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Posts posted by Rygel
I just don't get it. Why?? He's emailed my telling me he gets all kinds of hate mail over the whole NJGA thing.
I really don't think that Geocaching.com should be recognizing the NJGA in its current form as representative of the cachers in NJ.
I just want to say awesome job on the Weird NJ caches. I haven't been to any yet but I'm a big fan of the magazine!
Just wish i could get my friends to go! They're all wimps!!
So, why is this guy still allowed on the site?
OK, I'll keep in in mind 8/30 is a long way away. I may not be in NJ any longer at that point!!
There are all kinds of Indians in NJ, just not many Native Americans.
Do we get to know the day of the event? I may do it if its on a weekend.
I thought the someone was going to hide the caches ahead of time, not have the fox hide them on the run.
The fox was going to leave markers saying he'd
been there.
What happened to that plan?
Its just a stuffed monkey. Everyone needs to relax.
Night Vision here in NJ cannly be done at night.
Its a good thing you had the car as a waypoint. I forget to do that!
And I don't take anywhere near as much stuff!
Lack of planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on mine.
I'd try reading the 2 threads about this already here.
Lack of planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on mine.
Originally posted by Harrald:Here's a quarter. Go buy a clue.
As always, the above statements are just MHO.
Ha! Yes! LOL!
Lack of planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on mine.
Originally posted by RogBarn:quote:
Originally posted by Rygel:I'm an agnostic and I could care less what religious item someone puts in the cache because the items have no meaning to me. If its cool looking I might trade for it.
The only thing I wouldn't want to see is literature trying to save my immortal soul.
No, I haven't accepted Jesus as my personal savior.
Lack of planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on mine.
Perhaps your tag line for this topic should be:
Lack of planning on my part does not constitute an emergency on yours.
I'm taking this as a comment that I won't be ready for the Rapture when it comes.
Don't worry I won't be running to anyone looking to be saved. I'm comfortable with my stance on religion and prepared to deal with the consequences should I be proved wrong.
Lack of planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on mine.
OK, I confess its me. They are letting the newbies take over to calm the egos of the "big guys".
I'm an agnostic and I could care less what religious item someone puts in the cache because the items have no meaning to me. If its cool looking I might trade for it.
The only thing I wouldn't want to see is literature trying to save my immortal soul.
No, I haven't accepted Jesus as my personal savior.
Lack of planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on mine.
Very well said Bayberry.
Let me add that I don't feel there has to be a "need" to have the group. There is a "want".
The whole thing has been overcomplicated since the beginning.
Its a group of people who WANT to get together and plans events, caches, etc.
Where did you get that fancy window sticker? That beats the hell out of the one offered now.
Lack of planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on mine.
I'm done. You win. A group would be a horrible thing social or otherwise.
It appears you have an issue with the NJGA that was formed several weeks ago.
I do as well. I don't like how that was handled.
What we are trying to do here is initate discussion on what a group would be, what people want to see in a group.
If a group is formed and you don't want to be a part of it that's your choice. You can form youor own group or go off on your own.
If a group is formed it will speak for the people in the group.
It is impossible to please everyone.
Gals and Guys,
Why did you form your local geocaching organization? Some of us in NJ would like to form one but are meeting with great resistance from local cachers.
I'd like to get ideas on why you have created your organization.
Lack of planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on mine.
What are the reasons other states have started groups?
I'll bet its not all because they had to deal with law enforcement. I'll bet some got together so they could organize better events.
Lack of planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on mine.
What's up with the tabulation of the poll? I voted and my vote isn't registered!
I'm for choice 2.
Lack of planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on mine.
If there is going to be a group for any reason there needs to be some organization to it.
The one that exists now is poorly organized.
Things are not communicated to people who have expressed an interest.
I don't understand the resistance to the idea. No one here is laying down rules on how this should be done.
People are looking for opinions on how a group could be formed that would suit the majority of people interested.
People who don't want to be included, don;t have to be. I can be a gun owner but don;t need to be a member of the NRA. But I know that the NRA has a more powerful voice then I ever would by myself.
This NJGA should start as a social organization and IF neccessary move to a more offical capacity.
Not quite sure why you are attacking me in regards to the southern issue. That was not my doing and is my problem with the current situtation.
It appears that some do want and organization. Its your choice not to participating.
Several other states have social organizations. I don't see why there has to be a legal issue or otherwise in order to form an association.
Lack of planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on mine.
What's weird in NJ?
in Northeast
I just picked up issue 20 last night. I see Mark & Mark will be in Bridgewater in May doing a talk I may swing over there and check it out. I saw them in East Brunswick a few years back.