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Everything posted by LSUFan

  1. I think this is the site you are looking for. I use it all of the time. http://home.comcast.net/~geocacherbb/Locationless.html LSUFan
  2. I went down to one of the local trophy shops and had a ftf trophy made for my latest cache. I then posted a pic of it for all of my local geocaching partners to see and race to. They had a good time. They have been kidding each other about who won the trophy. It only cost around seven bucks to have one made this size. Here are a few pics of it along with the ftf winner. I'm probably going to do the same for all of my harder puzzle caches.
  3. Has anyone tried to log a travel bug since the website changed. An error message keeps popping up on any travel bug I try to log. Anyone else having this problem? LSUFan
  4. I just saw on Dell's site where they have the 1 Gig SD cards down to$64.46, with I think free shipping. Here is a link for anybody's that's interested. http://accessories.us.dell.com/sna/product...9&page=external
  5. Three of my buddies and I all use the same setup on our PDA's (Dell Axims). We use mapopolis for our mapping software along with a HOLUX GM-270 CF GPS card. Holux is the main manufacturer of these cards and the one you see on the mapopolis website is the Holux 270. Companies like Mapopolis and GPSCity have Holux put their own names on the Gm-270 for them. It's the same card but just a higher price. Mapopolis offers a package deal of the software along with the card but you can save money by buying them separate. You can buy the mapopolis software for a hundred dollars and get the cf card for 90 which is 190 total. These cards are great and have survived several hard drops by me. Mapopolis has a free conversion utility that allows you take pocket query (or single) gpx files and convert them to waypoints imported into their program. You can then use the automapping (along with voice navigating ) features to drive to the caches. We get these brand new cf cards off of Ebay for around 90 bucks. Just make sure when you buy/bid on one, that it has the optional external antenna with it. This antenna has a cable that plugs into the side of the card. You then can put the antenna on your dashboard and put your pda on your seat while driving and not lose signal. Here is a link to an review of the Gm-270. http://www.pocketgps.co.uk/holuxgm270.php
  6. They have my permission to use this one of my gang---complete with the littlest member being backpacked in
  7. Our geocaching club in Louisiana (LAGeocaching.org) has a download available for you that shows all the caches near the interstates and main highways. This download information is updated on a regular basis. Here is the link to it and I hope you have fun while traveling thru LA. I personally have several right near I-20 that would be easy for you to get at. http://www.lageocaching.org/index.php?name...ddetails&lid=20 LSUFan
  8. The Louisiana geocaching club, LAGeocaching.org , has a download available that they keep up to date with all caches near all the main interstates and highways in LA, including I-10. Here is a link to it. Hope it helps http://www.lageocaching.org/index.php?name...ddetails&lid=20 LSUFan
  9. A 1 gig card is equal to (4) four 256 Mb cards , (8) 128 Mb cards or (16) 64 mbs, etc.
  10. I agree with going with the biggest one you are willing to buy. It makes it simpler to just have one card for everything. Dell had a sale awhile back on SanDisk 1 Gig sd cards for $70.00. They may still have it going on. If you do search their site, make sure to look under home and home office. I found out they have different pricing for home users and business users--even for the same product. My geocaching partner and myself both bought one for our Dell PDA's from them. I have every Mapopolis state map east of the Miss. loaded with room to spare on this card. LSUFan
  11. Thot, you can make that four out of five for Windows98. I downloaded it on my work computer with WIN98 on it and it works for it also. Thanks for this program. I have found around thirteen locationless caches now utilizing your program. Keep up the good work. LSUFan
  12. When you do check which day to run the query, it will email you the results of that query on that day every week. If you just want to run it one time to get the results emailed and get rid of it, check the day you want the query (usually the same day) and also click the box which says to run this query only once and then delete it.
  13. When you say box checked, are you talking about which day to run the pocket query?
  14. In Search of Faeries had a pocket query problem the other day on another forum. The solution to that problem may also help yours too. It all had to do with accepting the terms of service. You might can read that forums discussion with it's examples and see if it pertains to your problem. Here is a link to it. As soon as the terms were accepted, In Search of Faeries started getting the emails. http://forums.Groundspeak.com/GC/index.php?showtopic=84621 LSUFan
  15. I took the following excerpt from Garmins website. It was from the owners manual of the basic yellow etrex, page 15, on the right hand side, to be exact. You can create or edit a waypoint on the "EDIT LOCATION" page. From the "MARK WAYPOINT" page, highlight the position coordinates field and press "ENTER". Then follow the on-screen instructions. I hope this helps you LSUFan
  16. I'm glad that we got it to work. We both learned things about it. You just now have to go and delete all the queries you don't want, like we discussed earlier in this forum. I agree with you in the community effort that geocaching is. I've never met a geocacher I didn't like or wasn't willing to help me if needed. Thanks LSUFan
  17. Below is an example of my pocket query page with the location of where your query listings should be located. This is a graphics box. Do you have graphics turned off in your web browser (i.e. internet explorer, netscape, etc. ) so you can view pages faster. If you do have them turned off, you'll probably have to turn them on so you can view the box. Also I don't have the option of accepting the terms of pocket queries like you do at the first of your page. I have already accepted these terms. I wouldn't think that should have anything to do with it but maybe you should click on it and accept the terms, then try it again and see what happens. My Pocket Queries Pocket Queries are custom geocache queries you can have emailed to you on a daily or weekly basis. They are in a format you can bring along with you on cache hunts on your GPS and/or PDA. You can select a GPX or LOC text file and/or MobiPocket eBook format that works with supported software applications. Because of the detailed queries, each search can run only once per day. You have up to 5 pocket queries run every 24 hour period. Using this service you agree to the terms of this license agreement. Name Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Last Generated (PST) Preview (200) centralmiss 4/2/2004 4:10:53 AM Preview (300) North Miss 4/17/2004 1:51:03 AM Preview (100) mystery 6/4/2004 8:05:48 AM Preview (200) vicksburg 40 8/21/2004 4:33:49 AM Preview (100) shreveport 10/26/2004 6:37:11 PM Preview (200) New Query 11/14/2004 2:58:02 AM Total Queries/Day 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Create a new query You can create up to 20 queries. However, a maximum of 5 queries can be run each day. Searches with lines through them are deleted searches that ran in the last 24 hours. How Pocket Queries Work Due to the complexity of Pocket Queries, a dedicated machine processes them in batches throughout the day. The order they run is based on the last time the query ran last. Priority goes to new queries first, and the others run in the order of the oldest generated. So if you have a query run once a week it will arrive on that day much faster than someone who runs the query every day. It is recommended that you stagger your queries. Or even better, create new queries only when you need them. If you don't need the files for your GPS or PocketPC, you can also run your Pocket Queries on the search page. This is also a great way to ensure that your Pocket Queries are returning the results you want.
  18. I would also be interested in trying it out for you. I like locationless caches but usually don't have time to search all the posts to see if it has already been logged. Thanks LSUFan
  19. When you run a pocket query, there is a checkbox to select that says "only run this query once, then remove it ". It's right below which days to run this query. You need to check this box each time you run a query if you don't want the query saved. To see what queries you might have saved do this. Click on "my cache page" on the left hand side of the main geocaching.com page. Click on "run pocket query" that's right below "lookup/email another player". The next screen should show what queries you have saved to your account. You can have a maximum of 20 queries, so you should see twenty listed. They may all have the name of new query, if you didn't specify a name when you made the original query. The date of the query will be on the right hand side of each query. Click on the name you have given a particular query. The next page will show all the parameters you specified for this particluar query. Scroll near to the bottom and you will see an option to delete this query on the right hand side. Delete it if you don't want it saved. You'll have to do this for each query that is saved to your account. Just make sure to check the box "only run this query once then remove it" each time you run a query in the future so it won't be saved. Assuming you don't want it saved. Hope this helps LSUFan
  20. I had bought a pocket pc PDA. I went to the store and bought a pocket pc magazine to help me with my PDA and they had an article about geocaching in it. I thought it might be fun but actually forgot about it for another six months or so. I was rereading the magazine and came back across the article and decided to look it up on the internet. I saw where there were three closeby caches in the local park and went and found them with my family. I've been hooked every since. LSUFan
  21. I have a DELL axim X5. Three of my geocaching partners also have this same setup as I do. We use GPXSonar for the geocaching part and Mapopolis for the mapping part. Mapopolis makes a conversion utility which puts the caches on your Mapopolis maps for you when you download GPX files. You also use these same gpx files for GPXSonar. It makes for easy paperless geocaching. We love ours. I would HIGHLY recommend that you get a CF GPS card instead of a bluetooth GPS for geocaching purposes. The DELL X50 has a CF slot along with a SD slot (which is where you need to store your maps and geocaching queries on). This way your Axim powers the GPS and it's all in one piece after you slide the GPS card in. If you email me, I'll send you a pic of this combination. Also, as I have stated in several other forums similar to this one, I highly recommend a drypak to protect your investment. This bag has saved my PDA from the elements countless times. You need to remember that a PDA is not as durable as a regular GPS is when out on the trails. Here is a link to it. http://www.walmart.com/catalog/product.gsp...duct_id=2553355 LSUFan
  22. I took this from Sissy-n-CR's webpage so everyone will know what they require for a stamp to be made by them. I had read some requests here on the forum asking about it. All of the info on preparing artwork can be found at the following link http://www.sissy-n-cr.com/store3.shtml LSUFan
  23. I have the same setup as S-4-C stated. I have three other geocachers accomplices who have the exact same setup as I do. We love ours. You didn't state in your question if the DELL had a compact flash GPS card or such. If you use a gps card ( I use a Holux) with the Axim, then you don't have to carry along another gps, except maybe for a backup. This sounds like a good deal especially since DELL started offering the PPC2003 operating system upgrade again a few days ago. My other two cents worth is to protect your investment and purchase this bag below to keep it in, when out in the elements. It also floats if dropped in water. This bag has saved our PDA's several times from scratches, dirt, and water, etc. http://www.walmart.com/catalog/product.gsp...duct_id=2553355 I don't think you can go wrong with this Axim. It makes for easy paperless caching. LSUFan
  24. Deleting gallery images is pretty simple. Go to your cache profile page, and click on the gallery. Click on which gallery image you want to delete. If you are just wanting to delete the image and not the log associated with it, make sure the image you want to delete (if there are more than one with the log) is the main one open in the window. Click edit image (on top of the image), and the next window that pops up will allow you to delete it (or rotate, etc.). As far as being able to change your background on your profile page, I'll defer to other geocachers with more knowledge on that subject than myself. LSUFan
  25. I saw this site on the web one time. I don't know if they work on the smaller gps stuff, but they have pictures of the etrex on the webpage. It wouldn't hurt to give them a call or email. They are in Florida. I would like to know if they are helpful or cheaper since I have a Garmin that may be in need of parts one day. http://www.gpsdoctor.com
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