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Thanks, Dave. I'm planning to migrate towards DSWorld, and this might be just the reason to do so...at an accelerated pace. Can I hijack my own thread? One of the things that has me baffled about the program is the apparent non-existence of 'GEOCAC' as a possible recovery agency. AZ, it is there. At first, I had to do a little searching to find it too. Using the recovery form for the latest version of DSWorld 2.10.19 I have installed: After you first enter in the PID number for the mark, and hit enter....a lot of the boxes will fill in themselves. You can then add/edit the rest of the information as needed. 1. Under the Recovery Information------in the Rec Agency drop-down box, select the letter L (Miscellaneous Commercial or Private Firms) 2. Once L is selected, in the next drop-down box to the right (Recovering Agency), scroll down and select GEOCAC (Geocaching. The program wil remember this, and future recovery reports will have the GEOCAC box already filled in for you. Here is an example: You can actually roll your mouse over each blank box (the white area) in the recovery form, and will get a pop-up telling you what goes there. Ex: The C.O.P. box is for the initials of the person responsible for recovering the mark. You will also notice from the above screenshot, just how much more information can be submitted with each recovery report now......like the relation of the disk to the surface (flush, recessed, projecting).....the code of the agency stamped on the mark......the ability to update the coordinates or county/state...etc. You'll click the TEXT button at the bottom to open up a secondary window to submit your actual recovery text/report. Make sure to do this BEFORE you hit the submit button. As DSWorld is kinda a little intimidating, I suggest that for those of us just starting out with DSWorld, to spend some time using the help files of the program. Malcolm has some excellent information (along with screenshots)of how to utilize the program. Reading (viewing screenshots) the help file about submitting recovery reports is a good thing, especially on how to submit the recovery text. I think once you get the hang of it, everyone will really like it. One of the things I really like about DSWorld, is it's google earth interface. I like to view the recent HH loads, and the program opens up google earth and shows you the locations. Now, I really like that when you click on each location, the program will not only let you view the NGS datasheet...but also has the geocaching page link for the mark too (if available). I guess this is for everyone to be able to access both websites/databases for information on the marks. Now, back to your regularly scheduled program.
I welcome Malcolm's guidance and look forward to it. I just submitted CQ1271 using the latest version of DSWorld. I used the recovery report there to update the scaled coordinates. (I usually have submitted these in a separate section of DSWorld). I hope I understood a section of the recovery report correctly, after the stability. It has Fl/Proj/Rec along with the next boxes to place the measurements. I am assuming (I didn't find the answer in the help file yet) that these abbreviations mean Flush, Projecting,Recessed....for the mark in relation to the ground level.
I asked this same question of Malcolm(DSWorld) back in April. Here is his reply: From: Bobby Tedford [mailto:wmtire@yahoo.com] Sent: Sunday, April 17, 2011 2:17 PM To: Malcolm Archer-Shee Subject: RE: DSWorld problem Malcolm, I had a question for you, not that it's a big thing, but just wondering if there was a reason for it. When using the photo editing part of DSWorld, the program will save the name of the pic for you using your parameters you stated for the pic. It names it by PID, Station name, Photo type (1, 2,3), direction facing, and date. However when you use the program to place a standard label on the pic, it reverses the first two parameters and the label states Station name first, then the PID. Like I said, I was just wondering if there was a reason for this difference. I was guessing that it had something to do with the way the NGS indexed the information Bobby -------------------------------------------------------- Bobby, The naming and labeling requirements were established by the folks at NGS that manage contracting. The logic, as I understand it, is that the name was more important for the label (caption) than the PID, but the filename had to begin with the PID for data processing purposes. It, unfortunately, has caused some confusion among submitters. Note also that spaces and commas are required in the caption but are not allowed in the name, again for data processing purposes. Malcolm
Just a little note, to add to PFF's post above. For anyone who doesn't utilize the program DSWorld, it will do all of the above editing correctly for you. It will rename your photo to NGS specs, and also place the proper formatted caption on the photo. You can also use the program to batch submit the photos after you have edited them to your satisfaction. http://www.ngs.noaa.gov/PC_PROD/PARTNERS/index.shtml
Just like TillaMurph's describes, we are all proud to be the first one to log a benchmark, especially one that doesn't have a recovery report since it was placed. Although geocaching.com will keep up with the number of benchmarks you log on their site, it doesn't add these benchmark numbers to your geocache find totals. The two numbers are kept separate. Best of luck, and feel free to ask any questions here as you delve into the fun hobby of benchmarking.
Hmmmm, guess it's time to add an AR-15 and few hundred rounds of ammo to my benchmarking bag.
Welcome to benchmarking. It is a little different than geocaching, but can be more rewarding. I recommend reading the me first tutorials.....especially the difference between scaled vs adjusted coordinates. There are also several ways to download the datasheets directly from the NGS and put them in your gps units. http://forums.Groundspeak.com/GC/index.php?showtopic=113335 I have gathered much of the information, along with software links, gleaned from these forums and fellow benchmarkers. I tried to place a lot of it here: http://www.nelageo.net/index.php/forum/13-benchmarking-and-related-topics/6841-benchmark-101 http://www.nelageo.net/index.php/forum/13-benchmarking-and-related-topics/12706-benchmarking-with-a-nuvi http://www.nelageo.net/index.php/forum/13-benchmarking-and-related-topics/12633-ngs-gpx-datasheet-conversion-programand-gsak
While this one isn't necessarily silly, it did have a kind of WOW factor from the 1935 description. I hated the courthouse was closed, as I would have really liked to have gotten the details on it. Here is the link,CQ0938 01/01/1935 by CGS (GOOD) DESCRIBED BY COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY 1935 IN JONESBORO. SET HORIZONTAL ON THE EAST END OF THE FIRST CONCRETE STEP OF THE NORTH ENTRANCE TO THE JACKSON PARISH COURTHOUSE. NOTE-- COURTHOUSE WAS DESTROYED BY AN EXPLOSION IN 1936. I guess the note was added after the fact, from the dates provided.........or it was a Nostradamus recovery report. EDIT: I found a newspaper story about it from 1936: http://news.google.com/newspapers?nid=1817&dat=19360116&id=Keg-AAAAIBAJ&sjid=Kk0MAAAAIBAJ&pg=2707,666740
Hmmm Mike, it appears ya both have the same last initials. You don't have......oh just for the sake of conversation....another personality per chance. Not that's there anything wrong with that Sybil, so you can put the knife down. If you do have another one, he must be the procrastinator, being a week behind.
I have a feeling you are referring to ScaredyCats Benchmark viewer. If you will scroll down to the bottom of the map page it explains the colors and symbols. Here is the simple gist of it Green- last recovery report was a find in good condition White- no recovery reports Red- last recovery report was a did not find/missing or other Black- mark destroyed The S or A means Scaled or Adjusted EDIT: Here is the FAQ section that also explains it from ScaredyCats Viewer http://www.scaredycatfilms.com/benchmarks/faq.html
Tillamurphs informed me that the nelageo site where I parked a copy of this sheet, was requiring a registration to be able to download it. I placed a copy of it in the free google docs. It should show you the sheet as well as let everyone download, copy, or print it. Just click on the file tab at the top left of the screen and choose which option you want. Here is the link to it https://docs.google.com/open?id=0B5IX4cufAX-rNDRkNTEzNTktOTNlOC00NTUwLWE4ZWYtZGQwNGE0NWNlYzM5
Woo-hoo, Patty sent me the exact one I was looking for. If anyone knows the original author, I would like to credit them for it. I placed a copy of it in our local geocaching forum, if anyone wants to download a copy. http://www.nelageo.net/index.php/forum/13-benchmarking-and-related-topics/14047-benchmark-explanation-sheet#14047 Thanks Patty.
LOL, Once I get it again, it will be saved on our local geocaching forum for all to get. Patty, I think that is it, but am not certain till I see it. Could you email it to me at hktire@aol.com or wmtire@yahoo.com? Thanks so much.
Your Best/Favorite Benchmarking pictures.
LSUFan replied to 2oldfarts (the rockhounders)'s topic in Benchmarking
Ok, I am now officially jealous. As if the benchmark pics weren't bad enough, you just have to go ahead and rub this in our face. We don't have any A&W's around here anymore, much less a real drive-in one. -
Several years prior (and a few computer crashes ago), I had downloaded a file that someone had made, that was a benchmarking explanation sheet. It briefly explained to landowners, what benchmarking and geodetic survey markers are, and our intent was just to take pictures and update numbers. It's real similar to the geocaching brochure that you can download from Geocacher-U. Can anyone be so kind as to point me back to this sheet/file, where I can save it again? Thanks
I have nothing constructive to add to this conversation....but instead am just fussing at Jim. Looking at all the work he is doing with the maps here, I keep seeing that Red River Parish in LA has no GEOCAC recoveries. Since I am going to be 'near' there this Friday (like 40 miles is near), I am feeling some strange, uncontrollable urge to sweep down there and color it in. It's all Jim's fault.
I can't say if it is everywhere, but we have had a rash of ammo boxes being taken in our area too.
What's Going to Happen When High-Accuracy GPS is Cheap?
LSUFan replied to Papa-Bear-NYC's topic in Benchmarking
If it works out the way the author of the article says it will, I guess a lot of us will be able to submit HandHeld 1 coordinates to the NGS. -
I understand exactly, what you are experiencing. CP2772 was my "white whale" you could say. It consumed a lot of research time, and studying of aerial maps, trying to see if a trip was warranted just to look for it. I can say, you will eventually move on and start aiming your sights towards others, and that emptiness will fade away as you become goal-oriented again.. It's what makes the hunt so fun. As Tillamurphs states, Holograph's list of extreme benchmarks are always good. ' If nothing else, you can hang out in the forums here with your fellow 'Benchmarkers Anonymous' support group. We have a great 12 step(or approx. 36 feet from the center of the road) program
Found a survey disc - can't find it in database
LSUFan replied to JeepFreak81's topic in Benchmarking
Here is some more reading to go with the excellent information provided by ArtMan (which was extremely interesting). You'll need to scroll down the page some. http://larrycoffin.blogspot.com/2009/03/boundary-disputes-dividing-land.html Maybe Papa-Bear-NYC can shed some more light on these boundary markers, as has found several of them previously and has written about them in these forums. The pics below are from his posts/logs. http://www.geocaching.com/mark/details.aspx?PID=QH0734 -
I don't think it was the 'airway beacon'. How is a surveyor up in a Bilby tower going to sight on a concrete arrow in the ground? My thought is that the arrows were sometimes installed as daytime assistance, but the beacons were really intended for nighttime navigation. I agree with AZcachemeister. Even though the datasheet doesn't actually specify what the intersection station is, a concrete marker on the ground doesn't really fit the normal definition of an intersection station, but there are always exceptions: Intersection Stations (a Type of Horizontal Control) An intersection station is a prominent landmark, such as a water tower, radio tower, church spire, mountain top, or any other type of object that can be observed from a distance. These kinds of "large object" station markers, known as intersection stations because of the way their coordinates are calculated are usually landmarks higher in the air than any surrounding objects, which allows them to be seen from many miles away in several directions. By observing one or more such points through a telescope, surveyors can determine positions on the surface of the Earth through the use of trigonometry. I have actually been looking for some airway beacons intersection stations in LA as of late, and all of them were supposedly on top of towers.......as I assume TR1852 was too. A concrete airway "marker" is different from an airway "beacon".....even though they sound alike. I've always assumed that a beacon is a lighting fixture. We've been talking about some beacons in this forum (which is what got me interested in them): http://forums.Groundspeak.com/GC/index.php?showtopic=282088 EDIT: Tillamurphs, I did some more research and found where Airway Beacon #9 TR1823 has been destroyed. However using that datasheet, you can see that even though it's initial report doesn't list the beacon being on a tower (just like the datasheet for Beacon #10 TR1852 from the same time frame)....you can see from it's subsequent reports, it was the beacon atop a tower: TR1823_U.S. NATIONAL GRID SPATIAL ADDRESS: 10UEV3440904623(NAD 83) TR1823 TR1823 HISTORY - Date Condition Report By TR1823 HISTORY - 1941 MONUMENTED CGS TR1823 HISTORY - 1947 GOOD CGS TR1823 HISTORY - 1950 MARK NOT FOUND CGS TR1823 HISTORY - 1950 DESTROYED CGS TR1823 TR1823 STATION DESCRIPTION TR1823 DESCRIBED BY COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY 1941 (JCS) STATION IS LOCATED ON THE W SIDE OF THE BELLINGHAM - FERNDALE ROAD APPROXIMATELY 4 MILES NW OF BELLINGHAM, WASHINGTON. TR1823 TR1823 STATION RECOVERY (1947) TR1823 RECOVERY NOTE BY COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY 1947 (RGH) DESCRIPTION ADEQUATE. TR1823 TR1823 STATION RECOVERY (1950) TR1823 TR1823'RECOVERY NOTE BY COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY 1950 (CWC) THIS STATION, LISTED IN THE LIST OF GEOGRAPHIC POSITIONS NO. G-5410,SEATTLE TO BELLINGHAM, AS AIRWAY BEACON NO. 9 1941 WAS RECOVERED IN CONNECTION WITH PROJECT PH-26 (47) IN 1949. A RESUMPTION OF THIS WORK IN 1950 REVEALS THE FACT THAT THIS TOWER WAS BLOWN DOWN ON JANUARY 13, 1950 AND THE STATION DESTROYED. NO CONCRETE FOOTINGS REMAIN AND THE HOLES LEFT BY THE TOWER LEGS WILL SOON BE UNRECOGNIZABLE. TR1823 TR1823 STATION RECOVERY (1950) TR1823 TR1823'RECOVERY NOTE BY COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY 1950 (HJB) THE BEACON TOWER WAS BLOWN OVER BY A STORM IN JANUARY 1950. THE AIRPORT OFFICIALS HAVE NOT DECIDED ON WHEN OR WHERE IT WILL AGAIN BE ERECTED. A NEW SITE IS BEING CONSIDERED. Legacypac and 2sly4u may have laid a goose chicken egg on this one, looking at their logs.
Artman, you are correct. The number and position of the satellites (the "constellation") make a big difference in the signal. Has anyone ever noticed that at times you get great accuracy and other times, even though you are "outstanding in your field" so to speak, you can't seem to get a good signal. Well it all has to do with the constellation--what satellites are visible and high in the sky. GPSWorld discussed this in 2009 There are calculators for determining the best times to get GPS readings. Trimble has a downloadable one.Navcom has an online one. I am sure there are others out there. Edit: found an even cooler one (through a link on the John Deere site). http://navcomtech.com/Support/Tools/satellitepredictor/main.cfm Thanks for that link, mloser. I just bookmarked it. Not trying to get off topic too much, has anyone here had much experience with the Russian GPS system (GLONASS)? I've been reading where a lot of the smartphones can use our and their systems......as well as some units able to read both at the same time. I was just wondering how accurate of a reading you could get utilizing both systems at the same time.
Thanks for finding out where Garner is. It's a good ways from Louisiana. I am just guessing, that it is some kind of data entry error, for the reason those two disks are showing up in the photos for Louisiana's COP.
Can I submit a report for a benchmark with no database?
LSUFan replied to snowfreak37's topic in Benchmarking
If the mark is not in the NGS database (which is what gc.com has on their website, or actually a copy of from around the year 2000)......then you can log it in the benchmarking category of Waymarking. http://www.Waymarking.com/cat/details.aspx?f=1&guid=424f2581-a02d-4914-9bc8-8f4cafe02680 -
The first thing you need to understand about benchmarks is if the coordinates listed on the datasheets are "adjusted" or "scaled". Adjusted coordinates will be precise, even more so than your handheld gps unit. Scaled coordinates can be off as much as 600+ feet. Here is some reading on that subject. http://www.geocaching.com/mark/default.aspx#adjscl http://www.nelageo.net/index.php/forum/13-benchmarking-and-related-topics/10956-understanding-a-ngs-datasheet-scaled-vs-adjusted-coordinates