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Everything posted by LSUFan

  1. How are you submitting your photos? The last article I read talked about putting them on CD and mailing them. Once I got the hang of DSWorld, I really like it...especially the photo editing and photo naming parts. I like how DSWorld will rename the photo for me in the proper way, including the PID, Station Name,type of pic code # (closeup, tripod height, scale), direction facing, and date. I have been using it to send in the photos and HH2 coords. I was looking today and see that the NGS has already updated several datasheets with this info I sent in thru DSWorld from just a few weeks back.....even though my actual recovery report hasn't been updated yet. Here is an example: http://www.ngs.noaa.gov/cgi-bin/ds_mark.prl?PidBox=CQ0764 Here is another, where I just used DSWorld to send in pics and update with HH2 coords, without submitting this info in another recovery report since it has a fairly recent one. That's another good thing about it, as you can update the pics and HH2 coords without submitting a recovery report. I did this on March 27, and it's already been updated. http://www.ngs.noaa.gov/cgi-bin/ds_mark.prl?PidBox=CQ1323 Thanks for pointing DSWorld out, Rotareneg. I guess I have missed seeing it.
  2. Howdy Cajunjohn. I just read your post. Unfortunately I am in the the north part of the state (I-20 corridor), but can give you some heads up on the ones here, if you ever venture into Yankee territory. Feel free to post your question on our regional cache forum, if you want to. www.nelageo.net
  3. I got that email several times myself. When taken as a joke, it is humorous............more so for the fact that the USS Missouri is a battleship, not an aircraft carrier. Back on topic, I have gotten a good kick out of reading about this muggler. It reminds me of some of my customers.
  4. It just happened to one of mine. Someone took my ammo can but left the contents and logbook in the plastic bags, laying on the ground. Actually, we have been having many of the ammo cans in our area muggled (or relocated by geocachers too cheap to buy their own). The reason I made that last comment, is that several that came up missing are not in places that are just going to be accidently found by non-geocaching participants.
  5. Trailhound, if you are trying to download the datasheets directly from the NGS, you need to use the 'archived datasheet' option on the link provided by Kayakbird. You can then download an entire states worth of datasheets in a zipped file. You can also use Holographs site below and download them by county. http://www.holoscenes.com/special/geocac/ds_archive.html Any datasheets you download from the NGS (or Holographs) will only be in a .dat format. You will need a conversion utility below to convert them to a .gpx format or other (if needed). http://ngs.tsqmadness.com/help/index.html https://sites.google.com/site/bdtpids/ngsread http://parkrrrr.com/bmgpx.zip
  6. One of my Einstein moments occurred on a cache aptly named Buncha Dam Rocks. The cache was on the other side of a stream, that comes out from underneath a dam. There used to be a bridge where you could get over the stream, but it got washed away. This is not the kinda of dam that you can walk on either. I thought I had it figured out, but didn't think it out. I left the part out of the log about us scaring the alligator (or was that vice-versa), when we were trying to get the canoe out of the water, so as not to scare off future geocachers. The gator charged out between us and hit my leg with his tail swoosh. Anyhow, here is a link to my log of that incident. http://www.geocaching.com/seek/log.aspx?LUID=606f156a-70ee-492c-a9c7-32d4764a8312
  7. Thanks for the heads up Patty. I really liked the original show. I wonder if DaveD will be making more appearances.
  8. Good deal Kurt. I had sent you an email today, that you can disregard now as far as showing the info. On my nuvi, I have a page down arrow that I use to scroll down the page.
  9. Kurt, I am going to go thru some basic stuff first, just to check. When you first put the datasheet gpx file(s) into GSAK (before running the macro), does all the information show up on the datasheet, when just viewing it in GSAK. You should be able to click (or doubleclick) on the pid and get another screen to pop up with the datasheet.....most likely showing it is from an offline database. 2. What conversion utility are you running to convert the datasheets from the dat format into a gpx format (that GSAK can understand)? I found out the other day that there is actually another poiloader macro out there, that includes everything that Pilotsnipes did with his, and more. Pilotsnipes said he wasn't going to upgrade his anymore because this newer one would do all his did. From the preliminary reading and looking at the screenshots, it is supposed to have some benchmark capabilities encoded into it, which may save us from having to adapt the current one as much as we do. I just haven't had time to download and try it. Maybe someone reading this will kick the tires for us. http://gsak.net/board/index.php?showtopic=8546&st=0entry99234
  10. I bet you are right too, Jayman. We were in that corner of Jackson Parish, where they are showing they are conducting testings. Thanks so much for finding that. We just kept seeing so much of this flagging all around the area, that it really got our curiousity up. Now I wonder, if I need to start investing in the land around there.......in case there is oil or natural gas found.
  11. Howdy everyone, while doing a preliminary search for triangulation station CQ2819 yesterday, we ran across some kind of interesting survey marking/flagging that I've never seen before. There were several wooden stakes drove in the ground spaced every so often apart (like the one pictured below). They each had some orange and white Global Geo flagging attached, with a tag. There were also lots of blue and white Global Geo flagging attached to tree limbs in a line between each stake, leading to the road. As we benchmarked in the area, we kept running across a lot of this flagging many miles apart. I assumed that Global Geo may just be a surveyor supply company, and have their name printed on the flagging....but couldn't really find out anything by a google search. The fact that the datasheet for CQ2819 made mention of measuring off the Louisiana Meridian, made me wonder if this flagging had anything to do with that. I was just curious, and hoped the gurus here would be able to point me in the right direction. Thanks
  12. He did tell us in the opening post that the coords were about 75 yards away from the disk, so we knew that going into it.
  13. The reason I (and others) have asked for the coordinates, is for us to look in the ngs database and see if this chiseled cross is an actual bluebooked benchmark. Chiseled crosses are always kinda a fascinating study in the historical evolution of benchmarks (which I believe everyone here is a student of) You mention something from the 1800's and our ears are going to perk up. The sleuth in us is going to want to know all about it and the surrounding area. If we knew where this chiseled cross was actually located, it is as CallawayMT said, there might be a lot more info that can be gleaned about this.............even though your original question has been answered. Your chiseled cross could be an actual benchmark, or could be referred to from other nearby benchmarks in their datasheets. I think we all like doing the detective work to see the history of stuff like this.....and sharing it with each other. Benchmarkers are a curious animal by nature. I did try to see if I could get the coordinates from the EXIF on the photo, and like Patty, I couldn't (at least not with the exif viewer I am using in Firefox). That in itself got my curiosity up, and I saw on a gc.com request list, where others were wanting gc.com to implement the ability to strip the exif from uploaded photos on gc.com. That was interesting, so I went and looked at my last benchmark photo I uploaded on gc.com, and sure enough the exif is there on the pic stored on gc.com. I saved a screenshot of it below. http://img.geocaching.com/cache/4b0c3809-d2d8-4c7d-9473-cb35aaa42411.jpg http://feedback.geocaching.com/forums/75775-geocaching-com/suggestions/1398917-remove-exif-tags-containing-coordinates-from-uploa As I did more internet research on the exif data, it does appear that some sites strip this info from the uploaded photos, while others don't. Thanks to your post here, I was able to learn that.
  14. Andy, do you have the "use default" box checked on your gpx export page. If so, you may need to uncheck it, and make sure all the parameters are like you want them, to include/show everything you want to be included in the export. You can learn more about this in the help file in gsak under export gpx/loc files.
  15. MtnHermit, if you know the chiseled cross is from the 1880's, I am assuming you have read the datasheet or something on it. Do you have the PID for this benchmark? Also the screenshot you show, just shows that you are in the San Isabel National Forest (I'm assuming). The actual coordinates would be more helpful.
  16. Foxtrot, I don't mind at all if you want to do it. I was just volunteering, trying to give back some to this great community we have here. I had already planned on naming you, AZ, and a few others as administrators of the ftp site...so ya could upload anything you wanted, when you wanted. I can easily do that if ya want. I just thought it might be easy for everyone, if we had at least a copy of the files that we use, at one location. That way, we could go to one site and download most of the stuff (with the file owners permissions of course). It's just a thought, and that's why I asked if there would be interest in it. It could also be used to store pdf or text tutorial files, as BasicPoke suggested. We could gather info from our forum posts here and turn them into a tutorial file and place it on the ftp site.
  17. A good buddy of mine is setting us up a ftp site on his servers. I thought it would be good place for us to be able to store (and download)files for benchmarking. The main thing that came to my mind was, it could be used to store things like AZcachemeister's converted datasheets into gpx files...converted datasheets into nuvi poi files........Rogers benchmark reader file......or any files period. We could use it as central file depository for the stuff we use, or our fellow benchmarkers design that don't have a server to place it on. Is this anything that others may find useful? It would be free. A ftp site is one like the NGS has, that we download the archived state datasheets from.
  18. I understand that. Have you ever tried the portable version of firefox? You can put it on a usb thumbdrive and take it from computer to computer, with all your saved log-in information contained on the flashdrive. What I like about firefox is all the geocaching related scripts and stuff that others have created for it. When these scripts are active, it changes up the whole way that your cache pages show up, with a lot more user options and such. Not to hijack this forum, but here is a tutorial on our local geocaching forum, about several of the different apps and portable firefox, that you can read when you get time. You can try it, and just see if it is something you may like, without installing anything on your computer (just put it all on a usb flashdrive). http://www.nelageo.net/index.php?option=com_kunena&func=view&catid=9&id=8046&Itemid=54#8058
  19. Howdy, do you mind me asking what web browser you use....ie internet explorer, firefox,etc. The reason I ask, is that there are several easy to use WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) html editor plugins for your web browsers.. It is extremely easy to use a WYSIWYG editor and type up the stuff you want, add lists, links, pics, formats, text colors, font sizes, etc. You then just convert it over to html and post it in your cache description. It works basically just like when you are posting in the forums here. When you are typing a post, you can see the buttons on bold, italic, colors, fonts, links etc at the top of the page. Using a WYSIWYG html editor, will easily do all the html encoding for you, and you won't have to really learn any of the code. I personally use firefox, and use Xinha, but there are lots of other free ones out there. The good thing about Xinha, is after it is installed in your web browser, you can just rightclick your mouse inside any text box (like your cache description box)and start using it immediately. You can read a little about it here: http://www.hypercubed.com/projects/firefox/
  20. I just got an email from gc.com, stating that our suggestion was under review.
  21. It appears to be a US Army Corps of Engineers disk, from their Savannah district, that is a property line marker. You might can contact someone there (link below), and see if they have a datasheet available for it, if it is not listed in the NGS database. http://www.sas.usace.army.mil/shexpan/Home.html Also, if you cannot find it in the NGS database (and there are hundreds of thousands of disks not in the database), then you can read what you can do here: http://www.geocaching.com/mark/#notin
  22. Thanks Patty. But if I'm using the search engine correctly (Geocaching & the NGS websites) there are no AZ or RM within 1.4 miles of this Triangulation disk. Would they be that far away, or are they just not in the database? Or am I using the database incorrectly? Doit2it, here is a tutorial on triangulation stations and the disks that go with them. Sometimes the reference marks and azimuth mark may have their own PID (thus separate datasheet). but most of the time they are only referred to on the datasheet for the triangulation station benchmark. http://forums.Groundspeak.com/GC/index.php?showtopic=185361 If the USGS triangulation station has not been bluebooked (listed in the NGS database), then you are going to have to do some research to find the datasheet on it, and thus see if there were reference mark and azimuth mark disks set with it. You can contact the USGS, and tell them where it is, and they will find the datasheet in their file cabinet to send you a copy. Here is a link on how to contact them: http://gallery.usgs.gov/audios/130 Usually a NGS triangulation station has a name stamped on it (like the property owner, town, etc), which I didn't see in your pic. I don't have enough experience with USGS triangulation stations to know if they use the same kind of guidelines or if a triangle on their disk means the same as the NGS..........or if they had to place a name on it to get bluebooked in the NGS database.
  23. Why don't you just go hang out at the WHYmarking site and leave us alone, then? AZ, don't get baited into a forum argument. I was looking for funny pic to describe the situation and ran across the following. Doesn't it favor something? Back on topic, I am heading over to cast my comments to gc.com
  24. Well, we red-headed step-benchmarkers still have our forum here.
  25. Greywolf, do you have a garmin nuvi by any chance?
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