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Posts posted by sv_ted

  1. I bought my O650 for the extra memory and the camera. I eventually decided to try the battery pack and have never taken it out. When I get back from a caching session I connect my O650 to my computer to download finds and then just leave it connected. The batteries get recharged. When I head out again I then disconnect it. I also carry extra batteries in case the pack runs out. If you hunt around a bit you can find reports from users who have successfully strapped together higher capacity batteries. There is a small switch between the batteries that must be pressed to tell the Oregon that the standard NiMH battery pack is being used. This keeps the charger from trying to charge alkaline or lithium batteries.

  2. If you drove 4 hours to test one, why didn't you just buy it while you were out?


    The only one they had was their display and wouldn't budge on price. Also had a discount direct from Garmin and they express shipped (2 days). Now if it would just start warming up here in Nebraska, I would be ready to go.


    I would also be interested in how other Oregon 6xx owners are loading that plethora of geocaches on their units.


    I load my 650 using GSAK and always use the GGZ file type. It's supposed to index & sort faster. I normally have about 15,000 caches onboard.


    I had been using GSAK in the past, looked, didn't see the Oregon 600 series available as an option to send to GPS nor did I see anything about GGZ files through the export option. Does GSAK have to be updated to the new version 8 to get the GGZ file option?


    I use GSAK8 and the GGZ file type is the standard for cache export for my Oregon 650. I don't use GGZ because I like to view the caches on my 650 using Basecamp and it does not support GGZ. What's with that Garmin?

  3. I have an Oregon 650 which replaced my old Oregon 450. I am very happy with the 650 but it is important to keep in mind the "Garmin Experience". These devices are very complex and your experience with them will depend on how you use them. For me, I am willing to adjust how I do things to avoid the bugs in the Garmin software. Others are not and you will find their complaints on the web. Even with my adjustments I still have occasional lockups and crashes with my 650. I also had these with my Oregon 450 so I have accepted these as part of the Garmin Experience. From what I read other makers of GPS's are not any better. It is helpful to keep track of the problems others are having with the unit you choose so you can avoid the circumstances that result in those problems. Garmin does update their software periodically to fix bugs but does not get them all and many times introduces new ones. Wait a week or two before updating to see how others are doing with any new firmware.


    I got the 650 because I wanted the camera to take pictures of caches. The 650 also comes with more memory than the 600 which allows more maps and geocaches to be loaded before having to resort to a memory card. I did not get the 650t because I can get better topo maps elsewhere for free. Look around on the web.


    Using any new tool requires practice to get the most out of it. Your new GPS will be the same.


    Good luck

  4. I use my Oregon 450 on my mountain bike mounted on the handlebars. I noticed that the compass would point in the correct direction as long as I was moving. If I stopped it would point off in an odd direction. Long story short, the handlebars are made of chrome-moly steel and are slightly magnetic. As long as I am moving at a reasonable pace the standard compass (based on movement) will work fine. When I move slowly or stop the electronic compass will take over and be affected by the magnetic handlebars.


    You may be wearing or carrying something metallic that is slightly magnetized and affecting your compass.

  5. I used my Garmin 450 on a month-long trip to South East Asia last fall. It was great for finding my way back to the hotel. I used OSM routeable maps. I placed a waypoint at the hotel and would then just walk. When I wanted to return I would have the 450 route me back. It was great.

  6. Next time install the map on your SD so if it happens again take the SD out.

    For now reset your Dakota.


    How do I reset the Dakota? I have tried to connect it to the computer with and without batteries. I have tried holding the power button for minutes and then plugging in the USB connector. Is there another way?

  7. On May 31 I bought a Dakota 20 at REI. I enjoyed it quite a lot mountain biking and even tried some geocaching. It worked fine until I tried to show it off to my sister and it would not power up. I was away from home so I bought some new batteries and tried again. No luck. Later, on the computer it was not recognized at all. OK...a bad unit. On June 28 I returned it to REI and was sent a brand new replacement. It arrived on July 2. It worked fine and I went through a set of batteries playing with it. When I changed batteries today it would not power up. I tried different batteries with no luck. I plugged it into the computer and it is not recognized. I called Garmin and they said that my problem is not with their hardware but with my maps. I am using a routeable OSM map. I installed it on my PC and then opened it in Basecamp. With Basecamp I installed it on my Dakota. After installation it works fine for a while and then the Dakota dies. Is it possible that the map can do something to the Dakota to render it useless?

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