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Posts posted by Wintonian
in How do I...?
Or ofcourse you could have obtaind the co-ords from a premium member.
Of course, maybe you can't find a cache without your glasses, in which case email me and I'll give you some help.
Or maybee they couldn't find the cache when they lost them, in which case they get an exscuse to try again
Nice thing to do though.
Have you tried e-mailing the last couple of finders to see if they belong to them?
OK, I have a question. I don't have a dog, but sometimes I have found myself in a field with some cows that have decided to walk over and take an interest in me.
Which is the best course of action:
1. Walk calmly away from them and exit the field ASAP
2. Run away from them as quickly as possible
3. Try to shoo them away by shouting loudly and waving your arms
4. Something else
By now my own thoughts are well known, if less than popular.
My take would be that if you have a legal right to be on a footpath then it is unreasonable to expect you to forego that right.
However, the advice from the farning community seems to be that you should avoid fields with "iffy" looking inhabitants and find another route. Fair enough, but what are the farmers' thoughts if I was discovered walking across land which didn't have a public right of way. Would it be reasonable for me to use the argument that the footpath was unpassable so I was finding an alternative?
You will notice that there are no smileys in this question, it is a genuinely serious attempt to find out.
A quick read through the link posted by Hampshire Hog makes it pretty clear-
The Ramblers’ Association offers the following suggestions for walkers concerned about their safety when encountering cattle in the countryside. It is worth emphasising that the majority of attacks occur when dogs are present or cows are acting in defence of their calves:
Be prepared for cattle to react, and, where possible, walk carefully and quietly around them - do not split up a clustered group.
If you have a dog with you, keep it under close control, but do not hang on to it should a bull or cow start acting aggressively.
Cattle will usually stop before reaching you. If they do not, just carry on quietly, and do not run.
Should a bull or cow come up very closely, turn round to face it. If necessary take a couple of steps towards it, waving your arms and shouting firmly.
Above all, do not put yourself at risk. If you feel threatened, find another way round, returning to the original path as soon as is possible.
Remember to close gates behind you when walking through fields containing livestock.
If you are attacked or suffer a frightening incident, report this to the landowner and the highway authority, and also the HSE and police if it is of a serious nature.
I can't find anything in that that uktim or myself haven't already said or tried to tell you so maybe an "official " source should put it to bed .
Main points -
1-Be prepared
2-Don't hang on to your dog
3-Face the animals - dont turn your back on them
4- Don't run and keep calm
5- If you feel threatened find another way round
Even the RA don't say you have an absolute right to walk the path come hell or high water .
Also according to DEFRA:
The Wildlife and Countryside Act, enforced by the highway authority, makes it an offence, subject to important exceptions, for the occupier of a field crossed by a right of way to cause or allow a bull to be at large in it. The exceptions are:bulls not more than ten months old; and
bulls which are not of a recognised dairy breed and which are at large with cows or heifers
Any bull over ten months old is prohibited on its own, and any such bull which is of a recognised dairy breed is prohibited even if accompanied by cows and heifers.
[Dairy breeds are Ayrshire, British Friesian, British Holstein, Dairy Shorthorn, Guernsey, Jersey, and Kerry.]
In general anyone taking a dog on a right of way is responsible for keeping it under proper control. If a dog is allowed to run around off the path, trespass is committed against the holder of the land.
There is no rule requiring a dog to be kept on a lead on a right of way but it is an offence to allow a dog to be at large in a field or enclosure in which there are sheep (Dogs (Protection of Livestock ) Act 1953). It is also an offence to allow a dog to attack or chase livestock.
I have no idea.
The cache owner might know.
I have heard diffrent opinions on what you should do when arriving in a field with cattle, some of these opinions do come from seemingly semi "official" sources.
Anyway I thought this link to the Ramblers Association that deals with the issue, what you should do and the legalitys of animals in fields along RoW might be of intrest.
Same as you normaly log one into or out of a cache, you just drop it in and take it out at the same time and if you want to realy tidy about it and you use a note to do it them you can also delete the note without affecting the millage.
Still wating for them to fix the random shutdowns them.
The original question was "what does a 1 by 1 look like". For the sake of new onlookers, I will spiel on this topic a bit.
1x1 refers to the terrain and difficulty ratings. Both are rated from 1 (easiest) to 5 (hardest). So a 1x1 would be easy to get to in its physical enviroment, and easy to find once you got to it.
There is no set appearance for a 1x1. It is only a rating of the challenge level it presents to the cacher.
So not the size of most urban caches then
I am not new to forums, and I am a active member on 3 other forums that use Invision Power Board software. Since this has not been addressed in this thread, is it a issue of to many users logged on at one time? I have noticed that this forum is much more integrated with the Groundspeak.com website than others I have dealt with, and much more cross site information sharing. Would a more simplified forum with less bells and whistles as a band aid fix be possible for the short term until the long term fix is ready? Would that improve forum performance? Would members of the forum be able to deal with this as a temporary fix, to get the performance back to acceptable levels?
Here comes my taxi now...........
If it is going to take some time to have the new software up and running the I would be happy with a tempoary fix like the one you suggested.
Are you going the same way as me.... Do you mind shareing the fare...
So I see we now have (or have had as I may have overlooked in the past) a hotels search and booking link and drilling in to a state and list of hotels and down to a specific Hotel or by clicking on the nearby hotels link on a cache page and selecting a hotel brings up the hotel information and a list of the nearest landmarks, geocaches, and waymarks
Are we going to be able to create a query directly from this page with the hotel coordinates as the center point, or when we reserve a room from this page will it then give us an option to create the PQ? Also will we be able to get the list of Points of interest or specific POIs as additive points in said PQ?
Right now the rates seem way to high for me to book a room using this feature but if you get to the point of competing with the other big name travel sites I think I would be more apt to book from this service, especially if you auto magically create the PQ for me and/or do not charge it against my 5 per day allotment as a bonus for booking using this interface.
As long as you live in country begining with "A"
The upgrade to the forum software is progressing in the first stages and will yet continue for some time. As much as I'd love to give you an estimate the reasons for not doing so are plain and have been mentioned already in this thread. I'm sorry about that.
So far we have worked on integrating your Geocaching profiles with the forum profiles but it hasn't been easy. There are profile items such as "forum title" that do not have an equivalent in the forum software so a lot of custom code is necessary. That stuff takes time.
Next we'll work on skinning the forum and importing old posts. Signal knows what else is required but I don't. With my limited ability to estimate progress I'd say we're about a quarter of the way to releasing the new forum.
Hopefully that gives you a bit more meat to chew on while we bang this out. I'll reiterate that I completely empathize with you all. It's totally annoying but hang in there and we'll get through it.
Thank you.
I use FF exclusively at home, and i am forced to use IE at work...
With Windows 7 just about to pop up on the horizon, and the fact that it will not ship with IE in Europe, just how will you connect to the interweb to download a different browser?
All it'll be is they won't put the icon for it on the desktop & start menu by default but it'll pester you endlessly until you make it visible.
I read somewhere (cant find the link
) that there will be a link on the windows 7 desktop that allows you access to the internet to download the browser of your choice , oh and that windows update will start immediately and IE will be an "optional" download
I didn't here that bit but it looks like OEM' will be provided with a free IE CD or they can choose to install a diffrent one if they s choose.
Mind you what about the retai version and will the upgrade option upgrage IE.
I guess this morning's outage shows the need to fix this mess.
I lost access at 08:30 BST (PDT + 8) and havnt been able to connect all day, it's just rather frustating.
Chrome is off limits for now as they install googleupdate®. This wants to have internetaccess every few minutes (why?? is a daily check for updates not good enough?) The updater is also a PITA to get rid of.
If only there was an alternitive to Google Earth.....
Out of intrest why?
(Try this one again - last two attempts have resulted in blank entries)
Found an interesting TB the other day. All it consisted of was a 3x5 index card hand-lettered in a childish scrawl, with a plastic Nickelodeon iCarly bracelet attached. What was interesting was that when I tried to log the TB I found out that the actual TB was a really nice silver seahorse pendant with an officila TB tag.
Apparently, someone in the recent past had liked the bracelet so much that they decided to keep it. Now I've heard of people keeping TBs - that's one of the risks of releasing them into the wild. But I've never heard of someone making a (very bad) replacement and putting it back trying to pass it off as the original!
TB2JYN3 Was orignally Crees Breeze. After discussing it with the owner we decided to re-release it with a new medallion. I made up a replacement tag for it, and the idea is to send it back out and ask people to add stuff to it.
But still, the audacity of people amaze me at times. Sorry for the vent.
If there is a perticular language you would like to translate from then prehaps it might be worth asking in one of the regonal fourms to see if someone from that area is willing to help you with transilation which might be better than the bable fish's I ha come accros.
I've been a member for a month now and i haven't had a gps so i couldn't find any caches.
But on ebay i just bought my first gps and am ready to get started! Any tips on geocaching or any reviews on that gps?
I got a Garmin Geko 201 for $57.50 including shipping.
Did I get a good price on it? Is it really within about 10 feet of the coordinates?
Geocaching reviews for the Geko are here.
Also I find that the GPS normaly gets me to within 30ft but yosometimes you need to need to look more towards 60ft (more sometimes) perticualy if you are under tree cover when the GPS can't see the sky so to speak.
Hope that helps.
Well it is in the website forum.
I guess I meant if you were looking for a link, it's here.
Just makes it difficult when you can't search for 3 letter words - unless you can't see the obviouse ofcourse.
Maybe some IT people or forum techies out there can explain how easy/hard it is to switch forums?
What is involved?
Why does it take so long? Or should it?
Explain the hurdles that Groundspeak is facing or could be facing.
Seems to me, an un-forum techie person, that 6 months already talked about moving plus another 2-3 months from now from a possible move is just to long. Maybe it isn't.
Well it has been a really long time since I did a forum swap but here is what I remember struggling with.
Importing 6 years worth of post without loosing any post. Also links to other post need to be fixed so they don't point to the old forums.
New and different features will cause outrage from forums users, ie "I can't search like I use to", "My hand created screen scrapper doesn't work because this isn't like this" "Why did you take this function away" and on and on and on.
Creating a method for the posters name being a link back to the non forum software Groundspeak profile could be difficult. Also the ID number of users needs to be imported the same, some importing services purge unused ID's while importing. This would be a disaster they way the forums integrate with the Groundspeak/geocaching/Waymarking sites.
Also little things that you would think would be unimportant cause angst. Does anyone remember when this forum changed the color of the backgrounds?
Oh I do understand prehaps in laymans terms that it is a complicated process , I just didn't relise this was part of the same problem and I was informed that there was allready a post about it.
As it transires it is just the same issue and (as it is) I'm just after an update as to the progress of the new softtware that has been metiond - I would like to reiterate thate I did not know that the issue I reported was part of the same problem/ issue at the time.
Edit clarity and I think the batterys on my keyboard might need changing
Apoligies for the messed up post now corrected.
As keystone has decided to to close my topice insted of merging it I thought I might post it here as I was redirected to here:
I have just come accross this: Screan capture of issue.
I havn't seen it before, if it is related to other issues pease merege the topic.
knowschad's responce:
That is hardly new, but thanks for reporting it. That, and other issues with the forums are being discussed in other threads like this one and this one and probably a few others. You are not alone. A lot of us are getting very frustrated by the problems with the forums. Groundspeak has publically announced that they are looking into a software upgrade, but that's about all we know at this time.
My responce, not knowing it was part of the same issue:
Yep list of some of the threads Ihave participated in, I know they are working on that issue I just didnt relise thise was the same one - sorry please merge if you feel it neccersery.Thread where I have also metiond it
and my first known posting about it
I did start a topic once before I kew it was known but I can't seem to find it now.
P.S - the fourm issue genraly is not new to me bt this is and fourm probs seem to happning more often
If it is part of the same issue please merde with the other topics.
Also an update would be apprecated if thats ok?
Edited for clarity - I hope.
followed by Keystones closeing of the topic and recomendation:
Closing duplicate thread. Thanks for the report.Edit as it took a while for me to sort out the messed up qoutes as well as being a pain to put the links back in.
Yep list of some of the threads Ihave participated in, I know they are working on that issue I just didnt relise thise was the same one - sorry please merge if you feel it neccersery.
Thread where I have also metiond it
and my first known posting about it
I did start a topic once before I kew it was known but I can't seem to find it now.
P.S - the fourm issue genraly is not new to me bt this is and fourm probs seem to happning more often
If it is part of the same issue please merde with the other topics.
Also an update would be apprecated if thats ok?
Edited for clarity - I hope.
Hi and welcome to the hobby/ sport.
May I point you in the direction of some links that will hopefully get you started:
Getting Started - geocaching.com
FAQ's - pinnend in the getting strted fourm
Markwell's site for all your pocket query needs and much more.
An exelent set of videos by Headhardhat
I hope that helps, if you have any other questions then please ask
Spelling edit as usual.
I can't "watch" hubby's caches
in Website
Posted · Edited by Hampshire_Hog
Just for your info someone else has brought this up in the new release notes thread post #35