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Everything posted by Geofellas

  1. Yikes!! I never realised that ANY logs would automatically get deleted. I have certainly never received a notification of any of my "Will Attend" logs having been deleted. That is a real pain and I fail to see the logic behind it. Interesting information might have been included in some of those logs. Often part of the fun of an Event cache is the lead up, including the joking around that goes on in the cache's official record. I don't see why TPTB should EVER delete a log unless it violates some terms of service or for similar reasons - it sure can't be to save disk space since the space taken up in the database by "Will Attend" logs must be miniscule in the whole scheme of things. The courtesy of a notification along with a link to the archived log that its originator could access would seem the minimum that should be provided if this is to continue.
  2. Thanks - good to know the public transport system can be useful and get me to useful places. Since it now looks that I will have about 24 hours I can stay overnoght in a hotel and won't have to worry about my luggage/carry on bags etc. So does it makes sense (or is it a really stupid idea) to rent a car and get out more into the countryside?
  3. I am tentatively planning a business trip to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia from Toronto at the end of September and am looking at organising my flights so I have long enough layovers on the way to do some geocaching. One such possibility would be at Singapore - a layover of approximately 22 hours. Can anyone provide advice on how best to get around to cache locations reasonably close to the airport please. Thanks
  4. I am tentatively planning a business trip to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia from Toronto at the end of September and am looking at organising my flights so I have long enough layovers on the way to do some geocaching. One such possibility would be at HKG, Hong Kong Can anyone provide advice on how best to get around to cache locations reasonably close to the airport please. Also, what are the possibilities of visiting mainland China for some caching during this layover? Thanks
  5. I am tentatively planning a business trip to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia from Toronto at the end of September and am looking at organising my flights so I have long enough layovers on the way to do some geocaching. One such possibility would be at BKK - Bangkok, Thailand - a layover of approximately 12 hours. Can anyone provide advice on how best to get around to cache locations reasonably close to the airport please. Thanks
  6. I am tentatively planning a business trip to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia from Toronto at the end of September and am looking at organising my flights so I have long enough layovers on the way to do some geocaching. One such possibility would be at ICN, Seoul, South Korea - a layover of approximately 22 hours. Can anyone provide advice on how best to get around to cache locations reasonably close to the airport please. Thanks
  7. Notifications started arriving again around midnight here in the UK Thanks for fixing it.
  8. Is this going to be a regular feature I wonder? OK - before I get too upset - are others finding the same problem? I have had no notifications since 430 am Central European time today which I think is 730 pm Friday night in the home of Groundspeak. Signal isn't signalling to me
  9. This happened the other weekend to me and I started a thread here about it. I then mildly hinted that that perhaps Groundspeak might possibly pay attention to the email thread and got roundly told off by a moderator for suggesting that Groundspeak might actually pay attention to a forum thread after mid afternoon on a Friday and told to send an e-mail to contact@Groundspeak.com - so this time that is what I shall do. Perhaps other folks might do so too so as to get this issue resolved
  10. Hmm - 355pm PDT on Friday is a problem for an organisation that supposedly provides a 24 hour service (this is an IT issue after all)? I'm sure the office isn't closed and the doors all locked over the weekend. A thread entitled "GMail delivery problems" should attract attention I would have thought. In fact it's rather surprising that the IT folks hadn't noticed this issue earlier in the day since by then it had been going on for many hours and since it had occurred on a previous occasion should have been one of the issues that would have been watched for. From many other threads one has little confidence that contact@geocaching.com is an effective means of achieving anything. In fact on http://www.geocaching.com/contact/ it explicitly says "We get thousands of emails each day, and as a small team it is difficult to respond to each and every email in a prompt manner." Not very confidence building... In addition it goes on to say "After checking out the knowledge base and the forums if you do not see the answer to your question, you may email us directly. " clearly indicating that the forums are the first line of contact to use and then, if that doesn't work, giving us permission to send an email. There was once a support URL http://support.Groundspeak.com/Support/index.php but that seems to have fallen by the wayside as it is no longer accessible. Shame - that was a very good way of submitting problem reports - you got a ticket number etc. Seemed very professional and started to give confidence that it was a maturing organisation. Oh well - the problem is fixed now however it was caused - hopefully it will not reoccur.
  11. Yep - the logjam just broke Someone at gc.com or gmail did something
  12. Thanks Here is what I wrote to Google: While this appears to let geocaching.com off the hook I believe they could be helpful in getting this resolved rather than just ignoring this thread.
  13. Still no e-mail Earth to Groundspeak...
  14. That's four I did just get a private e-mail but there must be a holdup with all the other notifications. It does seem to affect only gmail since notifications for the same caches/TBs have reached people who are on different domains. Time for TPTB to comment perhaps
  15. I have not received any notifications to my GMail account since 149am EDT today. I know there should have been some since I have posted logs to caches I have a watch on as well as to my own TB and I know that others with non-gmail accounts have received notifications of these. There was a problem with delivery to gmail some time ago so I wonder if it is happening again?
  16. The above extract from the headers of a recent "instant" notification seems to indicate a delay of almost 21 hours in the e-mail moving from signal.Groundspeak.com to mx.google.com (i.e. gmail)
  17. Sure - we'll send you an e-mail from the Cayman Islands when we get it there
  18. See the details here Let's make it soon folks - we're counting on you
  19. Ah - of course - so that's what happened to our order for special April Fools geocoins - CSIS hijacked them
  20. This thread has now passed the 15,000 views mark
  21. For those of you who are wondering about what has started to become a regular Geofellas activity - yes we ARE planning April Fools fun this year. With April Fools day being a Sunday this year we are going to change the format a bit. We are still working on the details but so you can put it in your calendar here are some basics. The Event will be a Sunday lunch/afternoon "pub" gathering. The location is still to be decided as the pub from the last two years has now closed and we are working to locate a suitable alternative in the Stouffville area. We plan to have a real cache as well that will kick off early on the Sunday morning - but we won't be doing the midnight thing this year - we want to make it more family friendly so the "kick-off" for that will be at a "reasonable" hour.
  22. At around 215am EST there were about 100 go to (in the GCZZWs at any rate) and new numbers were being isssued at the rate of about one every 3 to 4 minutes. So I dozed off and when I awoke at 330am EST it had reached GC10006. A very rapid rate increase in that 75 minute period. So it looks like GCZZZZ probably happened after midnight, even on the left coast.
  23. Everywhere you go in Tokyo. Also quite a lot in Berlin although, in typical German style, instead of temporary paint they often use a different pavement surface to identify the bike lanes - more permanent .
  24. Not at home but I sometimes do when travelling. I recall Brussels and Boston where I used public transport and Berlin where I rented a bike. For Tokyo I had taken a folding bike with me on the plane which worked great as you can take it on the subway and the sidewalks have bike lanes painted on them too.
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