, anyway.
Rather off topic but as a brit I thougt it was that was a brill concet and I have it on DVD - it was for the Queens jubile whos full outlandish titles accross the comenwealth can be found here if your intrested.
Did the jubile and the concerts make it big in other countrys as well, out of intrest?
On Topic: you have said "After touring the world for the next 10 years or so" which I personaly think might prelong the journy from goal to goal as finders might not be concearnd with time posibly increasing the liklyhood of your TB missing 1 or more goals
I would just take out that sentance and say something like "after I have achived thse goals I would like to end up back in Wisconsin" just my 2 pence worth.
Eitherway Ithink it makes and exelent TB and what I have said is just a minor point and my own personal opinion which indeed might be wrong.
One last thing when you send out yor TB please attach a laminated info sheet (like the one provided on the TB's home page via the menue.) So that when pepole pick it up they know what it's goals are and wheather they can help it or not.
Without an info sheet you might find that pepole will pick up your TB and only realise that they will take it in the wrong direction when they get home and log it online and read the goal. Attached TB info sheets are so important in that respect.
Edit: added a letter here and took one there.
Thank you so much!!! Your type of reply is what we we're looking for. It sealed the deal for us. The info sheet is ready to be printed, I just need to go back and make some changes. Then I take it to work, print it out, laminate it to keep water out, and away we go. Thanks again to both you and the other reply that mentioned the Queen's Concerts. It's the perfect tie-in. Our 8 year old daughter has a fascination with Buckingham Palace and we wanted to somehow include it in. You bring up a valid point with the time thing also, we never thought of that. Thank you so much again!
I hope to see it over this side of the great pond very soon.
I wish it much luck on its undoubtedly interesting journey
I know that this is probably like asking a writer, "where do you get your ideas?" but I'm giving it a try anyway. I am absolutely in awe of some of the sites picked by some of the hiders in my area. They are so beautiful. However, I have no idea how they found them.
So for those of you who set caches in beautiful or interesting out of the way places how do you locate them? Do you pour over topo maps and then investigate likely areas? Do the sites simply pop out at you when you are doing other things? Is there a strategy you employ to structure your search? When you are scoping out possible hiding places do you spend a lot of time hiking off-trail?
My personal thinking is that I need topo maps for this area and then I need to spend time inching over the map, comparing it to existing caches, marking possible places for visits, then hiking those possibilities a few times over the course of the year to get a sense of how the terrain changes through the seasons (otherwise how does one assess the terrain rating). My beloved thinks that I am making it harder than it needs to be. I do admit that it sounds like a lengthy process the way I'm conceiving it.
How do you do it? How long does it take you?
Though I haven't hidden one yet, I can tell you that I have one ready to hide in a special location.
Mine is a place I have visited off and on for the last 25 years. I imagine many of the gorgeous cache spots are found similar methods.
Have you ever been hiking and come upon a spot that spoke to you? Well, thats where you could place a cache.
Going over topo maps seems like a PIA to me. You can't see trees on a topo. Trees have a nasty habit of getting in the way of a gorgeous view.
As the hobby/ sport has become more popoular I think most of the good spost have gone.
I have been lucky and found what I think is a realy good location for cache but it seems to be constintly being muggled which might ecplain why there isn't one there allready.
While you are out and about you will will develop "cachers eye" the ability to know where to hide one and to find a good location. I admit I have still to refin my "eye" with 184 finds (not all logged quite yet) I have a lot to go.
We're getting ready to send out our first TB, but are having some problems writing a goal. We'd like to get some opinions to what we have so far or suggestions on what to change. Here's what we have so far:
Current GOAL: I want to travel around the World, and make stops in as many cities, states and countries as possible along the way! While on my journey, I would love to go to some special places also and be photographed there. Those places are Kitty Hawk (the birthplace of aviation), the Boeing factory in Washington, the new stadium of the New York Jets, Buckingham Palace in honor of the song "Bennie and the JETS", the Sidney Opera House in Australia, and any other interesting places I may vist. After touring the world for the next 10 years or so, I would like to end up back in Wisconsin to live out my days making short commuter flights around the state.
Our TB is a small metal toy plane. Thanks for the opinions, in adavace.
Now my wife and daughter have changed the mission for our small airplane. Everything needs to be re-written again. At the rate that they keep changing thier minds, this plane will never see take-off. Thanks to all those replied. I have a question about a Tb that we found recently, but will post that seperately. Thanks!
Sorry you must have been typing at the same time as me.
I never knew there was a connection between Buckingham Palace and the song Bennie and the Jets. Can you tell me how they're connected?
Good TB goal, BTW.
In 2002 there was a "Party at the Palace: The Queen's Concerts, Buckingham Palace, which had Sir Elton John as one of the performers singing for the Queen's Jubilee for 12,000 selected guests. I think that might be it, anyway.
Rather off topic but as a brit I thougt it was that was a brill concet and I have it on DVD - it was for the Queens jubile whos full outlandish titles accross the comenwealth can be found here if your intrested.
Did the jubile and the concerts make it big in other countrys as well, out of intrest?
On Topic: you have said "After touring the world for the next 10 years or so" which I personaly think might prelong the journy from goal to goal as finders might not be concearnd with time posibly increasing the liklyhood of your TB missing 1 or more goals
I would just take out that sentance and say something like "after I have achived thse goals I would like to end up back in Wisconsin" just my 2 pence worth.
Eitherway Ithink it makes and exelent TB and what I have said is just a minor point and my own personal opinion which indeed might be wrong.
One last thing when you send out yor TB please attach a laminated info sheet (like the one provided on the TB's home page via the menue.) So that when pepole pick it up they know what it's goals are and wheather they can help it or not.
Without an info sheet you might find that pepole will pick up your TB and only realise that they will take it in the wrong direction when they get home and log it online and read the goal. Attached TB info sheets are so important in that respect.
Edit: added a letter here and took one there.
The only time that I have a problem with the Forum's is between 1100 and 1430 CST.
Lunchtime throughout the US timezones. That isn't the only time I have problems by far, but it often is a bad time range.
Normaly it is late at night UK time when it dosn't work for me. But it's working fine tonight so far.
I am realy just posting to find out if there is an ETA for the new fourm software that Nate (others may have as well from GS) has talked about. I understand that there is a lot of work to do, but an ETA might be usefull just to give pepole an idea of when things might get better?
I belive that this has been raised in the web fourm as a feature request
But at the moment as I understand it there isn't a way to temporaly change your home co-ords other than updating your existing "home" co-ords and then changing them back.
Somebody please correct me if I have got that wrong.
What do you think are the most caches to have in a series i know of a series now with 20 but i would like to know if people think more or less would be good and also what is the best way to lock an ammo cannister or get something that is locked for the series....
I belive the largest in the Uk is Mega Series in the south of england between Alton and Fleet just south of the M3 moterway.
Edit: forgot to say it consits of 126 caches - so large that even I got a few FTF's on it after leaving home on the train at 05:15 in the morning, not normily botherd about FTF but couldn't resist some of these. FTF are difficult if you don't have a car.
I belive that A road Anarchy is mainly a welsh thing (due to there not being any moterways in wales.)
Maybee Mrs (or Mr) Blorenge or some other welsh pepole will confirm that?
Saying this in my best "Boysie" accent (only fools and horses):-
"You don't have to be Welsh to know that part of the M4 Motorway is in Wales"
...and it cost us English alot of money to get on it!
It costs us Welsh a lot as well
(didn't know which smiley was best so used both
£5.40 to get back into our own country!!!!!! Nothing to go to England - but then you pay to get into all the best attractions
Now slinks off and hides
Supprising there isn't a charge to cross Hadreans Wall **opens big can of worms**
OT there is a lot of "roundabout" caahes i.e. caches on roundabouts or near, mostly thses are series done by individual cachers but as there seem to be quite a few of them I dont see why they shouldn't have a "series" of their own.
I belive the Basingstoke series even has it's own coin.
There are lots called just "roundabout"
Not sure whether you would consider something that isn't a "proper" series but could well be turned into one.
This might also bring up the question of; are you only looking for series that are UK based or are contributary caches within the UK for overseas ones or are other overseas series to be considerd?
Edited for clarity
Obviously we need to work the UK reviwers even harder now.
Welcome whoever you are Bee Keeper.
So two physical containers for two separate caches cannot be within 528ft (61m) of each other.
Yes, it makes sense.I understand the guidelines, I was thinking more about 2 cache pages made up of at lteast one physical container other than the final and these 2 cache pages shareing this "stage" container and having diffrent finals.Does that make sense?
No, it is not allowed by the guidelines. Only one cache can have a physical container at any given location.
Just wasn't sure if this only applied to the final - guess not.
Oh well just tell pepole to look for a number on a road sign and put on the cache page: "by the way there is a cache (GCZ9Z9Z) magneticaly attched to the back.
Or could you ge away with writting a big number on your ammo box? and call it a vertiual waypont as you don't attualy have to open the box?
I little silly I know- but if you realy want to.
Edit: just though about all those "bounse" caches out there - the ones where you have to obtain the clues co-ords from inside the caches in a series to locate this "extra" cache, this does seem to contridict:
No, it is not allowed by the guidelines. Only one cache can have a physical container at any given location.am I missing some diffrence here?
So two physical containers for two separate caches cannot be within 528ft (61m) of each other.
I understand the guidelines, I was thinking more about 2 cache pages made up of at lteast one physical container other than the final and these 2 cache pages shareing this "stage" container and having diffrent finals.
Does that make sense?
Unless I'm missing something I don't see why you can't have 2 diffrent puzzles on the same cache page allowing the finder to choose which puzzle to solve.
Nothing preventing that. What isn't allowed would be two different cache pages with a common end.
Yeh I got that, I was offering a possible workaround.
I am aslo assuming you can share the same wayponint btween multis/ puzzles - can these be physical containers?
Unless I'm missing something I don't see why you can't have 2 diffrent puzzles on the same cache page allowing the finder to choose which puzzle to solve.
Happy days!
Have you tried asking in the GPS and technology fourm?
Wow 6 thank yous .
Either they are very greatfull or it's a new record for fourm burps.
I do hope the new Hamsters will be here soon...
Edit: all sorted I see and now residing in: GC1R406
I try to look casual while I'm caching. But what if somebody thinks I'm up to no good and calls the police? Or what if they start yelling at me or telling me that I shouldn't be doing whatever it is I'm doing?
I've been caching for 5 years and have yet to be stopped and questioned. Not to say that it won't happen next time I'm out, but I just try to be myself. While I will wait if there are adolescents (mostly boys) nearby, I generally just mind my own business and find the cache. I will openly answer questions about what I'm doing and don't act as though I'm doing anything wrong, which is the truth.
The only time I have been stopped by the police, I wasn't looking for a cache, I wasn't hiding one, no I was standing at a sign post with my then Vista HCX averging co-ords for a possible hide I didn't even have a cache on me to hide.
Ok so it was 01:00 on a Sunday morning, but still I was just standing there with an oversized mobile at my side.
They were polite about it though just curious as I was apparently looking suspecious.
I try to look casual while I'm caching.
As often as not, that's a big mistake. There are few things more conspicuous than someone trying to act inconspicuously.
Pete the Deliberate
Part of the Geocaching aggrement with Metropolitan Police Service for caches placed in sensitive areas in London like Whitehall states:
Cachers are requested to try to avoid acting in a suspicious or furtive manner, when searching for a geocache or when placing one.Personaly I would have thought making your self look as obvious as possible wearing a shirt or carrying a sign that says "I'm looking for a Geocache - refere to geocaching.com" would be better.
True, but there a glitch that sometimes starts travelers in the unknown location when activated. There's no last place to go back to.
Ahh I didn't know that.
I belive that A road Anarchy is mainly a welsh thing (due to there not being any moterways in wales.)
Maybee Mrs (or Mr) Blorenge or some other welsh pepole will confirm that?
Saying this in my best "Boysie" accent (only fools and horses):-
"You don't have to be Welsh to know that part of the M4 Motorway is in Wales"
I forgot about the Severn Bridge(s)
I also see looking at Mrs B's search that there are loads in England - never seen one down here though. **starts thinking about new cahe ideas**
I tried the moving to last location one of my activated coins that has only been diped in and out of a few caches (untill I got board without a way of doing it automaticly) and it worked then. But either way it dosn't make much diffrence.
I might be going on the wrong track here but...
You do have a Geocoin (TB2YEJY) which was activated on the 14th the same day as the TB's in your account.
This geocoin is listed as in an "unknown" location.
A cache owner or Geocoin or TB owner normaly put a trackable item in this "unknown" location if it has gone missing. As your coin hasn't been sent out yet there is no need for it to be there, as it is in an "unknown" location you can't drop it into a cache untill you remove it.
To remove the coin and put it back as being in your possesion use the drop down box located underneth the traking number and select "move to last location" and it should show up as "In the hands of the owner."
Hope this is what you mean.
Edit: for some reason I ended up with a "g" at the end of evey "geocoin"
Your coin is in a multi cache (GC????) set by (geonick deleted for privacy reasons)
Cache was reviewed yesterday. As it was a cache placed far from home am awaiting a bit more reassurance of maintenance before publishing it. Hopefully cache owner will reply soon.
erik - geocaching.com volunteer reviewer for Israel, and some other countries that don't have a dedicated local reviewer.
Edited to add that the cache in question is not a traditional cache, and the geocoin is not at the posted coords, so don't start your trip to Israel quite yet.
Thanks to everyone for your replies....much appreciated. I will wait with 'baited breath' to see where the coin is located.
for a bit of piece of mind, I believe - at the reviewers discretion - that if the cache doesn't get published and is too far to be recovered by the setter, then they can ask a local cacher to retrieve the coin/TB, by giving them the coords to the final. I know the UK reviewers have done that before, but it does rely on a local cacher agreeing to do this.
What a good idea and a nice thing to try and do.
How long before a cache goes live?
in How do I...?
Posted · Edited by Hampshire_Hog
As I have found if it's your first hide read and re-read the guidelines: Guidelines
I did and couldn't have my first cache pubished as I mis read one of the guidelines, it was a minor issue that was rectified by changing a link on the cache page.
But look out for any reviwer notes that are posted to the cache page, they should also be e-maild to you.