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Fantastic Dave. I'll go back over my recoveries and find the 2 that are sticking out in my mind. I'll send you an email with all the information. Thanks again for helping, Bobby
Thanks for the help DaveD. Just for future reference (and since I am still a newbie to this), if I ever have any more to report with similar problems, should I just contact you? There are a few more that I have recovered that are listed in the wrong parishes (our version of counties) down here in LA. Is that even significant enough to report? I had been going back over the things I have been reading of late and found where I saw what I was talking about in the opening post about error submissions. I have no idea if this information is still accurate since it is from 2005. Q: I found an error on the datasheet. What should I do? A: We would love to hear what the error is. To report it, don’t submit an update, but instead send an e-mail to cheryl.malone@noaa.gov http://forums.Groundspeak.com/GC/index.php?showtopic=95774 I really do appreciate all the help and guidance. I hope to get to the point where I don't have to ask all of these newbie questions. Thanks everyone
I can remember reading somewhere, about who to contact at the NGS if you come across errors on the datasheets (it wasn't Deb Brown), but can't find it again. Can anyone guide me to the correct person? When I was looking at Holograph's extreme benchmark's for Louisiana, the northernmost benchmark DF7916 is listed as Madison Parish, Louisiana on the NGS datasheet.....when in actuality it is in Madison County, Illinois as per the description and coordinates on the same datasheet. Giving distances from the Gateway Arch in St. Louis was a big red flag to me. http://www.ngs.noaa.gov/cgi-bin/ds_mark.prl?PidBox=DF7916 Thanks
Thanks a bunch GrizzFlyer. CQ2866 is close to Mount Driskell. Holoscenes.com is a great website. I just sent Jim a PM asking if he would mind if I posted a link to it from our local geocaching website.
Rumpled, you must have inadvertantly missed ours down here in Louisiana at around 540 feet. Reading this thread got me to looking to see if there was a benchmark on our hill........er, I mean Mt. Driskell. I couldn't find one in the gc.com database by doing a nearby benchmark search from the virtual cache listing that is at the top of the (cough-cough) mountain. http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_detai...d4-c7196e9b83b8 I also couldn't find anything in the NGS database by doing a search from the center of the coords on the mountain. I would be interested in knowing if there was some kind of benchmark there, as I have not noticed one on my several visits up there. Any suggestions on where else to search for a possible listing on any kind of benchmark that could be there?
While I was looking for a benchmark last Friday, I accidently came across another one. Luck would have it, that I had just came from looking for a triangulation station CQ2711, and remembered reading about this disk that I stumbled upon listed as the azimuth mark for it. When I look at the datasheet for CQ2711, the azimuth mark has it's own PID of CY5639, which is the disk I stumbled upon, by accident. However, when I try to retrieve the datasheet for CY5639, I am getting a return unlike any others I have seen before. The PID number and station name are all I can read for this disk. It doesn't tell me anything else. I am asking for the wise sages advice here in the forums since I still consider myself a newbie, on why this datasheet is like this (are reference marks and azimuth marks unique disks with their own datasheets). Could/Should I actually submit a retrieval report for CY5639? Thanks EDIT: I just read the forum sticky on triangulations disks. I now understand, and see where my question(s) are answered there. Great information.
If there are no previous volunteers for Louisiana, I would like to offer my support. My secretary's father is a retired surveyor, and my next door neighbor is an active one. I can probably gather all the contact info/requirements for LA from them, and possibly get them to help in the placement.
Not quite sure if this qualifies or has been already listed. It has a US Engineer Department Vicksburg District stamping CQ0467--H23 1 Reset http://img.geocaching.com/benchmark/lg/4d3...b1cdb5f6c61.jpg
Thanks everyone for the guidance. That was why I came here, to ask the experts. I enjoy benchmarking as much as geocaching, and plan to try and learn as much as I can. I have some more questions, but need my pics from my camera to show properly what I am referring to. I will try and post it tonite. Everyone has been extremely helpful.
I have a few questions for the benchmark guru's here, and am asking for guidance, please. I am wanting to know what would be the proper way to log some benchmark situations I have encountered lately. The first one is where disks are set into roadways (highway overpasses), and the benchmark has been asphalted over when roads are repaired/replaced. Would this classify as destroyed, missing, not found? My next quandary is we have had several local overpasses recently widened, with the entire overpass being replaced. Here, the benchmark is definitely gone, but how should I log it? I appreciate any help and/or advice.
Here Comes The Next Garmin
LSUFan replied to Driver Carries Cache's topic in General geocaching topics
According to garmin, it is Wherigo capable. At this link you can click on screenshots and see a Wherigo icon on one of the pages. http://www8.garmin.com/buzz/oregon/ -
The hint said it was under a "Big W"
Note by owner: Placing some kids meal toys and AA batteries for the ftf (oh yeah, and 2 million cash) Log by Mtn-Man: Published
Has anyone played the geocache challenge game that you can download from the jeep website? If this is actually an old topic, can someone point me to where it was discussed. As high as gas has got, I may have to do all my geocaching virtually. Thanks http://www.jeep.com/games/geocaching.html
Geocaching Organizations in South and Southeast.
LSUFan replied to Max Cacher's topic in South and Southeast
LAGeocachers.com is our new website launched in order to give all geocachers a chance to learn about the sport and communicate with others who share the same passion. Our membership is open to any and all geocachers, regardless of where you reside. Feel free to browse our site, check out the links, and participate in the forums. We look forward to seeing and hearing from you. LAGeocachers.com -
Zsandmann has pointed out to me that Delorme is revising some of it's State Atlases. The newer atlas, have changed the maps for the state. There is currently a discussion going on in another forum about Moun10bike's Washington Delorme atlas now having 10 fewer pages than the older version of the Delorme Atlas. I would assume that the map scale has been changed for this to occur. This would also change what caches are located on what pages. Washington Delorme You might want to see if Kentucky has a newer version being printed. That way, you can see if there have been notable changes.
Team DDNight, I have the priviledge of running the Louisiana Delorme Challenge. Here is how the great cachers of Louisiana went about setting it up. Moun10Bike (Washington Delorme), Prtnr1 (Mississippi Delorme), Blue Blazes, and Mtn-Man all helped us out.... and gave invaluable insight on setting it up. I can't thank those guys enough. http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_detai...0d-d7f6619e657e 1. When it was first proposed in our state geocaching forums, there were several delorme maps that still lacked any caches on it. After we discussed it, several cachers then went out and placed caches on these maps, just for others to be able to complete them. That was great teamwork. You might want to see just how many others will help you, because you may definitely need it. You'll need to identify if all the maps have caches already placed in them. 2. The whole purpose of our Delorme Challenge is to get geocachers to visit/travel our entire state....to see and experience all that Louisiana has to offer. We didn't want to penalize anyone who may have already traveled about the state geocaching and take these cache counts away. We tried to make it as fair as possible for everyone. We actually made 2 ftf categories. You could use any hides/finds from any date, and/or you could use only hides/finds after the day the challenge was proposed. By doing it this way, then the ones who have been geocaching for awhile could get a ftf using old cache hides/finds, and the ones just starting out would also be able to get a ftf by using only new hides/finds. 3. There were 3 LA delorme maps that basically are all water (if you can believe that about Louisiana). We intentionally omitted these maps from being required to complete the challenge. You can't expect anyone to pull a boat around the whole state. 4. We have made a plaque, shaped like the State of Louisiana. Everyone who completes the Challenge, has their name inscribed on the plaque. I take the plaque to geoevents, to show off these cachers. I also have a miniature plaque made for each geocacher, to have of their own. There are even some Delorme Challenge geocoins available. Whatever prizes you want to give, is totally up to you. I wouldn't believe that cachers who complete this challenge are as concerned with the trade swag/prize as much as they are the personal satisfaction they receive from doing it. As I stated above, our Delorme Challenge is a true geocaching community effort. Many geocachers have donated their time and talents in setting it up. The Delorme to me (and from what I can read from everyone's logs) is about the experiences you'll encounter along the way in finding caches on every map. I'll be glad to share any wisdom I may have gained from administering the LA Delorme Challenge, if you like. Feel free to email me at hktire@aol.com Bobby/LSUFan P.S. Once you get your delorme challenge up and going, expect a visit from Blue Blazes. He has already completed the LA, MS, PA, and CT delorme challenges. He is a geocaching workhorse. EDIT: Hey!! Wait a minute. You said Kentucky Delorme Challenge. Ughhh, as you can see from my geocaching name, I don't think I need to be helping you after all. Not that I'm holding a grudge or anything. LOL
Will place Louisiana coin out today after lunch.
I'd be more than happy to accept the responsibility for # 31 Louisiana, if still open. Sending email
Madbomber, I recently got back after picking up a travel trailer from San Antonio in April. If you want a cache that you will definitely be talking about, then go see "Barney Smith's Toilet Seat Museum" GCB6A8. It is a local icon. We had a blast there, and met up with several other geocachers at it. http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_detai...d6-500061576dda
I have had the same thing happen a few times to myself. I have to make sure all the directions with each turn are visible, before saving the .kml file. If I hit the + mark to close the directions first, then upload the file, I also get no results. I have to make sure the - is visible and all directions/turns are too for it to work for me.
Oldest geocaches still around - Louisiana
LSUFan replied to dumbunusedid's topic in South and Southeast
Since you mentioned Louisiana in the forum topic, the oldest one we have is called Wild Azalea GC763. You can click the link below. LA oldest We put this cache on our state geocoin last year. -
And here I was hoping to pin it on Ronbo again . MSGA appears to still be down, the LA one still looks fine to me. I think it might have something to do with you using a Macintosh, as to what keeps happening to the websites, David. There's all kind of weird happenings going on around here lately........the websites going down......the Saints winning playoff games............What's next? Ronbo becoming a premium member ??
Yeah, it was down for a day or so, but is back going. I think it was DavidMac hacking into it.
MN-CACHE-TRACKER, there are several good caches IMHO (mainly because some of them are mine ) in the local area. Swampstock is held about 18 miles east of the Monroe area. I figure you will stay in the WM/Monroe area, because there isn't much in Rayville. We have a local caching club that usually eats lunch together every Saturday at 1 in West Monroe. It's an open invitiation to any and all cachers to attend. Sometimes there's 2 people, sometimes 22. Check out our website for the coordinates of the meeting and such on the home page. You can also get a message to just about all of us locals thru this site also. www.nelageo.net I can put you together a list of the local caches if you let me know what kind you are interested in. Just let us know your schedule and plans----and we'll be happy to oblige you. We really like Yankees------they make good gator bait.