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The fact that you are asking for others opinion, is a good sign that you know this one has historical importance and care about it's preservation. I would never attempt to recover one like this on my own, strictly for the reasons you have stated. You would need professional help on this one, and that could be very satisfying in itself, seeing if you could secure this required help. I would advise contacting someone at your state surveying board, and definitely dropping DaveD (Dave Doyle) and NGS Surveyor (George Leigh)who both work for the NGS an email, explaining this. I'm sure they can get you in contact with the appropriate professionals who are needed (actually required) for this type of recovery. There is a great article linked somewhere on these forums, where the professionals did a recovery on a jug/bottle....with all the painstaking effort it took to recover it...and replace it as it was. Once you see what it entails, you will see that this kind of recovery is definitely for the pros. Maybe someone can provide the link to it. EDIT: Here is the article: http://www.penryfamily.com/surveying/councilhill.html Bobby
I found one the other day with a honeybun and a Sonic straw in it for swag. I removed both.
Thank you. Are USGS triangulation station markers described in some other database then? My understanding about USGS benchmarks (the ones that weren't bluebooked and entered into the NGS database, which I edited my original post to explain), is that their database is a file cabinet(s). You can contact the USGS directly and they will send you a copy of the one you are interested in. (or that is what one of my friends did)
This reference mark is likely part of a triangulation station set. If the USGS set triangulation stations like the NGS does, then the excellent article by NGS Surveyor (which is the first article pinned at the top of the benchmark forums) may help explain the set of disks used in a triangulation station. Here is the link to it. Hope it helps. http://forums.Groundspeak.com/GC/index.php?showtopic=185361 If this reference mark is part of a triangulation station, the actual tri-station is the one most likely listed. However, there are lot's of benchmarks not in the NGS database, as explained here with the differences between the NGS and USGS: http://www.geocaching.com/mark/#notin
George (and everyone), do you know if these older aluminum disks would show up on the datasheet as "MARKER: A = ALUMINUM MARKER"? The reason I ask, is I was using GSAK and Bullygoats new marker macro to filter out the ones in Louisiana to see if there were some of these that you are inquiring about anywhere. Everything that came back, was for 1991 and later. They were all NOS.
Rogbarn, if you would like, you can email me the file, and I will put it on our local geocaching website...to provide a host for it, and a link for others to download the complete file from, instead of having to copy/paste the code. It might make it easier that way. I know Kayakbird is an avid excel user. my email is hktire@aol.com Bobby
I didn't ever think I 'needed' to look at photos, until Bullygoat29 posted this macro. Now, I've spent the last hour going over them. I'm about to run out of user data columns.
Mike, I played with the export function a little, and was able to open it up in excel with only my saved columns showing. Here is what I did, after reading the FAQ part about Excel in the GSAK help. 1. I did like Bullygoat instructed and saved my view (and named it). I also saved my database by going to the database tab at top of GSAK, save as (named it) 2. OK, now when I look right above my GSAK columns, the database and view drop-down boxes show the names I gave them in the previous steps. (or make sure to see they do) 3. Now...... I go to file, export, CSV or TXT 4. Here is where I think the problem is happening. When this export window opens.....make sure the "use default" box is unchecked......and then make sure the view is the one you named in step 1 (and not set to default). You should have a drop down box to select which one. Let me know how that goes.
Works perfect for me. I have already about planned my next weekend of marks to search for, thanks to this.
Woo-hoo!! You are THE bull.....well, goat I mean. That is fantastic, and I really liked how you had which user data field to use option, and either the marker code or description to show. It was so simple to use. I added it to the user field 3, and renamed the column 'marker type". I can't tell you how much I appreciate that and how much I will be using it. I owe you (and all of the great people who write these programs and scripts for all of us to use) big time. I am going to probably be up late now, searching around LA, AR, and MS for certain types I have been wanting to find. Thanks again. Bobby
In simple terms, the NGS database will (and does) have many markers from different agencies (including the Corp of Engineers, differing state Dept of Transportations, USGS, and many others) that are part of the National Spatial Reference System (NSRS). Other federal, state, and local government agencies, as well as some private entities maintain thousands of geodetic reference stations that are also part of the NSRS. The National Geodetic Survey maintains the survey data for all these stations, as well as the data for its own stations, in a central database and makes it available for public access. It's this database that you see on gc.com ( and the info provided on gc.com hasn't been updated since around the year 2000 which is when they placed it there). The NGS has certain requirements that must be met for the markers to be included in the NSRS, which is referred to as "bluebooking". There are a lot of markers set out by different agencies that haven't been "bluebooked" and therefore will not be listed in the NGS database. When you find one of these non-bluebooked kind of markers, then you can log it on Waymarking as BasicPoke stated. Hope this helps kinda clear up any confusion. If anyone has the time or interest, there is a ton of great information about the history of the NSRS here: http://oceanservice.noaa.gov/news/features/nov09/directions.html http://celebrating200years.noaa.gov/transformations/spatial/welcome.html
The quick way to do that search is to use the filter function in GSAK and do a "Full Text Search" for 'chiseled'. It will list all the marks that are either chiseled marks or have a chiseled mark associated with them. You can narrow down the search by using chiseled circle, chiseled cross, etc. John I forgot to add, if you use the full text search that you can use "SETTING: XX" where XX is the number from the Hippo list for setting types. John Well, that almost makes me feel silly, as it's so simple.....and works great. If you want to make the macro, then I would sure use it. It would let me easily see the marker on each benchmark. You can find the hippo list here that John described: http://www.ngs.noaa.gov/PC_PROD/DDPROC4.XX/dformat.documentation.html I sure don't want to put you out any, as I can do a full text search as John pointed out....but as I said, I will use it if you go to the trouble. Thanks so much for the help.
I know this is an older thread, and I may have missed what I am about to ask, as I have been pouring over many threads about GSAK. I am using Foxtrots NGS-GPX conversion utility, then GSAK to do all kind of filtering. The macro here by Klemmer & TeddyBearMama works great. Is there also a way (or another macro) to place the monumentation/marker code in a user data field? The reason I ask, is I would like to be able to filter/select for the chiseled squares and chiseled cross marker types. Thanks for any help or nudges to the answer.
I don't know, but maybe this can help. http://docs.lib.noaa.gov/rescue/cgs_specpubs/data_rescue_cgs_specpubs.html and this may be the one you are specifically wanting http://docs.lib.noaa.gov/rescue/cgs_specpubs/QB275U35no181914.pdf
One of my favorite articles by George is at the link below. You can then go to the Bottles, Pots, and Pans: Marking the Surveys of the U.S. Coast & Geodetic Survey and NOAA link there http://www.ngs.noaa.gov/web/about_ngs/history/indexhUSCGS.shtml
GSAK can do it. I sent you an email with a gsak screenshot of it.
I found this subject this morning on GSAK, that already has lot of different icons in the 16X16 bmp format. I downloaded it and there was at least 5 different kinds of specific benchmark icons. http://gsak.net/board/index.php?showtopic=7033 Bullygoat, I also updated the tutorial to reflect your idea. I personally favored the benchmark icon with a ? mark (included in the pack above) for scaled benchmarks.....but that's just my preference.
Good deal, so you got it to work correctly with the icons being in the jpeg format? If you don't mind, I will copy them over to the webpage where I have the tutorial residing, for others to get if they may want them for future use. No I didn't save them as jpg's. The dang site converts whatever you upload to that. If you want, PM me your email and I'll send the bmp files for you to use. OK, that works. My email is hktire@aol.com Thanks
Good deal, so you got it to work correctly with the icons being in the jpeg format? If you don't mind, I will copy them over to the webpage where I have the tutorial residing, for others to get if they may want them for future use.
Yes, I did create it somewhat. I think I got it from the Garmin site or a similar one (I will have to see), then adjusted the size to be 16 X 16 bmp image just like the ammo can icon was in the original macro. I put it in the tutorial for others to use (after downloading) Are you running the macro/poi loader for these three separate types of these benchmarks? As I stated, in my experience so far (the experts may know better), that when you run the poi loader, it's going to encode whatever icon you have set in the poi macro (the folder with the four tourguide named files). It would be fairly easy to separate your benchmarks with GSAK into the 3 different types as you said (Adj, Scaled, and Intersection Stations). You could generate a gpx file for each of these three.......then run each separate gpx file thru the macro/poi loader process, just changing the icon to differentiate each one each time you run it. (the part where you changed the geocaching icon to the benchmark icon). Once all three of these different types of gpx files (now converted to pois) are loaded onto your nuvi, they would all show up together as you drive, just letting quickly look at the icon to see what type it is. Let me look back and see where I got the benchmark icon from, and see if I can adapt the other two also. I don't guess I am familiar with the destroyed benchmark icon, as you stated above. Can you point me to where I can see it?
The azimuth mark can make it tough on a lot of the triangulation stations. You could make this challenge helpful, by requiring at least one of the finds be on a mark that has a previous 'not found' recovery report.
Sometimes though, the crew forgot to read the memo: All the RM's on this one are over 30 meters. Check out the distance on RM 2 (we did find it though) of 280 meters from the station http://www.ngs.noaa.gov/cgi-bin/ds_mark.prl?PidBox=CQ2664
I have that smaller one too. However, they also sell a 100 meter ( I think 330 feet) model...which you will find easier to use in some situations where you have to measure longer distances, like measuring off of road centers. It doesn't hurt to have both tapes in your bag.
Good deal, it looks like you got the posting pics part down pat. I am wanting to read your future log on the main triangulation station (Verdes DY2749) if you get time to go back. What's fun now with this type of station, is to use the box score information provided on the datasheet for DY2749. You can go back to the gc.com page for the reference mark you found and logged. You can find and click on the nearest benchmarks link (which is with the nearest geocaches link). You will see several other benchmarks within 0 miles of your reference mark. Select the DY2749 Verdes one. Now, once it pulls up, select the "view original datasheet' which is near the top and to the right of the location for the mark. Now that you are looking at the NGS datasheet for Verdes (which by the way, this datasheet is going to be from around the year 2000, which is when gc.com loaded its database with the datasheets. It won't reflect any recoveries since then. You will need to get a current datsheet to see if there have been actual recoveries reported to the NGS since 2000.....but it is more than enough for our purposes) Now scroll down on the datasheet until you basically see an outlined box of information that will show the PID's, reference object name, distance, and compass directions. You will now see that the reference mark 1 you found is 10.941 meters at a compass direction of 153 degrees 32 min away from the station of Verdes. Since you know where the reference mark 1 is, you can do a reverse bearing from it to find the station. Just add 180 degrees to the compass direction. You can set your compass to 333 degrees 32 min or basically 333.5......then measure off 10.941 meters from reference mark 1 and you should be at the station DY2749 Verdes. BTW, if the reference mark 1 disk is correctly oriented, the arrow on it should be pointing to the station of Verdes. As you can tell, a good compass and tape measure will need to be added to your benchmarking bag. You can pick up a 100 meter tape roll at Harbor Freight for around $10. This tape has metric measurements on one side, and standard on the other. You will learn that some measurements will be in feet, while others are in meters...so it's good to have a dual sided tape to use for either. We're going to get you addicted as the rest of us are. LOL
USCGCutterman, welcome to benchmarking. Once you get your benchmarking sealegs under you (I just had to say that), you will probably enjoy it more than geocaching. You found a reference mark disk to a triangulation station (my personal favorite kind of benchmarks). NGS Surveyor has posted an excellent tutorial about triangulation stations and everything that goes with them, which is pinned at the very top of the benchmarking forums here on gc.com. You can also click the link below, to help you understand what you found. I bet you will want to go back now and find the station itself that the reference mark points to. Let us know when you do. http://forums.Groundspeak.com/GC/index.php?showtopic=185361 As far as uploading/posting pics of it. You will need to actually log it on gc.com, using the links that others have provided in the posts above........as you can't upload a pic dirsctly to these forums. Once you log it, you have the option to upload pics (just like geocaching). Once you have uploaded the pics on the gc.com page, you can link back to them, and show them in the forums.....since the pics will now reside on a server. You will get need the url address of the uploaded pic (which you can usually get by rightclicking your mouse over the pic on gc.com, then leftclicking properties) Once you have the url of the pic, then you can use the insert image function, which is a icon of a picture, at the top of the box when you are posting here on the forums.